Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 295

Chapter 295: A War is Brewing


The man's screams were echoing through the empty hallway. He lay on the floor in an X-shape, his limbs tied to four posts, stretching him far apart. There were two men standing above him. One of them was controlling the pulley to the ropes connecting the porky man's limbs to the poles. 

"Tell us the truth," the man holding the pulley demanded. "Who killed the old master?"

"I...I don't know!" the man on the floor claimed. "I swear!"

There was a turn of the pulley and the man screamed in agony as his limbs were being stretched far apart. He had been imprisoned in the private cell of the Lin's for the past month and they had inflicted all sorts of punishment on him. They had stripped him of his clothes and dignity. LArge lash marks were visible on his thick skin while his captors had also burnt their cigarette butts onto his flesh. 

The place he was held captive in was the Lin family's own private villa, far away from the city. Surrounded by brown walls and no light, it was their torture chamber for their enemies. The stench of dead bodies hung in the air while the walls were stained with the blood of the previous inmates. There was only one bulb lit above them as the men stared hard at their prey beneath their feet. Their hawk like eyes were thirsty for his blood and his squeals only made them more eager to torment him.

The taller of the two men grabbed his hair and pulled it hard. 

"Listen porky!" he snarled. "Tell us the truth and we'll spare you!"

"I swear I don't know Lee!" the porky said. "I really don-"

"Don't test my patience, Minseok!" Lee yelled, still pulling his hair. "Who killed Lin Cheng? Who dared to kill the previous master of the Lin family? TELL US!"

He let go of Minseok's hair and pulled the lever again. Minseok let out an agonizing scream as his limbs were slowly being pulled in different directions. His hands were paining while his leg muscles were also on the verge of tearing apart. His skin was already red and he was sweating in fear. 

The third man was simply observing the whole thing. He was an average height man with grey hair and a sharp face. His light brown eyes were shrewd and calculative while he was a man of few words. In his late seventies, he was still fit and while he had lost his looks, it was apparent that he was handsome in his youth. There was a large scar across his cheek and part of his nose was broken.

"I...I swear I don't know!" Minseok pleaded. "…"

He looked up at the older man who looked bored. 

"Youngdo...I really don't know!" Minseok weakly claimed. "I-"

"You were spying for the Jang's," Youngdo said in a cool tone. "Were you not?"

"T-they blackmailed me!" Minseok said at once. "They held my daughter captive. Jang Kanji...he's dangerous! He knew my weakness and- AHHHHHHH!"

Lee pulled the lever, this time harder. Minseok yelled in pain. His whole body was about to tear open any minute.

"Tell us," Youngdo ordered. "Now."josei

Unable to take the torture anymore, Minseok yielded.

"J-Jang Kanji did it," he revealed. "He was the one who killed the Elder Master. Called him to the construction site and bashed his head only let him bleed to death! I saw it with my own eyes! I did!"

He had no other choice but to lie. No matter how many times he claimed that he did not know who the real killer was, the Lin family were determined to make him confess that the Jang's had killed the old master. The two families had been rivals in the underworld but after Lin Cheng's death, it had reached dangerous levels. 

They were now out for each other's blood.

Youngdo nodded at Lee and then turned back to Minseok. "Thank you, Minseok for finally telling the truth," Youngdo whispered. "And now, we don't need you anymore."

"W-what?" Minseok stammered. "But-"

"Kill him," Youngdo ordered in a cold tone. Lee obliged and pulled the lever all the way down. The machine began to steer and Minseok begged for mercy as his limbs were pulled further apart.

"The machine will do its own work," Lee said. "We should head out otherwise this pig's blood will spray on us."

Youngdo nodded and they exited the room, ignoring Minseok's desperate pleas. As soon as they closed the door behind them, they heard one last squeal followed by a loud noise of something being torn apart very violently. Blood mixed with small internal organs began to flow out from the crack of the door.

"My shoes are ruined," Youngdo noted. "His filthy blood is staining my soles."

"He finally confessed that Jang Kanji was behind the killing," Lee stated. "We should tell the boss."

"Now that we have a confession," Youngdo said. "It's time for a war."


Haejong was on his phone, listening to the caller from the other end. His blood was boiling and his eyes were burning with a cold vengeance. 

"Are you sure it was Jang Kanji?" he asked quietly. Even though he had asked the question many times, he still wanted to be completely sure. 

"It is Jang Kanji," Youngdo confirmed. "He had your grandfather killed. They had declared war on us, Young Master."

Haejong clutched the phone tight. His handsome features were distorted by his wrath which was hissing inside him like a thousand snakes, ready to be unleashed. The Jang's used to be mere pests in the way of their business but now, it was personal. He did not care much for his grandfather's death but Lin Cheng was a respected mafia leader. If Haejong did not avenge his grandfather's death, then he would be seen as a worthless weakling.

"I'll handle Jang Kanji myself," he said. "I know his weakness and I know how to exploit it. He'll rue the day he had declared war on us."

"Understood, Young Master," Youngdo said. Haejong hung up the phone and leaned against a wall to control himself. He was unsure of what to feel after making such a bold statement.

He knew Jang Kanji's weakness and he could ruin her any moment. If he wanted, he could forcefully tear her apart from Kanji without hesitating. After all, he was supposed to be the bad guy.

Then why was the ache in his heart growing stronger than the anger in his mind?

"No," he told himself, closing his eyes. "I can't fall weak! That's what the old man wanted! To make me feel weak. I can't be weak!"

He opened his eyes, renewing his resolve. Hwang Mina was right about him. He was a killer and he was born to kill. It was in his blood after all.

Enough with the cat and mouse chase, he decided. It's time for the Jang's to pay for they had done to us.

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