Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 246

Chapter 246: VIP Ward 7





Kanji was carrying a bag of bagels and two cups of americanos, making his way towards Mina's room. She was entangled in an all night surgery and would be out any minute.

Ever since she had seen him with that woman at Ahn Jaewan's fan event, she was maintaining a distance from him. From the outside, she was behaving normally and continued their playful banter. But she had stopped hijacking his credit cards and did not even go shopping for days. He knew that because whenever she went shopping, she would drag him along. Plus, Gayoon had also mentioned it to him when she borrowed his magazine.

He paused outside her room and sighed. It was complicated to explain to her of his real work and the dangers which were associated with it. Ever since they rescued Mina from the CCK twenty years ago, Kanji could not help but feel as if he was weak. What if she was hurt that night? Or worse? What if they had failed to save her?

Becoming the head of his mafia gang was something he wanted to avoid. His father, Jung Jason, had pointed out several times that one he was involved, it would be impossible to get out of it because all the other gangs would hunt him and his family members down.

"You can't live a single day of peace, Kanji," his father had warned him. But Kanji had taken up that position after careful deliberation. Seeing his best friend and Mina in danger, he knew that he would have to become more ruthless so that he could eliminate any CCK which came their way. He had knocked off the gun from Minho's hands and instead, took it up himself in order to prevent his friend from dirtying his hands.

What he did not expect, was to fall in love with Mina. Their friendly banter had one day turned into real feelings. The little girl had grown up and she was a lady who would pull him around. But he realized his feeling for her the day he saw her with a patient for the first time. The rude and spoilt princess who always used him as a human credit card, was truly compassionate towards her patients. The smile she had flashed at the old woman she had treated was genuine and full of sincerity, something which he thought was not possible with Hwang Mina.

And yet, there she was, caring for the patients without thinking of money or payment. She was helping them because she genuinely wanted to. She was determined to save the lives of her patients no matter what they did. It was not merely her job but her passion.

So how could he, a killer, taint her with his darkness?


Mina's voice came from behind, startling him. She had changed into a fresh pair of scrubs and looked tired from the all night long surgery. There were dark circles beneath her eyes and she looked pale as a ghost.

"You look terrible," he commented. Mina scowled and punched his arm hard. Kanji pretended to yelp in pain but in reality her punches barely hurt him.

"Idiot," she muttered. Without another word, she took the bag of bagels from his hand and took one out before chewing on it.

"Why are you here?" she asked, entering her office with the bagel bag.

"To bring you breakfast, of course!" he claimed. "I haven't seen your pretty face in a while!"

Mina saw a glimmer in his eyes as he said those words. Did he mean what he said? She wondered. But the glimmer was gone and his usual playfulness was back. She looked away, still chewing her bagel but her heart was thumping loudly.

Should I ask him about that woman? She questioned herself.

"Of course, I had a pretty date with me," he went on. Mina stopped chewing. She went still, her heart overwhelmed by sadness upon hearing his words.

"She was quite a beauty," Kanji shrugged. "Nothing compared to you, of course. But still. She was totally my type."

He took out one of the coffee cups and began to sip on it, pretending not to notice Mina's troubled expression. The latter quickly composed herself. Control yourself, she scolded herself. He's not your boyfriend so he has the right to go out with anyone he wants!

"I really should ask her out on another date-"

The rest of his words were blocked out as Mina forced a bagel into his mouth to shut him up.

"Which girl would have an annoying person like you as a boyfriend?" she sneered.

"Loads of them!" Kanji smiled. "Of course, my credit cards are always for you and you only."

He poked her on the forehead but Mina was not pleased. The very thought of Kanji being with that dumb blonde was making her sick. She fought the urge to snatch the coffee cup from his hand and spill it all over his stupid head. Before she could work on her instincts, she inadvertently yawned which made Kanji frown.

"Aren't you going home?" Kanji asked.

"I don't want to go home today," she mumbled. "Brother and Gayoon are gonna drop off Jina at her winter camp while they take a little detour at his lodge."

"Ahh…so that's why Gayoon borrowed my magazine," Kanji realized. It was the same magazine he had gotten those rules of love from for Minho.

"Magazine?" Mina asked. Before Kanji could explain, Mina's pager lit up.

"Ugh!" she scowled. "It's him again."

"Him?" Kanji echoed.

"Yeah, the guy in the VIP ward 7," she sighed. "I swear he was born to annoy me. No matter how many times I tell him not to worry, he keeps on paging me to check up on him. I tried to get another cardiologist to handle him but he insists on having me as his primary doctor. It's a pain!"

"Who is this mysterious patient?" Kanji asked. For some reason, he could not help but feel a little envious of this patient who had Mina's attention.

"A guy," she shrugged. There was no need to tell Kanji about the mafia lord in the VIP room. It would only worry him and that was the last thing she wanted.

"I'll go and check up on him," she said. "Stay here."

With that, she rushed off towards the VIP ward. Kanji stayed back for a few seconds before leaving the room to walk towards a nurse in the nearby counter.

"Hey sweetheart," he winked. The nurse looked up and blushed at the handsome tycoon who was clearly flirting with her.

"S-sir!" she squeaked. "H-how may I h-help you?"

"I seemed to have dropped my cell phone," he sighed. "I swear I had passed the VIP section and dropped it around there. Can I get assistance from the security team to look for it?"

The nurse looked alarmed at the mention of VIP room 7. She looked around before lowering her voice to say, "Sir, I'd suggest you not to go back there. The place is not safe for us."

"What do you meant?" Kanji asked, suddenly alarmed. Not safe? But Mina had gone there!

"The current occupant of that ward if Lim Haejong," the nurse revealed. "The mafia leader of the Lim family. They have guards around the place who will shoot anyone without the hospital's badge. Currently, only Dr. Hwang can go near it and no one else is permitted to enter."

Kanji's face was white as a sheet. He was shocked upon hearing the revelation. Lim Haejong, his worst enemy, was being treated by the woman he loved.

Could it get any more twisted? He thought bitterly.

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