Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 283

Chapter 283: An Image

"I'm getting bored!" Yumi complained. They had been on stakeout at Kang Danny's house for two days and other than overhearing the wife talking about some Choi Hyeri, they did not find anything else. Even Kang Danny had not come home for the past two days.

Casper gave her a reproachful look.

"Why are you scolding me?" Yumi asked, feeling affronted. "We're not gonna find anything useful here! Other than that whiny brat and his mum, no one lives in this god awful place."

She hated the cold and quiet mansion. It had no charm nor any familial vibes like the Hwang's did. The brat was a sullen and obnoxious kid while his mother was always busy with other work or trying to appease him. The relationship was quite strained since the kid, Siwan, did not communicate with her properly. Even Casper was becoming uneasy by how quiet the mansion was.

He used sign language to convey something to Yumi, which the latter understood and sighed.

"You're right," she agreed. "A boy like Shinho wouldn't have been any happier among these people. They're so detached and distant from each other. I used to think rich people were always happy and seeing Jina with her family almost made me believe that they're probably not so different from us after all. But this...this isn't a home. Just a stone mansion."

Her partner nodded, feeling sad. For some reason, he also pitied the boy who lived there. The little boy might be spoilt but he lacked love and affection from his father. Something about his condition was making Casper feel extremely guilty.

"Are you thinking of something?" Yumi asked. Casper nodded.

"About your death?" She guessed. To her slight surprise, he shook his head. He made a few gestures which made Yumi frown.

"You feel sorry for Siwan?" she echoed. "And guilty? Why?"

He made more signs to which Yumi replied, "You're getting flashbacks of a little boy? Really?"

That was news to her. Casper had lost his memories and rarely talked about himself but this was the first time she was hearing of this.

"You saw another boy in your vision?" she asked. Casper nodded and made more hand signs.

"You saw that you were pulling him away from a crash site?" she interpreted. "And that someone had died on that site? Anything else? Do you remember anything else?"

Casper shook his head. He tried to remember his past but there was nothing else. No memories nor images. His mind was like an empty canvas which was waiting to be filled. 

Yumi reached out and patted him. Beneath his scary appearance, he was just a sweet old man who simply loved the people close to him. He doted on Jina as if she was his own granddaughter and even Yumi was warming up to him. Seeing him so sad made her heart ache for the old man.

"You'll find your killer soon," she assured him. "And we'll punish him!"

But Casper shook his head and made signs in the air.

"You only want to ask him where your family is?" she gasped. "You don't want to punish him?"

What a strange man, she thought. For some reason, Casper was not angry at his killer. He simply wants to find the boy he had seen in his vision. He knew very well that the boy was alive and somewhere out there. He was also sure that the boy was related to him. Perhaps his son or grandson? He wanted to know and he had a hunch that his killer might know where that boy is.

Yumi was about to comfort him more when the front door opened and Kang Danny hurried inside. Doyoung and Siwan were out so the house was relatively empty. He went straight towards his study room, locking the door behind him.

"Let's follow him!" Yumi exclaimed but Casper was already ahead. He went through the locked door as if he was air and entered the study where Kang Danny looked agitated. His usual elegance was gone and instead he was in a disheveled state. Danny loosened his tie and threw it sideways. His hands were trembling as if he was remembering something bad while his breath was heavy.

"That bloody bitch!" he cursed. "How dare she waltz into my hospital and question me?"

Danny was trying to control himself but it was almost impossible. He wanted to strangle Jeon Gayoon for her insolence but if he did that, her so-called lover would destroy him. If she was not Hwang Minho's mistress, Danny would have wiped her off the face of the earth!

"I have to find those documents," he declared. "But where did Hyeri keep them?"

"Documents?" Yumi gasped. She had just entered the room and stood beside Casper, who looked equally confused. 

"What documents?" she wondered. "I bet it's related to Shinho!"

They watched as Danny searched his drawers for something. He pulled out a large file and began to go through it. Finally, he seemed to have found what he was looking for.

"Locker number 601 at the H-Bank," he muttered. "But what's the passcode?"

Is this where she hid those documents? He wondered. Choi Hyeri was not a smart woman but she was protective of her child. She hid Shinho's birth certificate and also carried out a DNA test by stealing Danny's stray hair to prove the paternity of that boy. Using this knowledge, she blackmailed him into taking the boy into his household and to his dismay, she even gave the brat the Kang surname. If she had not threatened to expose his secret, Danny would have never taken that boy in.

A few days after Danny was forced to take custody of Shinho, Hyeri killed herself. It was an act of defiance because she thought that if she died, Danny would never be able to get his hands on the documents. 

But Hyeri had underestimated him. He used his connections to find out everything about Hyeri and managed to collect data on her accounts and lockers. The documents must be hidden in one of them.josei

"I'll burn all the evidence," he gritted. "That boy never existed and never will! I'll make sure of that."

Yumi held Casper's hand.

"We must warn the Hwang's!" she exclaimed. "This man...he's gone mad! We'll have to get our hands on those documents first!"

Casper nodded and the ghosts disapparated in thin air.

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