Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 327

Chapter 327: Pages of the Past (10)

"What do you mean we can't see her?" Minho demanded. He was furious at his father who had not let him meet their mother for the past two days. No matter how much he begged his father, the man would not budge.

Junho had sent away all the servants and there were just the four of them in the large mansion. The main bedroom was locked at all times with Suna in it and the children were not allowed to meet her. Mina had been crying almost nonstop for her mother but Junho was forbidding Suna from even holding her.

Minho was not understanding why his parents were so hellbent on keeping them away. They would not tell him anything.

"Minho, your mother is sick and the doctor has forbidden her from meeting anyone right now," Junho said firmly. His forehead was sweating and he looked as if he had aged in two days. The little boy was confused and wanted to see his mother. He tried to peek through the door but Junoh blocked the way.

"She'll meet you once she recovers," he assured him. "Just give it some time-"

"Mina is crying for mom!" Minho insisted. "I can't calm her down anymore! She needs her mother!"

Junho was helpless. "Son, just a few more days," he begged. "She'll be fine. I promise! Just take care of your sister. Please…"

Before Minho could argue, Junho went back into the room, locking it behind him. Suna was lying on the bed, completely unconscious and drained. Her skin was chalky and pale while her eyes sunk into her sockets. Her once rosy lips were dry and her hair had thinned in two days. Junho was completely in the dark about what to do with her.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at her husband who was distraught.


"Suna!" he exclaimed. "Is that you?"

She weakly raised her hand for him to touch. Junho held her palm, crying. "What do I do?" he asked her. "Why is this happening to you? I don't know whom to call-"

"I...I don't have much time…" Suna whispered. "Tonight, I'll be completely possessed…"

"No!" Junho insisted. "I won't let it-"

"You can't stop it," Suna said. "No one can. It's too powerful. This thing...this thing has been existing for god knows how many centuries. It won't be easy to get rid of it. You must kill me at the right moment."

Junho's eyes widened in shock. "No!" he claimed. "I will not do anything like that! We'll call a priest! I'm sure I can find someone who can do it. Your friend, Yeeun! She can help. She told me-"

"No!" Suna gasped. "Yeeun is pregnant. She can't take the risk. It'll kill her. You must kill me tonight at exactly 11:59 PM. Otherwise, it'll be too late-"

She suddenly began to cough violently. Clutching her chest, she kept on wheezing and coughing, scaring Junho. He rushed to grab a glass of water for her but she slapped his hand away and bent over the bed's edge to vomit out a black liquid. Junho patted her back, trying to calm her but she kept on vomiting the strange bile.

Finally, she laid back, panting for breath. Her skin was hot, too hot in fact. Junho measured her temperature and to his shock, it was nearing 115 degree celsius, much higher than the average for fever. If it went any higher, she would die.

"Take the medicines!" he told her but Suna shook her head.

"Junho...nothing will work…" she said weakly. "It's too...late…"

Suddenly, she gasped loudly and an invisible force pushed her back to the bed. She was writhing violently, her body being pushed and pulled from all sides. Junho jumped forward to keep her steady but something pushed him and he was thrown against the wall. Hitting his head, he fell unconscious. 

Suna was being picked up into the air and thrown back on the bed. She tried to scream but the entity's invisible hands clasped her mouth shut and she struggled hard to escape from its grasp but it was too strong for her. It kept on picking and throwing her into the air like a yoyo while the things in their bedroom were beginning to levitate.

"Tonight, you'll open the gates," the entity warned. "Your grief will wrench open the gates and I can finally be freed from this hell. You'd better do what I want, cunt!"

Suna tried to break free but the entity toyed with her, levitating her in the air like a ragdoll. Junho was coming around, flickering his eyes open. He was shocked to see his wife was flying in the air with no support. 

As soon as he woke up, the entity let go of Suna and threw her aside. Junho jumped and caught her on time, before she fell on the ground and hurt herself. He held on to his wife, both of them weeping hard.

"Free me, Junho," she begged. "Please...Please just free me from this suffering…"

She lost consciousness once again, her body falling limp. Junho kissed her forehead and looked up as if addressing the entity.

"What do you want from us?" he shouted. "Why are you doing this? What did we do to you?"

"Just let her go…" he begged. "Spare her!"

In the midst of his anguish, he heard the cold laughter of an invisible being which was floating nearby. He might not be able to see ghosts or spirits but at that moment, he felt the entity near him, whispering curses in his ears.

"Let the bitch go?" it sneered. "She's my ticket to freedom. If you want her to live, then she must do what I said. Otherwise, the consequence won't be good."

Junho was quietly listening to its taunts. His insides were burning with rage and he wanted to rip the monster into shreds with his bare hands. But the entity was feeding on his helpless state, jeering at how the couple were failing to save each other.

"You'll die by my hands," the entity revealed. "And so will your family. You really think you can defeat me? I'm much more powerful than you can imagine. A puny human like you can't defeat me."josei

Junho did not reply but picked up Suna in his arms and gently lay her on the bed. The entity was still leering at them, waiting for midnight when he would at last strike the final blow. 

"You're overestimating yourself," Junho said. His eyes were burning with fury and he clenched his fists, trying to hold in his anger. "Even if you kill me, Suna will never do as you say. But if you want to kill me then make sure that you finish the job. Because if I survive…"

Was it on instinct or was it because of his obsession to defeat the creature who was ruining his family, Junho did not know. But he turned around and faced the invisible creature directly, unknowingly meeting its eye.

"I will hunt you down to the end of the Earth and torment you until you beg for death but it'll never come," Junho swore. "So don't forget to kill me off tonight. I'll be waiting for you to strike, punk!"

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