Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Gayoon's Story (9)

"Your eyes look hideous," Jaewan noted. They were having lunch at the cafeteria and Gayoon looked as if she had not slept for days. Dark circles formed beneath her eyes and she looked as if she would fall asleep any moment.

"I haven't slept for days," she said with a yawn. "Exams are around the corner."

And the ghost of a bloody opera singer has been singing like a banshee every night, she added in her mind. Sooyeon's ghost had been arriving at her room every night, insisting on making Gayoon listen to her 'songs'. Turned out, she was a terrible singer and also tone deaf. Gayoon felt like ripping her ears off and throwing them at her just to make her stop. 

She slumped on the table, exhausted. Jaewan frowned at her state. He could tell that there was something more to the story but he did not comment on it. Gayoon snoozed while he finished his lunch and stood up to throw his cartons away.

"Do you want a drink?" he asked. She merely nodded, not looking up. Jaewan strode off towards the vending machine to get the drinks. After a few seconds, she heard the chair next to her slide.

"You got the juice?" she mumbled, still not looking up. Instead, she held her hand out to take the packet. He shoved it in her outstretched hand and she quietly sipped on it before frowning.

"This is avocado!" she complained, getting up to face Jaewan. "I like-"

She froze mid-sentence. Sitting next to her was not Jaewan. It was Seungjo.

He was smiling sheepishly at her from behind those dorky glasses but Gayoon squirmed. Seungjo edged closer to her and said, "Avocado juice is good for your health, Gayoonie."

Gayoonie? What the hell?

"I don't want it," she said firmly, grabbing her bag to get up but Seungjo followed her to the secluded corridor outside the cafeteria.

"I just thought that you'd need something nutritious for your body!" he claimed. "I know you like apple juice but this is even better!"

Gayoon paused and turned to face him, anger visible on her face.

"How do you know what I like?" she demanded. She was a nobody at school! People there did not care for her likes or dislikes. Even Jaewan did not know much about her but this guy...this guy was trying to get too friendly with her. 

Something about him greatly irked her and she could not help but be angry at him.

"I see you drinking apple juice everyday," Seungjo simply said. "I watch you from afar and I know all your habits."

Gayoon's lips quivered as he went on. She noticed that his shyness was being replaced with a strange smile as he narrated his findings about her.

"I know you like to eat sweet stuff a lot," he stated. "You also like to listen to the new idol groups. You also prefer to have spicy ramen with beef and also you have a habit of scratching your pencil whenever you're nervous. And-"

"Enough!" she exclaimed. The more disgusted she felt. All the things he was saying about her did not make her feel jittery nor happy that someone knew so much about her. Instead, it made her feel as if her privacy was being invaded. This person had been spying on her and she remained oblivious!

"Are you stalking me?" she asked. "This is insane!"

"No!" Seungjo claimed. "I'm not stalking you! I merely observe you!"

"You followed me to my house!" she accused. "Park Seungjo, this isn't healthy behavior! Everything that you're stating is known only by my close friends! This is really troubling. You are not my friend nor do I know you well-"

"But I am your friend," he insisted. "I care so much about you! Look, I even made another picture of you."

To her horror, he took out another handmade portrait where she was looking through the clothes at a mall. This was drawn last week when she had visited the mall to buy clothes.

"You followed me there?" she realized. This boy is insane! She thought. 

"I accompanied you there," he corrected. "That's what friends do! They protect each other."

His dorky eyes hid a hint of a dangerous manis which was now oozing out of him. Gayoon was scared of this boy who clearly hid behind a nerdy facade. 

"What's going on here?" 

Jaewan's voice startled them as he came up to Gayoon, holding two packets of apple juice in his hands. He looked from Gayoon to Seungjo who flushed at the sight of him.

"N-n-none of your business!" Seungjo claimed. "This is between me and Gayoon!"

His hands clenched into a fist as the pretty boy frowned at him. It angered him to see Gayoon hanging out with another boy whereas he was always there for her.

Jaewan raised an eyebrow at Seungjo's words. "I'm her friend," he said coolly. "What happens with her does concern me."

He turned to Gayoon who looked angry and scared. One look at her told him the whole story. 

"Is he bothering you?" he demanded. "Do you want to file a complaint against him to the teachers?"josei

"Yes," she replied firmly. There was no way she would let a creep like him loose in the school like that. What if he stalked someone else and ended up harming them?

Upon her words, Seungjo was visibly scared. He clasped his hands together and begged her.

"Please don't!" he pleaded. "If my mom finds out, she'll be devastated! I swear I'll not do it again!"

"No," Gayoon refused. "I won't heed to your begging. You've been stalking me and that's just plain disgusting. I can't let this go-"

"I don't have a dad!" Seungjo revealed. "My mom raised me with a lot of difficulty. I can't let her down! Please, Gayoon! Please let me off the hook this time."

Jaewn glanced at Gayoon who looked a bit affected by his words. The fact that Seungjo did not have a dad either tugged at her heartstring and she was debating with her herself.

"Fine," she conceded. "I'll let you go this time. But I won't be lenient if you do this again!"

The last part was a direct threat. She was not going to let him off the hook if he repeated this offence. Jaewan was about to open his mind to protest but she held his arm and simply said, "Let's go from here."

She threw a disgusted look at Seungjo before leading Jaewan away from that place. 

Seungjo watched as she walked away from him, holding another man's arm. His blood boiled at the sight and he wanted to smash the pretty boy's face. Gayoon never looked his way and called his romantic gestures disgusting. 

But he was smirking in joy. His mission to her heart was halfway complete. Very soon, she would come to him on her own to beg for his love. The time was near.

"You will come to me, Gayoonie," he swore.

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