Monster Factory

Chapter 242

Chapter 242: Higher Technology

Haitang Island is the only tourist attraction in China’s four cities and 11 counties.

According to statistics, tourists who come to Haitang Island every year spend 480 million Yuan a year, and causes the island to indirectly drive the economy to 940 million Yuan.

Without Haitang Island, Liangjiang City would not have any other attractive scenery.

Because the construction will last for half a year, the Liangjiang Municipal Government is planning to endure a tormenting ride with long-term pain.

During this period, a large amount of profit will be lost, and the two rivers will also face countless complaints from local merchants and complaining tourists.

There is no way around it.

In addition to the middle of the sea, Haitang Island is far above the water surface, and the rest is flat silt ground.

It is full of various sea otters, many of which are cultural relics with famous names.

In order to make Haitang Island more beautiful, the Liangjiang Garden Administration has also planted many precious flower species on the island.

Shops are naturally indispensable as tourist attractions, and cause the rents to be expensive.

The shops here are all boutiques, many traditional craftsmen, and long-running specialties, one-third of which are concentrated on Haitang Island.

Every year, when the water level begins to rise, almost all the shops on the island will flee, and the flowers and plants will be lost.

Thanks to the progress of science and technology, there is already a solution to the flood problem in Haitang Island.

The premise is that it will be closed for half a year.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world.

The news of the construction of concealed flood-prevention walls on the agate rocky beach in Liangjiang City, have been circulating for a long time among the island’s shop owners, and they have collectively opposed the construction of flood-proof walls.

Why did they oppose?

Of course, it is not from noble sentiment, the protection of the original ecological natural landscape, but the willingness to increase artificial buildings in the agate beach.

Building flood-proof walls will affect the economic income of these traders for a long time.

If It affects their pocket money naturally, they will oppose.

As a result, the owner of Monster Heavy Factory told Mayor Qu that this half-year business plan could not be used.

Mayor Qu also broke his head and could not figure out any way to make Haitang Island unaffected by the business of the day.

Solving the flood problem completely.

It is because of the unexpected plans; Qu Mayor is more excited and was looking forward to the proposal.

"As long as you can pass the test of the hydraulics laboratory and do not affect the agate stone view on the beach, we will not hesitate to choose your product plan."

Mayor Qu slammed his chest.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Ye Qing returned to Longxitan, Zhongyun City with a detailed electronic topographic map of Haitang Island.

In fact, in the morning, when watching the flood wall products offered by those enterprises, Ye Qing also thought about what solutions would be used If he changes the Mechanical Colossus Type I, what solution will he use?

I think that if Ye Qing wants to use a flood control wall, he can only think of it for a long time.

The only difference is that each enterprise is limited by its own technology.

Who made the flood control wall which has more scientific and technological content?

At present, the highest technical content is Amano Heavy Industries.

They are the only company that dares not to use the support column design to fight the Tianjiang River.

Ye Qing wants to beat them. Naturally, he has to come up with a higher technological solution.

The pillarless design is only the most basic, and how to minimize the damage to the beach is also the most basic.

There is also Ye Qing’s promise that the one-day construction period is necessary.

It sounds impossible.

Building a flood wall, especially a concealed flood wall, is bound to be a huge project.

Amano Heavy Industries promised to build in a 24-hour uninterrupted construction situation for half a year.

The design plan, Ye Qing has already had a draft.

The only problem to solve is the sealing and leakage prevention between the flood walls.

Traditional flood walls use rubber seals to prevent leakage, which is the same principle as that of the car.

Under normal circumstances, a car can be opened without worrying about water leakage.

All previous companies, including Amano Heavy Industries, also used rubber to prevent leakage.

Ye Qing does not intend to use it, since rubber strips are not suitable for use on automated equipment.

Because of its poor anti-wear ability, the wall will generate large amounts of friction when it rises, and the rubber strip on edge may rise and fall several times, and it has to be replaced.

If you want to save money, don’t replace it.

If the rubber strip breaks or leaks, it will be leaking onto Haitang Island.

If it leaks into the lifting machinery, it will be fun.

After calling the Master Craftsmen and metal master experts, Ye Qing decided on using soft metal to act as a sealing strip.


At 2 o’clock in the afternoon of the next day, the hydraulics laboratory of Liangjiang City was in the courtyard.

Mayor Qu Kangxin arrived at the test site ten minutes ahead of schedule.

Today is the day when the inspection team spread across the two rivers and secretly checked them.

He did not need to accompany the inspection team.

Ye Qing’s telephone call yesterday made him feel like a cat.

He came to the Hydraulic Laboratory to watch the test work.

A total of three companies participated in the test.

They are [Wuji Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd.], [Hailuo Door Industry], and [Amano Heavy Industry].

These three companies have relatively reliable products.

If the products of Amano Heavy Industries do not pass the test, they can be replaced.

The other two companies know that they are coming to accompany them.

As long as Amano gets through the test, there will be nothing needed from them.

In the Tianjiang water regime simulation room, Zhang Yutian, stands next to the simulation pool, with full confidence in his eyes.

If one month ago, the Monster Heavy Factory told him that he can get out of the way, and that the Haitang Island project is going to be theirs, he might have been a little nervous.

Now not so much, if he leaves, the Monster Heavy Factory only has one day to work.

Just enough to dry up in a short day, I am afraid that even the time to draw a design sketch is not enough?

Zhang Yutian looked at the time, and noticed the tests will start in less than ten minutes.

There was no shadow of Monster Heavy Factory on the scene.

In his eyes, it naturally became the basis of Ye Qing’s arrogance, but he could not achieve his promise.

"Mayor Qu, I heard that the Monster Heavy Factory, has a product to participate in this test?"

"Yes, Mr. Ye found me yesterday and asked if he could bring his product to test."

Mayor Qu smiled:

"The more companies that participate, the more we can brainstorm and choose." josei

"Only one day, I really look forward to what kind of products he comes up with."

Zhang Yutian said:

"The test is about to begin, is he not here yet, will he not show up?"

"The scheduled plan for three-dimensional testing will not be delayed."

Mayor Qu Kangxin fell short of words.

In the Institute of Hydraulic Laboratory, there was a roar of heavy carter.

Mayor Qu Kangxin and Zhang Yutian both stretched their necks to look outside.

A large, long thing, lying quietly in the compartment, covered with canvas, causing people to have a hard time guessing its true face.

"I thought he was not coming."

Zhang Yutian snorted.

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