Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 415

Chapter 415: Dinner Date (1)





Gayoon stepped out of the shower to find a package on the bed. Minho was at work and she was supposed to meet him directly at the hotel for dinner that night.

"I wonder who this important guest is," she said out loud. Wrapping a towel around herself, she unwrapped the box and was stunned.

Out fell a silver colored gown adorned with dazzling stones stitched on it. It was a sleeveless, low neck dress with a freely floating helm and seemed like the perfect fit for her. The dress was undoubtedly made by some high profile designer because a pink note fell out of it.

"Thank you for the generous tip, Monsieur Hwang," Gayoon read. "This is an exclusive dress as per your orders. My designers worked hard on it and have crafted this gem for your lady love. Enjoy! 

-Madame Ariana Dumas"

Ariana Dumas? Even a fashion dud like Gayoon knew her! She was a famous French designer who only made three dresses per year but her designs were always the trend of the season. Even with the little amount of work, she was known to cater only to a few selected people including some famous celebrities!

She made a dress for me? Gayoon was shocked. Why would a famous designer make a dress for a small-time detective like her? That too for a normal dinner?

And to top it all off, Minho gave her a generous tip? Minho? Gave a generous tip?

"Maybe the woman got a few cents and thought it was generous enough," Gayoon muttered. Or maybe this really is an important client, she thought. I should make myself look good then!

She carefully laid the dress out on the bed and began to get ready. Blow drying her hair, she moisturized her skin before putting on the dress. Thankfully, it was easy to wear unlike most of the evening dresses she had. The gown was a perfect fit and Gayoon checked herself out in the mirror.

"Woah!" she gasped. "This thing will make anyone look like a fairytale princess!"

And Minho got this for me? 

She smiled and blushed hard. Putting on light makeup, she brushed her hair. There were also matching shoes in the package which Madame Dumas had sent in as a complimentary gift for Gayoon.

"These shoes probably cost as much as my six months' salary," she moaned. Putting on the shoes, she once again saw herself in the mirror.

"Do I look okay?" she wondered out loud. "I really hope Minho's clients don't think that he's dating someone unworthy."

She pouted and felt quite nervous. With the amount of effort Minho put into this, she was sure it was some kind of important investment and the other people would also bring their partners as well. What if she messed up? Or became too awkward and jittery? 

"Don't worry!" she assured herself. "It'll be fine! Just be normal."

Be normal, she chanted. Picking up her cell phone and purse, she slowly walked out of the room. On her way out, she received a text from Junho.

"Jina and I are at your grandma's place. The old hag is insisting on keeping Jina overnight because she wants to pamper her a lot tonight. Is that okay?"

Gayoon sighed and inwardly hoped that the two of them would not drive Junho crazy. She texted back.


Putting her phone away, she headed for the car. Driver Jung greeted her and held out the door for her. Gayoon thanked him and got into the car.

"Mr. Jung, did Minho tell you anything about the client he's supposed to meet today?" Gayoon asked.

Jung cleared his throat. He knew what his employer was up to because he was the one who drove Minho to the ring store and other places when the latter was planning for this night. But Minho made him swear not to tell Gayoon which the old man happily obliged.

"A foreign client and his partner," he lied. "Who's going to invest in the ten additional malls Mr. Hwang will open within the year."

"Ten malls?" Gayoon gasped. "He's a very important client!"

"Yes," Jung lied through his teeth. "Very."

This made Gayoon even more nervous. She was scared of what was about to happen. What if she messed up? Said something dumb or talked too much? Talked too less? What should she talk about?

Ugh! She moaned in her thoughts. Jung watched her through the rearview mirror and felt guilty for the lie. The poor woman looked so nervous that it seemed she would pass out of anxiety.

"Madam, don't worry at all," he reassured her. "You will enjoy this evening. Master Minho is there to help you."

"He'll be too busy counting money," she muttered. Jung sighed and shook his head.

Young love! He mused. They drove on in silence but Gayoon's head was already concocting ways this dinner would end. And all of her scenarios ended in disasters. 

I'm screwed, she thought in dismay.


"We're here," Jung announced. Gayoon gulped and nodded. They were at one of the many hotels Minho owned and Gayoon felt really jittery. A valet opened the car for her and a concierge politely showed her the way to the lobby.

A receptionist greeted her at the front desk.

"I'm here to meet Mr. Hwang Minho," Gayoon said. "I'm Jeon Gayoon. I think he's waiting for me."

"He is waiting for you in suite number 801," the receptionist replied. "Here is the key card. Enjoy your stay, ma'am."

Stay? She wondered. It's just dinner though. And do formal dinners take place inside hotel rooms?josei

She thanked the receptionist and slowly walked towards the elevator. Pressing the button for the eighth floor, she waited as the lift ascended up.

"It'll be fine," she told herself. "Just a normal dinner! It's not like you're facing a serial killer!"

But then again, facing a serial killer seemed like a better prospect. At least she could defend herself against a psycho murderer by beating him to a pulp. Dinner with high society snooty people was worse.

The lift stopped at the eighth floor. Stepping out of the elevator, she slowly walked towards suite room number 801. Using the keycard, she unlocked the door.

You can do this, Jeon Gayoon! She tried to motivate herself. 

Slowly opening the door, she stepped into the dark threshold. 

"Minho?" she called out. Why is it so dark in here?

"Turn on the lights," his deep voice echoed through the room. Gayoon found a light switch to her right and flicked it.

As soon as the room lit up, her mouth fell in shock.

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