Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Back to School (10)

The principal went on stage to address the crowd. 

"Teachers and our dear alumni," he said. "Welcome to this small reunion! All of you have many beautiful memories here with your friends-" 

"Yeah right!" Gayoon muttered. "When it wasn't ghosts, bullies and the teachers chased me!" 

"I was on your side though," Jaewan pointed out. 

"And yet, you couldn't keep her safe," Minho stated smugly. 

Before Jaewan could retort, Gayoon stepped in. 

"Stop it!" she said sharply. "One more word and I'll throw both of you out of here!" 

"We're the guests of honor!" Minho hissed. "You can't do that!" 

"Try me."

Both the men gaped at her and then at each other. She was serious. They would be thrown out if they kept on bickering. 

They listened to the Principal talking about the achievements of the school, which was not much, but he was exaggerating it a lot. Finally, he concluded the speech by telling everyone to settle for dinner. 

"Let's go and sit at the front," Minho suggested. Gayoon nodded and he led her to the reserved table where they were placed with the school's board members. To his annoyance, Jaewan was also following them. 

"Why are you sitting here?" Minho frowned when Jaewan was sitting on Gayoon's other side. 

"I'm a special guest too," he mentioned, spraying his part of the table with a special cleaning chemical. He took out another spray to use on the plates and cutlery. 

"You missed a spot," Minho pointed out. 

"Which one?" Jaewan asked, turning the plate upside down to check which spot he missed cleaning. 

"Your head," Minho replied. "It needs cleaning too." 

Gayoon stomped on his foot from under the table, making him almost cry in pain. Why was his woman so darn strong? 

"Mr. Hwang, I hope that you will benefit greatly from this land," the Principal said. "We're very excited to move into the new premises but leaving this one is also saddening for us." 

"Our company will be building a hypermarket here," Minho stated. "It will be one of a kind! We've acquired the entire neighborhood and are looking forward to making the market a success."

There was a murmur of approval among the board members. 

"Where is the school moving to?" Gayoon asked. 

"In C-town," the principal replied. "A much better place if you ask me! It's got a larger field, more space for lockers, cleaner washrooms and we managed to create ten extra lab rooms for kids!" 

"Yeah, it sounds better than this hell hole," Jaewan muttered, glancing around their so-called school. It was not a bad place but the school just did not feel right. There were too many accidents there and if rumors were true, people had died before due to faulty construction or some other defect in the building. 

"Whoever made this building did not do a good job," Minho agreed. His sharp eyes had discerned the cheap cement used in some of the building's construction and if he was not wrong, the rods used were not top quality either. Only the foundation was kept strong. 

"The architect who built this chose all the wrong materials for this building," the principal sighed. 

"You guys could have sued him for this negligence," Gayoon pointed out. "Why didn't you?" 

"He died years ago after he fell from the roof of this school," the principal said. "He was leaning against the railing when it crumbled against his weight and broke off. And he fell." 

Talk about karma, Gayoon thought. Thank god he didn't return as a ghost! 

Just then, the servers came into the hall, carrying plates of food. As they begun to serve everyone, Minho's head lit up with an idea. He was not fond of it, but he had to do it. 

"Ahn Jaewan," he called. Jaewan and Gayoon both looked at him, frowning. 

"What?" Jaewan snapped. 

"I need to talk to you," Minho said. "In private." 

"You're not gonna fight again, are you?" Gayoon hissed. 

"No!" Minho claimed. "It's business related." 

But they did not believe him and continued to stare at him suspiciously. Minho could only sigh and say, "Follow me."

Jaewan frowned as he followed Minho out of the hall. Minho led him to a long, secluded corridor away from the party. Finally, he stopped and turned. 

"What is it?" Jaewan asked. 

"Park Seungjo," Minho said. "How did he really die?" 


Jina was desperate as she tried to get hold of Junho. The old man had given her his number in case of an emergency and this was an emergency! 

She had been trying to call him but he was out of reach! 

"Oh come one, old man!" she begged, dialing his number for the umpteenth time. "Pick up!" 

"What happened?" Yumi demanded. Jina looked very scared and was eyeing an uniform which was placed on the coffee table. Even Casper was curious to know and gestured at Jina but she was preoccupied with trying to contact Junho. 

"I have to get hold of that old man we met at the hospital!" Jina exclaimed. "That thing…" 

They followed her gaze to the uniform. 

"Those clothes?" Yumi asked. 

Jina nodded, her mind filled with the terrifying image of that boy calling out her mother's name. He was somewhere near her, watching and stalking her. The boy was biding for his time to attack and Jina had a feeling that he would harm her mother that night. 

"That thing is cursed," she revealed. "I saw a vision! It belongs to a boy who's gonna hurt mom!" 

She was still holding the phone to her ear. Suddenly, someone responded on the other end. Before a shocked Yumi could reply, Junho's voice came through the speaker. 


"Old man!" Jina exclaimed. 

"Who the hell are you calling old?" Junho asked gruffly. He had just returned home from his long trip and was grumpy with tiredness. 

"Old man, mommy is in danger!" Jina revealed. "The boy who calls her 'Gayoonie' is gonna harm her. Tonight!" josei

Junho froze in shock. There was only one person who called her that. Park Seungjo. 

"How do you know this?" he demanded. 

"My dad brought home an uniform belonging to some guy named Park Seungjo," she revealed. "I touched it and saw him! He's gonna harm her tonight at the school!" 

"School…" Junho frowned before realization hit him. 

"Don't tell me," he began slowly. "That Gayoon is at her school?" 

Jina bit her lip in worry before answering, "Yes. She's there!" 

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