Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 391

Chapter 391: Day 3 (5)

Minho pulled up in front of the desolated construction site. It was past midnight so the workers had gone home to rest. He stepped out of the car to inspect the building which he had purchased for his NGO project. It was Gayoon's old school which had been under construction for months.

He did not really know where else to go. They needed more information on the Gates of Hell and only one place came to his head where he might get some sort of information. He could have gone anywhere and opened a portal to the World of the Dead but there was no guarantee he would not run into a reaper elsewhere. 

At least he knew someone in that school's portal.

Slowly making his way through the gate, Minho headed straight for Building B which had been kept relatively untouched by the construction. He climbed the stairs, the sounds of his footsteps echoing loudly throughout the corridors. Even though it was springtime, there was a chill in the air. Minho felt as if there were several eyes watching him but he ignored them. The place was full of wandering spirits but he did not have time to deal with them.

Finally, he reached the top floor where classroom number 12A was situated. Standing in front of it, he took a deep breath and raised a finger to make a circle in the air. He concentrated on the face of the curly haired girl and muttered, "Patentibus."

Instantly, red sparks erupted from his fingers and a portal gaped open. He stepped inside the familiar yet unsettling silence, finding himself in the middle of a football field this time. 


He turned around to find the curly haired girl sitting on one of the benches, watching him. She was far but her voice was very clear. It was hard not to hear her even from that distance because the whole place was so goddamn quiet. 

"Me," Minho shrugged. The Girl stared at him for a while before disapparating from her spot and appearing right in front of Minho within a span of a second.

"I told you not to come back here," she said in a flat tone.

"I need to know something," he said. He was about to speak but the girl held up a finger.

"I think the reapers will come here," she warned. "Let's go to the Assembly Hall."

Minho nodded and concentrated hard on the picture of the hall where Gayoon's reunion party had taken place. Another portal opened and they entered the Assembly Hall.

"Speak," she commanded in a soft yet authoritative tone.

"Mr. A," Minho began. "His real name is Anyal and he's a demon."

Minho quickly briefed her on what happened and how the demon was occupying his friend's body. The Girl sat on the floor, listening to everything with apt attention.

"Hmm…" she began once he finished his tale. "My guess about him was right. He's trying to skew the balance of life and death. If those gates are opened, then souls from both hell and this realm will be able to escape."

"But where will we find those gates?" Minho asked. "There must be some place from where they open."

"The gates will open wherever you want them to be," The Girl simply said. "I've never seen the gates myself and I hope I'll never have to. But I have heard about it from some passing spirits. The ones who used to be able to talk anyway. They're now reaper meat, but you get the gist."

"Anyways," she went on, ignoring Minho's discomfort. "If the Gates of Hell are located in this realm, then chances are that they work the same way as the portals do. The gates will open wherever the Devil's targets are so that he could swoop on them and take the souls easily. The souls are probably taken from the spot of their death and kept in that place. Only difference is, they're hidden in a dimension away from the clutches of humans or even that of spirits. They're tortured in that place but no one hears their screams."

"So that Princess' soul is stuck in the place where she died?" Minho asked. "And in order to bring her out, that demon will have to open the Gates of Hell located at that spot?"

"Probably," the girl said. "It's all theory but if the gates are in the World of the Dead, the rules of this place should apply to the gates as well."josei

She let out a sigh and glanced at Minho. "Is that why you're really here?" she asked. "To know about the gates?"

"Yes and no," Minho admitted. He sat next to her and fidgeted with his fingers. "It was too noisy outside," he said. "I wanted to come here away from the noise. Also, to see if this is where Kanji will end up after..."

He trailed off, unable to say anything more. The girl understood what he implied.

"Your friend might not end up here," the girl assured him. "Only those who have no remorse or those who choose to come here, like me, will end up in this place. If your friend feels any remorse, he'll not be sent here. He'll probably be sent to the Afterlife."

"What about you?" he asked her. "Are you gonna stay here forever?"

"I…" she began. "I got my memories back."

Minho was slightly surprised but waited for her to elaborate.

"It happened after you and your girlfriend left," she said. "I began to slowly remember my past. This is a sign that my time here is coming to an end. Once I get all my memories back, I'll be able to move on to the Afterlife."

"That can happen?" he asked in surprise.

"It's rare but happens," she confirmed. She flashed a sad smile at him and added, "This might be the last time you'll see me here. I can't guarantee that I'll be here if you visit again."

Minho returned her smile. "That's okay," he said. "After the red moon night, I won't return to this cursed place either. Nor do I have any intention of coming here after my own death."

"Then keep on being a good person," she told him. "Be happy and make your loved ones happy. Be a good dad to your daughter and also…"

She turned to face him, "Be a kind companion to Gayoon," she requested. "She's a good person and deserves someone who would love her with all his heart. All her life, she couldn't get much affection from others. I hope you'll be able to give her that."

The Girl kept on smiling at him, her solemn face looking more fresh. For once, she seemed more like an excited teenager with hopes and dreams rather than a lost soul.

"I will," he promised. "Do you recall your name?"

"I do," she simply said. Minho smiled but did not ask her anything more. They sat in silence, letting their thoughts run free. For once the silence was welcoming and Minho was finally able to collect his awry thoughts. Kanji's death had made him numb and unfeeling but after hugging Jina that day, he realized that being sad was not going to give his friend any peace.

Sitting there in the deafening silence, Minho only recalled the moments he had with his friend and he knew that The Girl was also doing the same. She, too, was remembering her moments with the only person she was able to consider as a friend even if it was for a brief while.

"Tell her to remember me often," she finally said. "That's all I'd like."

He nodded, feeling grateful for her silent presence. "I will," he vowed. They settled into another silence, thinking of everything.

And of nothing. 

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