Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 167

Chapter 167: Gayoon's Story (3)

The bell for the final period rang and the students began to file out of the class. Gayoon and Jaewan remained behind because they had detention. Once the students were gone, they picked up their bags and began to walk towards the detention room.

"Why did you hit the teacher with the paper ball?" she asked. "Won't you miss out on practice?"

His behavior really puzzled her. Jaewan was not a particularly smart student but never got into trouble with the teachers either. He was mostly busy with his training schedule at his agency and always had after school practices which he attended quite regularly. So it baffled her to see him act that way.

"I thought I could clean the speck of dust off his head if I hit him with a paper ball," Jaewan shrugged in an attempt to lie. Gayoon rolled her eyes. The guy spoke such ridiculous stuff with a serious face which made her wonder if he was right in the head.

Once they entered the detention room, Jaewan froze. 

"What is it?" she asked. 

"This placeā€¦" he began, scrutinizing the area. It was a small room with only ten desks and a chair for the teacher in the middle. The space was cramped but that did not bother him. Instead, he ran a finger on one of the desks and frowned.

"Dusty," he commented and immediately took out a cloth and spray from his bag.

"You actually carry those?" Gayoon asked, resisting the urge to facepalm herself.

"I wasn't joking when I said I make my own cleaning formula!" he claimed. Gayoon gaped at him. The guy who was the worst student in chemistry was making cleaning products?

His mind sure is far away from the comprehension of humans, she sighed and sat on a chair. Jaewan was happily cleaning his desk and chair when the teacher walked in.

"You two will have to stay here for three hours," he said. "No talking and not looking at each other. You can read or do your schoolwork during this time."

Jaewan made a face at him. He had hoped to use this time and talk to Gayoon but the girl simply nodded and like the good nerd she was, took out her books to study. It amazed him that despite having a handsome hunk like him so close to her, she was still focused on her studies!


"Can we skip the part where the mother of my child was spending three hours detention with a clean freak and focus on the important bit?" Minho said in an irritated tone. Even though he was listening to her story with great interest, he could not help but scowl everytime Ahn Jaewan popped up in her tale. 

"He is an important part of the story!" Gayoon frowned. 

"Yeah well, shorten his contribution!" Minho sneered. 

Gayoon shook her head. Despite narrating one of the most harrowing parts of her life, she could not help but laugh at Minho's jealousy. 

"You said you'll do whatever I'll tell you to," she reminded him. "So bear with me."

Minho looked like he was fighting an internal struggle. He wanted to listen to her whole tale but the presence of Ahn Jaewan was ticking off the nerve on his forehead.

"Fine," he gritted. "Continue."


It was almost two hours into their detention. Gayoon was still diligently doing her schoolwork while Jaewan was reading a comic. The teacher had dozed off in his chair, not bothering with the troublemakers. 

"Ugh, Maths!" Gayoon muttered as she stared at the complicated numbers in front of her. She aspired to join the police academy and seriously doubted her need to learn these things. How was it gonna help her in learning what happened to squares of x and y? It made no sense to her!

She muttered angrily as she tried to solve the problems although she was sure that all her answers were wrong. Yet, she was so engrossed in her work, that she did not notice the temperature dropping inside the room. A slow gush of wind was blowing inside, making her shiver a little. The lights flickered above them.

The sudden scratching sound caused Gayoon goosebumps. Finally feeling the coldness in the room, she gradually looked up. The door to the detention room was ajar but she could see a pearly glow behind the cracks.

A long figure entered through the door, her nails scratching the walls. It was the same blind woman Gayoon had seen outside of their classroom window. She was walking around the room, scratching the wall as she went along. Jaewan was still reading his comic while the teacher was snoozing, both of them unaware of the spirit which was walking amongst them. They could not even hear her making scratching noises.

Only Gayoon could hear them and she wanted to shut her ears. The ghost had not sensed her yet but it was closing in on her. She passed by Jaewan, who simply shivered as the ghost walked past him. Gayoon squirmed and froze as the ghost approached her way. 

The noise was making Gayoon more scared and she held her breath, not daring to move. Trying to focus on her schoolwork, she wanted to ignore the ghost.

It's blind, she told herself. It can't see you. It's blind. So it'll be okay.

She tried to read the numbers in front of her but her concentration was breaking. The ghost was too near and Gayoon wanted to scream. Her body ached to run away from that thing but it betrayed her. She kept on looking at her book, hoping the ghost would go away.

Suddenly, the noises stopped but Gayoon did not look up in fear. What if it was still around but only hiding? She kept her gaze on the book, trying not to look sideways. But it was of no use.

The pale white hand clasped her palm. Its cold hand made Gayoon shudder but she dared not to move. The ghost had found her and the fact that it could touch her, made it finally believe that there was seer amongst the students. 

As if in a slow motion, Gayoon looked to her right, her eyes directly looking into the lady's empty sockets.

"Found you," the ghost moaned.josei

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