Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 217

Chapter 217: World of the Dead (9)


Gayoon was walking along the empty corridor while the other children were downstairs enjoying the fair. Minjung had told her to meet at their classroom. She was worried about the girl's condition. Not only was she assaulted but Gayoon doubted that the girl got herself any medical assistance. In these cases, what if she got pregnant or worse, contracted an STD?

"Minjung?" she called but there was no one.



Gayoon screamed and fell backwards. She heard Sooyeon's cackle above her which irritated the girl a lot.

"What's the big idea?" Gayoon scowled.

"Gotcha boss!" Sooyeon giggled. "I just wanted to scare someone! But no one else can hear me. Boss, wanna hear my songs?"

"Not now, Sooyen," Gayoon groaned. "I have to find someone. Have you seen any girl walking by?"

Sooyeon's pale face turned paler. "You mean that girl who bullies you?" she grimaced. "Yeah, I saw her walking towards the washroom. I hope that toilet ghost attacks her."

"Don't say that!" Gayoon said sharply. "She has gone through enough! I'm gonna go and check on her!"

"Relax," Sooyeon assured her. "The toilet ghost doesn't turn up during the day. And he haunts the boy's washroom."

Gayoon shook her head in dismay. "I guess I'll wait for her in the classroom," she sighed.

"Boss, why are you waiting for her?" Sooyeon asked curiously. "What if she tries to harm you?"

"That girl is in no state to harm anyone," Gayoon said sadly. "Not after what happened to her a few days ago."

"Wait…" Sooyeon frowned. "Is she the one who was assaulted in the closet near the gym?"

Gayoon froze in her steps. "What?" Gayoon asked. "How do you know about that?"

"The ghosts around this school heard someone making moaning sounds inside the closet," Sooyeon stated. "A perverted peeper was looking through the cracks on the door and saw that guy, Seungjo. You know, your creepy stalker? He was doing the deed with a girl. But the peeper said that the girl was unconscious so all of us guessed what may have happened. We weren't surprised though. That guy is shady. It's not the first time he did something like that."

"What do you mean?" Gayoon demanded.

Sooyeon looked around as if trying to see if anyone was nearby.

"Come in here," she said, motioning Gayoon to follow her into room number 12B. "I'll tell you a secret."

Gayoon followed her in and locked the door behind her. "Tell me what else do you know," she said.

"You remember that teacher who used to insult you a lot?" Sooyeon asked. "The mean one who died?"


"Well, one of the ghosts told us that he was killed by a student who looked an awful lot like Seungjo," Sooyeon revealed. "I wasn't there so I don't know. But he had those nerdy specs and awkward demeanor. Except for the fact that he looked nuts. Well, that also goes with him. But yeah, the murderer looked a lot like him."

Gayoon was shocked upon hearing that. Not only was Seungjo a rapist but also a murderer? But somehow, it all made sense.josei

"Also," Sooyeon said. "I think he's been doing all this for a while. He was transferred here last year, wasn't he? I've heard rumors from other ghosts that in his last school, he was obsessed with a young teacher. She was engaged so she didn't pay much heed to him. So, one night, he drugged her and did something to her. The next morning, there was a video viral throughout the school where the teacher was shown to have gotten intimate with one of the school students. The student's picture was blurred but the uniform was clear."

"The teacher was blamed for having a relationship with a minor," Sooyeon went on. "And kicked out. She pleaded that she had no idea of what happened that night but the school board wouldn't listen. Her engagement was called off and one night, she was found dead by hanging. The police said that it was a suicide but there were marks on her body which showed she was beaten up. After that, Seungjo also transferred out and came here."

It took a while for Gayoon to find her voice. She was so sickened by what she had heard that her stomach churned. Park Seungjo was not a monster. No. Monsters were tame and even likeable. 

Park Seungjo was a demon from hell.

While Gayoon was listening to Sooyeon's revelations, Minjung was staggering towards classroom 12A. She was disheartened and disheveled. Her usually porcelain skin was gaunt while her hair was a mess. The depression within her was eating her alive and she was broken from within. In her hand was a pregnancy stick.

She looked at the two strips which had appeared on it. Tears fell from her eyes and she was at a loss about what to do. She took the test five times and every time the results were the same. That demon's baby was in her and had become a part of her.

Sobbing she went into the classroom, in the hopes that she would be able to talk to the only person who would understand her pain. Even though Gayoon was not her close friend, over the past few weeks, she severely regretted the way she had treated her. Gayoon had been nothing but kind to her, texting her everyday to make sure that she was well and eating. Minjung avoided everyone and after a while, their texts and calls had stopped but Gayoon was the only one who tirelessly messaged her. 

This only made Minjung feel more guilty of what she had done to Gayoon in the past.

I'm going to make everything right, she decided. It was time to punish Park Seungjo for what he had done to her and she was going to ask Gayoon for her support.

She slowly pushed open the door. The place was dark because all the windows were closed and the shutters were down. Their classroom was always dark because it was situated on the back side of the school and even during daytime, they barely got much light. She went over to one of the windows and raised the shutter. Opening the window, she let some light enter. It was not much but the darkness was eating her soul.

The door behind her opened and closed. Maybe it was Gayoon.

"G-" she began to call but something grabbed her mouth from behind. Scared, Minjung struggled to be free but the hands were too strong.


It was that voice! It was his voice! That demon who had destroyed her was back again!"

"Gayoonie," Seungjo whispered into her ears. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?" 

Gayoon? He thought she was Gayoon? Why was he there? What did he want from her?

"I've been waiting so long for this," he said, sniffing her neck. Minjung squirmed and tried to yell but her screams were muffled by his arm. She bit into it but Seungjo felt nothing. On the contrary, he laughed harder.

"Are you gonna hide from me Gayoonie?" he giggled in a menacing way. His laughter was carved into her heart, increasing her fears. She wanted to get away from him but no matter where she went, his shadow followed her and there was no escape. 

Save me, she begged. She did not know whom she was begging to but whoever could hear her. Her silent struggles were being shut out in the darkness. She was being forced to lean over a desk but she did not give up. Minjung resisted with all her might, not letting the demon hurt her again but Seungjo was only enjoying his prey's fight. 

His Gayoon was a fighter and even though he could have used sleeping agents on her, he decided that the struggle was much more fun. 

"Fight more, Gayoonie!" he laughed. "I want you to fight! I want you to struggle. No one's gonna hear you in here! After all, no one's gonna listen to you! Why would they listen to a cursed one? That hate you, remember?"

Minjung was crying but did not give up. She kept on hitting any place she could find, kicking and slapping but to no vain. Her strength was not enough and she was going to relive the nightmare again. They struggled, going in circles with Seungjo's back facing the window.

"Anyone who hurts you will die," he claimed. "First it was that teacher!"

Minjung was momentarily shocked. Teacher? The one who died recently? What was happening?

Seungjo's lips curved into an evil smile. "That's right!" he said in glee. "I killed him for bullying you! I saw the life being snuffed out of him."

"And then that Minjung," he went on. "That bitch! She bullied you! And when I tried to confess my love to you, she made fun of our love! We're meant to be and yet...yet she...she destroyed our pure love. That white lotus bitch made you hate me!"

"So I took away her pure image," Seungjo hissed. "Took it away in front of her own eyes! I tainted her with my seeds. I didn't even use a condom that day! I figured, even if she got pregnant, who's gonna believe her? They're gonna think her as a slut and make fun of her! Her reputation will be ruined if she reveals anything! And her precious boyfriend, Yoo, will dump her!"

"But I love you so much, Gayoonie! I swear, Minjung means nothing to me! I only ruined her reputation because of what she did to you! And yet...yet, you won't come to me."

"But fear not," he continued. "Today, you'll be mine. I'm gonna make you mine! After today, you'll not look at anyone else but me! I'm gonna make sure that we'll be together forever."

In his lust, he did not realize that Minjung had gone still upon hearing his words. He was going to do it again. Even if she escaped his clutches, he would do it again. It was Minjung once. Today, it was almost Gayoon. And tomorrow, it'll be someone else.

"Just you and me, Gayoonie…" he whispered. Suddenly, as if possessed by something Minjung hit his stomach with her elbow, using all of her remaining strength. 

Seungjo doubled over and taking her chance, Minjung turned around. Seungjo only got a glimpse of her face and grabbed on to her chest. A button tore from her shirt but before Seungjo could react, Minjung pushed him backwards through the window.


Seungjo's screams startled Gayoon and Sooyeon in the other room. 

"What the-"

Gayoon ran towards 12A and burst into the room only to see Minjung standing near the window, looking down. 

"Boss, what did she do?" Sooyeon whispered. Gayoon did not reply but slowly walked towards Minjung. 

"I did it, Gayoon," the girl simply said. "I've killed the demon."

Gayoon followed her gaze and to her shock, saw Seungjo's mangled body on the ground. But that was not all.

Standing next to his dead body, was a translucent being with the same outfit and appearance as him. His ghostly figure was looking down at his dead body. He looked up and met Gayoon's dark eyes.

Seungjo was dead. But he was not gone.

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