Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Gayoon's Story (7)

"Are you alright?" an elderly woman asked Gayoon who looked very shocked and scared. Gayoon was visibly shaken at what she had just seen and wanted to quickly get out of that place. 

"I'm fine!" she squeaked, getting to her feet and walking away from that place while people stared at her. She dashed towards her bike and got on it. Glancing back, she was a little relieved to find that the ghost did not follow her but as soon as she tried to back out of the parking lot, her way was blocked by a large motorbike. 

Two people took off their helmet and to her annoyance, it was Yoo and his girlfriend Minjung. They were surprised to see the freak there but soon, Yoo's lips curved into a wicked smile.

"Oh look it's the freak!" he sneered. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be locked up in an asylum?"

"They don't want her either!" Minjung laughed. "Even the inmates can't handle her nonsense. She's cursed after all."

Gayoon did not bother to reply and was trying to back out of the lot but Yoo pushed her from behind, causing her to tumble on the parked bikes and she fell with a loud crash. 

"UGH!" she groaned in pain. Her foot was caught in one of the bike's wheels and her hands were scraped but she glared at the two bullies who were roaring in laughter.

"I guess she needs some holy water too!" Minjung declared, taking out a water bottle and began to sprinkle Gayoon with it.

"Stop that!" Gayoon yelled but Minjung kept on sprinkling the water while Yoo recorded it on his phone, laughing wildly. 

"Are the spirits gone, freak?" Minjung taunted as she splashed Gayoon with the water.

"STOP IT!" Gayoon yelled. Her clothes were getting wet and she aimed a kick at Minjung who fell over.

"AH!" she screamed as she stumbled backwards. Yoo immediately rushed to her side and held her hand.

"Babe, are you alright?" he asked worriedly as Minjung reeled in pain.

"The bitch pushed me!" she yelled. Yoo snarled at Gayoon who was trying to get up but he grabbed her by the hair and pulled it hard. Gayoon screamed in pain as he kept on pulling her hair. 

"You're gonna pay for this!" he threatened her but Gayoon spat at his face, temporarily distracting him. Yoo cursed at her, wiping the saliva off his face with his free hand when Gayoon took advantage of his distraction and kicked him hard in the shins.

Yoo screamed in agony as another punch landed on his face, knocking him backwards. Minjung yelled for him but Gayoon did not stay back to check if he was seriously injured and she ran for her life. The two bullies might be teenagers but they would not hesitate to kill anyone. She just did not want to be part of their victim list.

Leaving her bag and bike behind, she ran with all her might, not looking back at all. It was only when she reached her house, did she finally stop to let out a sigh of relief. Panting heavily, she locked the gates behind her and dashed to her room. Her grandmother was at the cafe so she was all alone in the house.

Gayoon checked herself in the mirror. The fall had caused her face to sustain minor scratches and her foot was beginning to hurt. Is it broken? She wondered. Limping towards the medicine cabinet, she began to apply a balm on her injured foot and then disinfected her cuts to put ointment on them. Her grandmother would flip if she found out about the bullying so she would have to come up with a good lie.

She sighed and put away the medicine box when her eyes fell on the calendar. It was 16th February that day, only a month away from her eighteenth birthday. The prospect of becoming eighteen was exciting for Gayoon who was surprised to be even alive all this time. But the thought of spending another birthday away from her dad also saddened her.

Her father had abandoned her mother after finding out about her abilities to see spirits and also believed that the unborn Gayoon was a curse. He never came back for them, leaving them behind as he went on to have another family of his own. Gayoon had asked her grandmother many times about him. 

What if he had changed his mind and was regretting his decision? What if he wanted to see his daughter now? What if he was just too ashamed to return? What if…? What if…?

Gayoon wanted to think positive. She wanted to believe that her father truly loved her and sincerely wanted to return to her. But no matter how many times she asked her grandmother about her father, the old woman would not tell her, believing that they were better off without that man. Gayoon did not even know his name and Shujin just would not tell her.

She sighed and limped back to the cabinet, locking the medicine box in it. Her eyes briefly went to the mirror on the cabinet and she yelled in fright. 

The burnt ghost was standing right behind her, staring at her with a loathful glare. His skin was peeling off while his lips were blackened with soot. His hair had been burnt off while one of his eyes was squashed in completely and the other eye was looking at her directly.

"So you can see me," the man jeered at her. The aura was growing darker around her as she backed off to a counter. The burnt man stepped towards her, a sinister smile etched on his burnt lips as he cornered the girl. The moment he saw her at the mall, he knew she could sense him and when she screamed upon seeing his appearance, his suspicions were confirmed.

"You're a pretty little thing, aren't you?" he whispered. "I like pretty girls…"

He raised a pale finger, reaching out for her. Gayoon squirmed as the cold finger touched her and she winced when it was stroking her cheek. The ghost was not a friendly one and she wanted to run away from the place. 

"I haven't been with a pretty girl for a long time," the man went on, his voice filled with a cold fury. "The last one I tried to assault, ended up burning me. I wonder if I still have that lust…"

Gayoon whimpered. Ghosts might be the spirits of the dead but extremely malicious ones could assault humans and some even rape them without leaving any evidence while the victim lives in trauma for the rest of their lives. This man was also one of those evil spirits and upon finding Gayoon all alone, he could not help but lust for the young girl. He wondered how delicate her skin was as he stepped closer to her.

Suddenly, Gayoon threw a handful of white powder at him and the ghost yelled in agony, stumbling backwards as its skin burnt. She had thrown salt on him which was causing him pain. Taking her chance, she dashed for the front door.

As soon as she opened it, she bumped into a tall figure who was startled to find her in that state.

"Gayoon?" josei

"Ahjusshi!" she exclaimed and hugged him tightly. Her ahjusshi was surprised to find her so scared but immediately understood what might have happened.

"Where is it?" he asked quietly.

"Near the medicine cabinet!" she replied. "It's a dangerous one!"

"Don't worry," ahjusshi assured her. "Doesn't matter how dangerous the spirit is."

His eyes were lit with a dangerous gleam as he wore a pair of dark glasses and took out the rosary beads from his pocket. 

"If any spirit tries to harm my family again, I'll send those bastards to hell!" he declared.

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