Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 285

Chapter 285: The Envelope

"He's going to burn papers?" Jina frowned. "How is that gonna help him?"

Her ghostly minions had just returned to inform her that Kang Danny was going to burn the documents which belonged to Shinho's mother.

"Those papers might be proof of Shinho's parentage!" Yumi explained. "Something which can prove that he's Shinho's father!"

They were in Jina's room. Shinho was also there, listening to what they had to say. Yumi turned to him and asked, "Shinho, do you know of anything your mother might have hidden in H-Bank? Locker number 601?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Shinho frowned. "I'm eight! I can't even enter a playground without a guardian! How do you expect me to know about banks?"


Yumi wanted to tear off her hair in annoyance but she realized that she was a ghost and it would do her no good. Sometimes she forgot that Jina and Shinho were just kids who might be smarter than their peers but still blissfully unaware of the adult world. Even Casper was feeling worried about what would happen if Danny burnt those documents.

"But we need to tell your father about this!" Yumi said. "He might be able to stop him!"

"Wait…" Jina said slowly. "I don't know about these big things much, but I don't think dad should go there. That pedo doctor already knows him and seeing dad there might alert him. We'll need to send someone who is skilled in stalking people…"

Casper's ears piped up and he made a gesture which made Jina facepalm herself.

"Of course!" she realized. "We do know such a shady person!"

Junho was humming as he poached the eggs. He had a very good week. Not only was he able to exorcise a pesky perverted ghost which was haunting a girl's washroom, but he also managed to buy a whole stack of clothes at a sixty percent discount from the flea market. It was a bargain and it made his mood even brighter. 

"I'm gonna eat well tonight!" he said to himself happily as he sprinkled salt on the eggs. The perfectly made eggs were so enticing that his mouth was watering upon seeing them. 

Suddenly his phone rang which only annoyed him. 

"Hello?" he greeted grumpily when he answered the phone.

"Old man!" Jina's squeaky voice came from the other end. "Whatcha doin'?"

Can't a guy have his meal peacefully around here? He wondered in dismay. 

"For the last time," he gritted. "I am not old!"

"You have white hair so you're pretty old to me," she said.

Junho wanted to curse the gods for giving him the spawn of the devil as his granddaughter. Fate must have played some kind of cruel joke on him when it decided to mix Minho and Gayoon's DNA to produce a cheeky girl like Jina. But if he was being honest with himself, deep inside, he truly enjoyed the banter with his grandchild.

"What do you want now?" he asked warily.

"I need you to steal for me!" Jina revealed.


Yumi was writing down everything on a paper for Jina to read out loud.

"Go to H-Bank and stop a man named Kang Danny from burning the documents related to Shinho," Jina read out loud. "Those papers might have Shinho's parentage and we need them to catch his murderer."

"Who the hell is Kang Danny?" Junho frowned.

"A p-pedo?" Jina wondered out loud. "He's a pedo doctor."

Her words made the ghosts laugh out loud and they did not even bother to correct her. Junho, on the other hand, was confused. Ghosts, murderers and now pedophiles? What the hell was that girl up to now?

"Just bring those papers!" Jina insisted. "Somehow. Anyhow. Now!"

"Fine!" Junho exclaimed. "I'll go and get those papers. But you'd better explain me everything afterwards. What does the guy look like?"

"I think there's a picture of him on the internet," Jina said. "He's a famous pedo doctor."

Pedo doctor? How was his license not revoked?

"Fine," he replied. "I'll look into him and fetch those papers. H-Bank, locker 601, right?"

"Yes!" Jina said. "And you must get going now! He's on his way there!"

Junho sighed and hung up the phone. Without much ado, he put on his coat and headed for his van. On the way, he did a quick search on his mobile about Kang Danny. The profile of the pediatrician popped up on his homepage.

Ahh so that's what Jina meant by pedo, Junho realized. Reading the article, his name came across the name of the hospital. Little Home Hospital.

Little Home Hospital? He frowned. That name was awfully familiar to him. Kang…josei

Then it hit him. The Kang's were an old family of physicians and doctors who were among the top elites of the society. Back when Junho was a top tycoon, he had met up with Kang Aaron, the previous head of the family.

From the little Junho remembered about him, Aaron was an arrogant man who was fiercely proud of his family line and how they were connected to all the influential families through marriage of his sons and daughters. They boasted their roots to everyone but their numerous affairs with other women were also very famous. Kang Aaron had two sons, Jacob and Danny. Since Danny was the CEO of the hospital, that only meant that Jacob was either cut out of the family or left on his own will.

But that was not the reason why Junho remembered the Kang's.

Aaron had dared to insult Junho's wife, Suna, for her lack of proper background. She did not tell Junho anything about it but when he found out from his secretary, he had driven the Kang's to the point of bankruptcy. Unfortunately, before he could wipe out their pride, Suna was killed and he was forced to flee which gave them the chance to regain their wealth.

"Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all," he gritted, clenching the steering wheel. Kang Aaron was dead but his rotten fruit was still sowing his seeds. 

He stepped on the pedal, hurrying towards the bank.


Danny was smirking as he stepped outside the bank. It might be nearly midnight but he had used his connections to get access to the locker number 601. He took out the envelope from the locker which held the documents. 

His hunch was correct. That damn bitch Hyeri had hidden the documents related to Shinho's birth and parentage in it. To his shock, she had also managed to get a DNA test doen which proved that he was Shinho's father.

"Damn that dirty woman!" he cursed. He had intended to sleep with her and then throw her away like his several other conquests but this one was so adamant on getting her son his proper place in the Kang family. 

Too bad her plan had failed. If she thought that Shinho would get any love from Danny, then she was wrong. He vowed his father that he would keep his family line pure. A bastard like Shinho had no place in it and never will.

Danny hid the envelope in his jacket and was heading for his car. There was no one else in sight except for an old man who was coughing loudly. Danny was focused on walking towards his car, fully hellbent on burning the papers when suddenly, the old man collapsed.

Pausing in his steps, he rushed towards the man who was wheezing. Seeing how the man was having difficulty in breathing, Danny checked his chest.

"Mister, do you have asthma?" he asked in a calm tone. It was important to keep calm to stop patients from panicking.

"Y-y-yes…" the old man managed to reply. "P-p-pock…"

Suddenly, the old man held Danny's collar, tears rolling down his eyes. "M-my w-w-w-ife is...w-w-waiting…"

"Calm down, sir," Danny said. "You'll be able to go to her tonight. Trust me, I'm a doctor."

He flashed an assuring smile and reached for the old man's pocket. Thankfully, there was an inhaler in it. He gently put the inhaler in the old man's mouth and pressed the button to let him inhale the medicine.

Instant relief dawned on the old man's face and he was finally able to breathe.

"Thank you so much, doctor," the man said in a hoarse tone. "The attack was so sudden that I could not reach for the inhaler…"

"It's alright," Danny smiled. "It happens. You're fine and that is the important thing."

The old man thanked Danny again and again for his kindness. Danny laughed, accepting his thanks before walking towards his car. The envelope was still safe in his jacket so he drove off.

FInally, I'll be free, he thought with a grin.

Unbeknownst to him, the old man was watching him leave. He let out a sigh and took out an envelope from his own jacket. 

Junho was eyeing it with interest. He opened it and checked the documents inside.

Jina was right. The papers were proof of Shinho's parentage. It was a good thing that Junho had picked up the art of acting while on his exorcism missions. Ghosts were quite tricky to deal with so he had his own underhand trickery to outwit them. 

Sometimes, he had to steal haunted objects from certain places or people so it was not hard for him to hoodwink someone like Danny. All he had to do was replace the original envelope with a similar looking one by stealing it from Danny's jacket. 

"Time to hand this over to Gayoon," he decided.



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