MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 327 Warm Elven Welcoming

Chapter 327 Warm Elven Welcoming

[Congrats! First Human to Make it Here!] 

The system wasn't the only one to congratulate Jack. Indeed, there were already a bunch of very "friendly" elves ready to welcome him. 

There were about fifty of them, all in the process of casting one magic spell or another. Oh, and all of them were aimed straight at him! 

- Thorny vines to rip him apart 

- Deadly looking ethereal weapons to slice him 

- Magical projectiles to drown/burn/crush/obliterate him 

- …. 

Heck, even the birds seemed like they wanted to turn him into mincemeat! If a lousy host contest existed, they would have 100% gotten first place! 

Their leader, a handsome elven dude— or lady, shouted: 

"Lady Crystal Leaf, get away from this beast!" 

Crystal Leaf? What kind of stupid name was this?! No wonder this was the first time he heard it. Still, right now he had more pressing issues, for instance… 

< Experienced Elven Mage 57! :leaf_fluttering_in_wind::sparkles: > 

< Elder Elven Swordsman 59! :leaf_fluttering_in_wind::sparkles: > 

< Mighty White Griffin 65! :leaf_fluttering_in_wind::sparkles: > 


Jack glanced at all these mighty beings while keeping his calm. Was it because he had everything under control? Nope, quite the contrary: he was fucked! 

He couldn't picture a scenario in which he'd be able to deal with them. Since there was nothing he could do, there was no point in panicking, right? 

But he wasn't out of hope just yet… 

"Stay your magic! No harm shall come to him!" Not only didn't his guide move, but she even put her body straight in the line of fire. 

Her meaning was obvious: Want to kill him? Over my dead body! 

That's when her elven brethren lost their minds…and temper. Magical sparks were already flying around them as they slightly lost control over their mana. 

At this moment, it would have seemed as if he was an unpardonable villain. 

[Affinity Reaching Negative Levels!]

[Achievement! Kidnapped a Princess!] 

Luckily— or unluckily, Crystal Leaf hurriedly came to his defense. 

"You guys are misunderstanding. He's my savior! I would be a slave without his bravery and wits. I'm the one that insisted that he escort me here. I owe him this much!" 

She spoke eloquently, her eyes shining with incredible admiration and her face flushed as she remembered the short time they had spent together. 

[Affinity's All Gone!] 

[Achievement! Seduced a Princess!] 

Seduced? What seduced?! Sure he had disregarded a few Affinity + pop-ups, but there was no way it had reached a point of no return. It was a naive crush at worst! 

But, the elves didn't see it like this, nor did they care about his opinion. One darted toward him, a vortex of flying water blades orbiting around him. 

"You dare!" The princess took a stand….only to be sent flying by a gentle grasp. For an instant, she seemed to float away. 

The sharp tip of the spell reached straight toward Jack's heart. It slashed his chest, penetrated the organ, and…suddenly stopped?! 

"W-why?!" The belligerent Elf questioned. 

"If he is to die, so will I." Crystal Leaf had taken a dagger out of nowhere and aimed it at her own throat at the last second. 

Was there a need to go so far? In her eyes, yes.

It was a melodramatic and overused gesture, yet Jack couldn't help but praise her inwardly. He could see how serious she was in her gaze, even in her unbelievable naivety. 

"P-princess?! Why?!" 

Many tried to reason with her, but it was clear that she would have none of it. They were utterly helpless in front of this "tantrum" of hers. 

The less they understood her and the angrier they got at the human. He was obviously the one who had messed with her head! 

The atmosphere was now as relaxed as a gunpowder keg with extra dynamite and chili peppers. Oh, and Jack just happened to be the center of it: fun times. 

Just as it was about to explode, the group of elves suddenly parted. 

— An old lady appeared! — 

The newcomer was an Elf Lady that looked around 30 in human years, pretty much as old-looking as they came. 

Somehow, her body managed to be even more explosive than the atmosphere, her simple white cloth dress struggling to hide her bountiful charm. 

A tree medallion was nestled between her assets. A YGG's symbol? Given the design, she was probably a priestess of the Eternal God of life. 

Somehow, her simple presence managed to calm the atmosphere. As soon as Jack's companion saw her, she beamed in joy. "Big sis! Please, reason with them!" She begged. 

She came forward, analyzing the human before her. 

"Fearless, calm, resolute…." In the back, Young Leaf nodded with incredible vigor. Yes, yes, he was! But then the older finished: "…also foolish, ignoble and undeserving of living." 

"W-what?! There's no way!" She vehemently protested. 

"His mere presence breaks the humans' promise. One without honor who schemes to get close to royalty is ignoble. He coming here is foolish, for he will die." She remarked. 

"That can't be!" Leaf was unwilling, faltering with despair. 

In the back, the elves were already snickering. To them, such condemnation was not only accurate but also just. Exhibit A —> Elves are Bastards. 

The humans' promise? What did a promise made at least a thousand years ago have to do with the current humans?! The elves should have sent an ambassador or something! 

As for what would happen now, Jack could already guess it. 

The "Big sister" suddenly changed her tune, giving a benevolent smile. "Well, if he did save you, he needs to be rewarded."

"R-really?!" Young Leaf happily chirped. 

"Indeed…he will be executed with dignity and will even be buried in the External elven Cemetery amidst the most renown elven servants." Her tone remained gentle. 

"WHAT?! YGG would never agree with—" 

"My decision is final." 

That's when creeping branches slapped the knife away, preventing any suicidal attempt. Thus the human's fate was decided. 

Any other player would have been shouting at the injustice, yet all Jack did was take a mental note. Exhibit B —> Elves are Bastards 

Well, perhaps there was an exception… 

By the side, the once arrogant elven princess was trembling, sorrow, self-blame, and anguish clear on her face. Her brain seemed about to erupt from overthinking. 

There was no way out of this, not this one… 

1. Use his previous knowledge to better communicate with them? They'd get suspicious of how he had learned their language in the first place. 

2. Try to reason with them over justice? This could only work with a curious youngster not set in their way yet. 

Jack would endure and treat them with MERCY: 

1. 'Member 

2. Enlist An Army 

3. Raid Their Village 

4. Crush Them Entirely

5. You Regretting Yet Fools?! 

Yep, he was already picturing it all in his head. The upcoming events would be as magnificent as bloody! After coming in person, he'd be able to guide an army back. 

Hidden Village of the Elves? —> $$$$ 

As for the morality of the whole thing…this could be considered a legitimate defense, right? They would have killed him first in any case.  josei

He patiently waited for the execution to begin as he observed the grinning elves. He had to admit that they were truly powerful. Tch— Defeating them would be troublesome. 

Still, their arrogance would be their downfall. They'd be the main cause of their— His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shout. 

"I object to killing him!" His only ally was still lobbying. How cute. 

The others were already about to dismiss her and retort, but she picked up the pace. The others couldn't even place a word because of how fast she was! 

"Long ago, some humans were guests of the Eternal Tree! They were welcomed with open arms and could visit anytime. They were even considered YGG's children too!" 


"Yes, they were heroes, chosen by YGG himself! Do you dare claim that our God was mistaken in his benevolence? Are you perhaps rebelling against his teachings?!" 

"That's not—"

"He must perish for "invading" our land? How is that any fair?! Do you even remember the old teachings?! Aren't you supposed to represent him in all—" 

Just as her speech was getting heated, the priestess interrupted: 

"How dare you compare this puny human to the heroes of old! They were worthy beings who were pure and true, nothing like this worm!" 

"Yes! Listen to reason." 

"She who represents YGG is wise!" 

The others were already clamoring in support. At this moment, they were sending disapproving glares at the young elven girl. Did she forget her elven roots? 

They all pointed fingers at her: she was the one in the wrong. Her reputation and status were getting lower by the second. 

She was committing a pure social suicide, bound to carry this shame forever. But she didn't care, still racking her brain on how to save him… 

"It's alright. You've done enough. I'll be fine." Jack gently whispered. 

Really, she had done enough. It wasn't like dying once was a big deal for him anyway. He'd be teleported back home just in time for supper. #Perfect Timing! 

She teared up. He was showing such a relaxed smile for her sake! Screw all the legendary figures, he was the real hero! He was the one who had saved her from the darkness and… 

AH! She suddenly had a flash of insight, a victorious smile blooming on her face. She turned toward the elven crowd and… 

"I nominate Jack'O as a hero candidate! He'll go through the Legendary Elven Trials and prove his worth!" She powerfully declared. 

"WHAT?!! Do you know what will happen to you once he fails?!"

"Humph! He'll succeed! I believe in him!" 

[Optional Quest: Elven Trials!]

[Accept? Y/N ?] 

A flabbergasted Jack stared at his notifications. What the actual hell?! Trials? No freaking way! He had been so close to going home! As for refusing....GODDAMNIT! 

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