Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: Scars of the Dead (12)




Kanji watched Mina hug Lin Haejong, his face devoid of any reaction. But his heart was writhing in jealousy upon seeing his rival with the woman he loved. Haejong was equally shocked by Mina's change in attitude but upon glancing at Kanji, he also hugged her back.

"I missed you too, babe," he whispered in Mina's ears. She squirmed a little and let him go, plastering a smile on her face. 

"Oppa, I'm so glad you're here!" she went on, lying through her teeth. "Let's go inside."

She glanced at Kanji and feigned to have noticed him. "Kanji!" she called. "You're here too! Did you bring the wine like my brother asked?"

"Of course I did!" Kanji exclaimed, faking a cheerful smile. "Oh and meet my girlfriend, Yeonjoo."

Mina turned her attention to the brunette who clung to Kanji. She was wearing a strapless black dress. Her cleavage hung too low and she was holding on to Kanji's arm in such a way that it was brushing against her breasts. The woman wore light makeup but her lips were painted sparkling red and she let her hair loose in a sultry style. 

"Nice to meet you, Yeonshi," Mina smiled. 

"It's Yeonjoo," Yeonjoo corrected.

"I'm so sorry, you said, Yeonhee?" Mina feigned.

"Yeonjoo," the woman gritted with a smile.

"Yeonhoe?" Mina asked. "Hoe?"

Haejong stifled a laughter while Kanji pretended not to hear them. His eyes were fixed on Haejong, who was looking at Mina in an amused way. He did not like Mina's association with this man and he must find out what was going on between them.

"Let's all go in," Mina said loudly. "The guests will be here soon."

She led them inside towards the living room. Minho and Gayoon were also coming down the stairs only to notice the large group which had arrived. Gayoon's eyes narrowed on Haejong who was also staring at her warily. 

"You," Minho noted when he saw Haejong. "You were the one who helped us that night."

He did not elaborate in front of the stranger Kanji had brought but Haejong understood what he meant.

"Yes," Haejong said. He held out his hand and said, "Let me officially introduce myself. I am Lin Haejong."

Minho was also a little suspicious of this man his sister was dallying with but he shook his hand.

"I invited him!" Mina lied. From the corner of her eye, she saw Kanji was putting on a polite smile but it did not reach his eyes. He was staring at them, glass eyed. 

"Welcome to our home," Gayoon said with a warm smile. She turned towards the woman Kanji had brought and she was slightly confused by her presence.

"And this is…"

"This is Yeonhoe," Mina said loudly before Kanji could introduce the woman. The woman looked irritated at Mina's penchant to forget her name.josei

"It's Yeonjoo," she corrected her but Mina pretended not to hear her. 

"Yeonhoe is Kanji's date for tonight," Mina went on. Gayoon was surprised by that revelation. But she had little time to dwell on that because right then, the doorbell rang. Nanny Kim headed towards the entrance and within seconds, she arrived at the living room.

"The Kang's are here, sir and madam," she announced with a bow. Soon, the Kang family entered the living room.

They were a family of three. Kang Danny was dressed in a formal suit while his wife was also wearing a navy blue suit. Both of them oozed elegance and style. Doyoung had put on heavy makeup and her hair was styled in a neat bun while her neck was adorned with a simple pearl necklace. 

Danny was also looking sleek with his razor sharp looks and mild demeanor. Their son, Siwan, was dressed in a formal shirt and pants. 

"Welcome!" Minho greeted them. "You must be Doctor Kang!"

"Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Hwang," Danny said in a polite tone. "This is my wife, Kim Doyoung."

He gestured at Doyoung. "And this is my son, Kang Siwan," he pointed at Siwan. The boy did not smile but bowed in front of Minho.

"How do you do sir?" he asked. Gayoon was a little taken aback by how formal and robotic the little child sounded. It was as if he was deprived of all joy. She might have just met him but she was familiar with that tone in children. A ten year old would not sound that formal unless he faced a rough discipline.

"This is my partner, Detective Jeon Gayoon," Minho introduced her. Gayoon smiled and shook hands with the couple while noticing that Danny's eyes had suddenly darkened upon hearing the term 'detective'.

"Nice to meet you, detective," he said. Doyoung warmly smiled at her. She was several inches taller than Gayoon which made the latter feel inferior. In fact, the woman's appearance was ravishing and she felt nervous around her. How was she going to be on par with women of her society? 

"Pleasure to meet you," Doyoung said. "May I call you Gayoon? I hate formalities! You can also call me Doyoung."

"Thank you, D-Doyoung," Gayoon stammered a little. After introducing the others and putting the coats of the guests away, they were all welcomed into the living room.

"You have a lovely home," Doyoung complimented Gayoon. 

"Would you like to have a tour?" Gayoon asked. She shared a glance with Minho who nodded. They had discussed this earlier. By separately talking to the couple, they might be able to gain an insight on them better. Minho would grill Danny while Gayoon would question the wife.

"Of course!" Doyoung exclaimed. "I would love to."

"Let us sit at the living room and catch up with our business interests," Minho suggested to Danny. "I am highly interested in discussing your new hospital."

"Very well," Danny smiled and followed Minho to the study.

"I guess the families have taken a liking to each other!" Kanji joked. 

"Won't you show me the beautiful garden, oppa?" Yeonjoo pouted. Kanji glanced at Mina and then to his date. 

"Sure dear," he said. Mina shifted in her stance, feeling uncomfortable while Haejong stared at her.

"I'll go and bring out more wine from the cellar," Mina said, getting up from the couch and heading towards the cellar. Haejong followed her out. Kanji was about to follow them as well but Yeonjoo held on to his arm.

"Let's go oppa!" she whined. He gritted inwardly for bringing this woman but he had little choice. She was the mistress of one of Lin family's henchmen and could give him valuable information on them.

"Let's go my dear," he smiled at her and they headed for the garden.

"I must say, the decor is lovely," Doyoung said. She was very impressed with the unique furniture and the circular structure of the mansion. The Hwang's were rumored to have one of the most expensive houses in the country and now that she was in it, she could see why they were considered a class apart.

Gayoon smiled and thanked her. She led Doyoung upstairs to show off the mansion while looking for the perfect opportunity to ask her about her husband. She turned to Siwan, who was quietly following them. 

"Siwan, would you like some chocolates?" she gently asked.

"I do not eat sweets," he stated. 

"He is a picky eater, I'm afraid," Doyoung sighed. "He only eats fresh fruits and vegetables as instructed by his father."

As instructed by his father? Gayoon noted the last sentence but did not comment. 

"Siwan, why don't you go play with my daughter in the playroom?" she suggested. "We'll take you to her room and you guys can play together!"

"Okay," he said in a monotone. He was not really interested to play with a silly girl but he had to be polite as per his father's orders. Gayoon led them to Jina's room where she was happily writing something on a piece of paper.

"You have a daughter?" Doyoung asked. 

"Yes!" Gayoon exclaimed. "She'll turn nine this year."

"But you look so...young!"

"I...I gave birth to her when I was eighteen," Gayoon replied sheepishly. "Long story, really."

Doyoung did not comment on it but merely shrugged. Gayoon led them to Jina's room where the latter was probably working on, as Jina had quoted, 'a top secret project'.

"Jina," Gayoon said, opening the door. "Look, I've brought a friend for you to play with!"

"Eh?" Jina looked up and her eyes flared up upon seeing the familiar boy. Siwan was also shell shocked at seeing the demon who had tormented him at camp.

"YOU!" both of them shouted in unison, pointing fingers at each other. 

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