Monster Factory

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Examination room

Chapter 53: Examination room

Translated by me, edited by drpetro.

On Ye Qing’s side of things, he and the 6 master artisans and 14 peons were all busy manufacturing.

Even the M.P.C.V. was called out and operated by Ye Qing to help with the welding on the rapid metal engravers.

Having delivered another batch of curbstones, Ye Qing now had 3.7 million available in cash on hand.

Wanting to increase productivity and quality, Ye Qing bought another two small mills and an electric aluminum forge.

Using the mills to mill out the wheel hubs just created too much waste, and took too much time. With an aluminum forge, all that needed to be done was to melt the aluminum alloy and pour it into the pre-made molds.

A set of detailed molds cost 100,000. After purchasing all these pieces of equipment, Ye Qing still had 2.8 million left.

Although money was flowing out like a river, it was also running in even quicker.

Having sent out two rapid metal engravers to Gangshan masonry, Ye Qing kept one behind for giving Xia Muqing a demonstration.

Tiancheng mining corporation meant a lot in the domestic mining industry. A single order from them was more than enough to keep a small factory operating for three years. With an engraver that was this astonishing, there was no way that there wouldn’t be a large order.

After the yacht had swapped out its propellers in the morning, Ye Qing saw it stay only a couple of nautical miles from shore. Xia Muqing was probably there trying out sea fishing.

Now the yacht seemed to have just disappeared, and when Ye Qing called her, all he got was a long tone and no one answering.

Not long after, Ye Qing’s phone rang again, except it wasn’t Xia Muqing calling back, rather it was his father.

During the call, Ye Jiangning was excited beyond belief. He told Ye Qing that the 20 scooters assembled today were all immediately snatched away. They were all basically bought out by delivery chains, and there was just not enough to go around.

“It’s just too popular. You need to prepare more parts cause, by my reckoning, there’s still going to be a snatch war even with 500 in stock.” Ye Jiangning exclaimed in high spirits: “I’ve contacted the people for 3C approval inspection and manufacturing licensing. The license, at the lastest, will be ready tomorrow, and the inspection is scheduled for the day after.”

“Do you have enough cash for all these licenses? I’ve got a bunch to spare here, need me to send some over?”

“It’s enough, more than enough. The sales alone today was 100,000.”

“Alright then, I’ll go contact the distributors for more right now.”

Hanging up the call, Ye Qing hurriedly got on TaoBao, and from the suppliers that he bought from before, he immediately had them send over 400 more sets.

400 sets was already a major order. Plus it was all within the local region, so there was actually no fee for delivering all of these, so they said that they would sent over a truck to deliver all the goods.

After paying for everything, Ye Qing sent them all a ‘Happy collaboration!’

[Ahhh, love you to death!], [Bro, I’ll give you 10% off if you order again.], [Don’t worry sir, if you find a subpar product, I’ll send 10 over as compensation.]

Seeing all the responses, Ye Qing couldn’t help but laugh out loud.


The next morning, Ye Qing was already up and working at 6, and that’s when Xia Muqing called.

Her voice sounded somewhat broken, and Ye Qing thought that this was due to how high she got fooling around yesterday. josei

“Sorry Mr. Ye for not getting back to you last night, I was in a terrible state of mind.” Xia Muqing’s special tone of voice was able to affect any and everyone who heard it.

“No problem, it’s not like it was anything important.” Ye Qing recalled that Xia Muqing said she was heading back today, so he asked if she was home yet.

“Um not yet, I lost my Grandmother’s treasured ruyi scepter while out at sea yesterday.”

Xia Muqing sighed, and with a hurt tone continued: “It’s that piece of jade that you saw in your office yesterday. That piece of jade means a lot to me. I’ve already contacted a salvaging team to help, but they haven’t found it yet.”

It was probably that piece of extremely expensive suet jade. Let’s not mention its price for now, these kind of accessories were all passed down from generation to generation, so it had a very symbolic meaning.

“Do you have a GPS coordinate? If it’s not too deep, then you can definitely find it if you send the time.”

“I do have the coordinate, it’s just that the yacht was on course at the time, and there was no identifying landmarks near by. Plus with a mistaken GPS coordinate, it’ll be even more difficult to find the ruyi.”

“But I won’t give up, even if it takes a year, I’ll still find it.”

“You could purchase an underwater camera robot. There’s guaranteed to be some on TaoBao, around 200,000 for an industrial grade one.” Ye Qing flipped over related underwater equipment before, so he had a rough estimate: “It’ll be much quick with them, and they can stay under 24/7.”

“Really?” Xia Muqing immediately became excited, pulled out her phone and went searching on TaoBao. When she enter the high end item area, sure enough, rows upon rows of underwater robot results showed up.

Rescue series, explorer series, salvation series!

It was like they were all specifically designed to find the ruyi scepter.

“Mr. Ye, you’re simply too helpful, seriously too helpful.” Xia Muqing while making an order for two Jiangtun underwater salvaging robots, was also thanking Ye Qing for his help: “Oh right, what did you need me for when you called yesterday?”

“My factory’s got some new engraving machines for sale. It can work with both metal and stone, and I was going to give you a demonstration.”

“But don’t worry, it can wait till you find your ruyi scepter.”

“Alright, I’ll make a visit once I’ve found it.” Xia Muqing said with some trembling in her voice.

Since Xia Muqing was busy finding her piece of ruyi scepter at the moment, Ye Qing packed up the remaining engraver, and had it shipped off to Gangshan masonry.

The attitude at Gangshan masonry was surprisingly very cooperative. When Ye Qing informed them of the incoming shipment, it’s owner Xu Shuangjie immediately transferred over the fees that were due.

3 o’clock in the afternoon, Ye Jiangning called again to inform Ye Qing that the inspection team had already completed their inspection, and that the agency guaranteed that the license and approval would be ready tomorrow.

“Okay, I’ll got look for an advertising company to come up with a warranty card and a manual for the scooters.” Ye Qing was delighted upon hearing the news. With a manufacturing license and 3C safety approval, the scooters could now be safely shipped and sold all across the the nation.

It was seriously too easy to find an advertising company. Just as Ye Qing drove the van towards the advertising company, he coincidentally saw someone riding a beautifully assembled Typhoon scooter.

The beautiful outer appearance was immediately recognized by Ye Qing as one of his products.

This delivery driver had amazing piloting skills, just like an eel, easily squirming through the traffic.

“Slow down, and be safe!” Ye Qing rolled down the window and cried out to him.

“I am, The God of Delivery!” The delivery driver yelled out as he laughed on.

10 minutes later, Ye Qing arrived at the advertising company he had booked an appointment with.

The advertising company wasn’t big at all, yet Ye Qing was received by one of their marketers. After seeing the footage of the scooter shot by Ye Qing, he expressed that the manual was easy to make, but was just printing a picture of the scooter on the front page of the manual enough?

Now a days, no matter what kind of product it was, they all love to have a spokesperson. It would be the best if several pictures were taken with the spokesperson and printed on the packaging and manual.

“Spokesperson?” Ye Qing rubbed his chin: “Then we definitely need to find someone young and beautiful. Is inviting those celebrities expensive?”

“Depends on their popularity. Now a days, even third tier small time celebrities, if they’re beautiful, but with low popularity, can still fetch in around 3 to 4 hundred thousand by doing this.”

“Are there any cheaper ones?” Ye Qing felt that with just a scooter alone was a bit too lacking, but to find a small time celebrity was just too low class.

If it was like this, then might as well as find an unknown person, don’t print their name, and all they need to do is be beautiful.

“Sure ~ as long as they sign the spokesperson contract, anyone’s fine.”

In the end Ye Qing had them get the manual and warranty cards ready first, as for a spokesperson, it could wait until they found one and then print it onto the packaging and manuals later.

6 o’clock in the evening, the old factory sent off the third batch of 20 newly assembled scooters. The specialized scooter store owner, Huang Ranjun, was already anxiously waiting.

And just after the 20 scooters arrived, they was all snatched away by three nearby delivery restaurants.

Now the rumors about these scooters had already been spread far and wide within the nearby delivery businesses. These new scooters were rumored to be completely superior to all other scooters on the market, and they were not expensive at all.

And due to the intimate relationships between the scooter store and the nearby delivery restaurants, the scooters were naturally all bought out by them before any ordinary customers could think of buying them.

Currently out of all 50 scooters sold, there was only one ordinary resident, who lined up since noon, that was fortunate enough to get his hands on one.

6:30 ~

This fortunate individual rode the Typhoon scooter, carefully, just like a spy in enemy territory, and secretly, from a small door, entered a factory with a very large yard.

Under the dye of the sunlight, on the factory’s surrounding walls was a row of shiny gold characters combining to [Owen’s Electric Scooter Manufacturing Inc.]

The workers had already left for the day, but inside was a special electric scooter examination room, and the owner of the factory and several of his technicians were already waiting.

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