Monster Factory

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: So desu ne

Chapter 64: So desu ne

Translated by me, edited by drpetro.

What to call it......

Ye Qing thought about it, calling it just the executive chair was definitely out of the question. It was just too low class and didn’t offer any insight into the features of the product.

Right now the most popular chairs were the ergonomic chairs. So then how about the Mechanically engineered chair?

Ye Qing felt that that wasn’t bad. The chair’s main focal point was it’s complex mechanical movements. Giving the chair such a low key name also gave it a low key profile.

Thinking up to there, Ye Qing immediately ran up into the office, and ordered some memory foam and tanned leather for making chairs.

To be made into a product, the mechanical limb also needed some slight changes and couldn’t directly look like a hand. It needed to have the end fingers adjusted, the base need some polishing, and the arm also need some shortening.

Those design changes were all super easy too make. With the nimble hands of the master artisans, there was no problem in making the chair look prettier.

On the morning of the next day, Ye Qing made a trip to the metal market to specifically order a batch of metal alloy suitable for making chairs.

Using stainless steel was both too heavy and too wasteful. It was also difficult to process the stainless steel with its sturdiness. Even the suppliers informed him that he could drastically cut expenses on the materials and power system, by using the light and sturdy aluminum alloy instead.

And there was also the need for a patent approval.

Uncle and Xu Xiaohu would arrive at noon. Hearing that Xu Xiaohu got accepted by the University of Zhongyun, being his uncle, Ye Qing definitely needed to reward him.

Ye Qing looked at the time, and was still early. So having bought a Hasee laptop as a gift, he actually had the time to go check up with the old factory.

When the van entered the the industrial park and saw the old factory, Ye Qing almost thought that he came to the wrong place.

Ten odd cargo trucks were parked in front of the factory, and their drivers were all on the side, being bored to the point of playing Fight the landlord with each other.

Those cargo trucks had all kinds of ads printed on them. ‘Forever Scooters’, ‘Julian Scooter Shop’, ‘Modern Dealership’, ......

Inside was even more chaotic. The old large scale machines were all piled up in the corner, and the 30 odd new workers in the factory all each had their own scooter frames, assembling away.

Ye Jiangning was even corned by a bunch of people. Even from far away, Ye Qing could still hear them saying: “I’m from out of town, if I don’t get some back today, then that’ll cause our sales to drop!”

“Mr. Ye, you seriously need some upgrades. Just look at all those other scooter makers and their assembly lines.”

“I don’t care. I’m not leaving without a batch of the scooters. Those guys are like following orders, so you have to include lunch for us.”

Ye Jiangning, right now, was completely bruised and battered by all those purchase orders. So he didn’t even take notice of Ye Qing.

Ye Qing went and inspected the workers that were working. It was just that after getting used to the working speed of the monsters, now having seen these workers at work, Ye Qing could confidently say ‘they seriously work at a snail’s pace’.

And there were lots of flaws in how they worked, how they operated, and so on.

Ye Qing, having returned back to his van, used some of his remaining glory points to buy another disguise uniform, then hired and summoned another master artisan.

The master artisans definitely had enough wisdom to act on their own. As was proven by the them giving out pointers at Owen’s Scooter Manufacturing. Having them train a bunch workers was definitely using big money to solve a small problem.

Having returned to the manufacturing workshop with a master artisan in tow, attracted everyone’s attention.

The master artisan had a body higher of 1.6 meters, and with its hunched back, it was just like one of those wilderness survivors. As long as you were a man, you would feel confident upon seeing him.

Ye Jiangning greeted Ye Qing over the crowd and quickly escaped from there.

“Hi there!” Ye Jiangning thought this was Ye Qing’s friend, so he warmly extended out his hand looking to shake the master artisan’s hand.

“Hello ~” The master artisan very politely returned the gesture.

“He’s called Qiao Seven and has greater knowledge in the mechanical processing sector.” Ye Qing patted the master artisan’s shoulder and continued: “Let him stay and train these workers for two months, and I guarantee an increase in both work quality as well as efficiency.”

What was there to say against someone introduced by Ye Qing?

Even if he was blind, Ye Jiangning would still accept him with no strings attached.

Ye Jiangning cleared his throat and called all the workers over. Having quickly introduced Qiao Seven, he immediately assigned him to the role of workshop manager.

Those workers were all buff and healthy men. Seeing Qiao Seven’s height and malnutrition, they couldn’t hold back their laughter.

“Alright alright, everyone has their own hardships, now get to work.” Ye Jiangning suggested.

“This won’t do at all.” Ye Jiangning said as he pulled Ye Qing aside: “I don’t know what happened, but even more scooters dealers called for purchases. Coming from all over the country, they’ve even filled up the product pipeline up to next month.”

“Then hurry up and upgrade the factory, enlarge its coverage and get new manufacturing equipment.”

Ye Qing’s was also not aware why the scooters were being sold all over the country. It was just like there was someone helping them advertise behind their backs.

“I’ve got a million some cash on hand, plus with the ever increasing sales, I think I can definitely get eight million in loans from my friends at the bank.” Ye Jiangning naturally wanted to expand the factory. Otherwise, just with production at this scale, there was no way he would be able to finish all the orders and he would definitely become a laughing stock for being such a failure at business.

“We’ve got tons of open land beside us, just talk to the park managers and we can easily start building. It’s just that factory’s name definitely needs to change.”

The old factory was called Clear Sky Cutter Manufacturing. That name no longer fits anymore. Ye Jiangning suggested to change it to Typhoon Scooter corporation.

“Um...... How about Typhoon Technologies?” Ye Qing thought that using scooter as the name might sound too off beat, and Typhoon Technologies even sounded like some high-end company.

“Ohh, oh, this is good, this is good.” Ye Jiangning felt a lot more high class with this name: “Then I’ll immediately head to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce to get the paperwork filled out, and when it’s time I’ll call you to sign it. josei

Just as the father son pair were happily chatting away, their mother called to tell them that his brother and Xiao Hu just arrived at Zhongyun, and asked them whether to meet them at home or at the restaurant.

Glancing at the time, Ye Jiangning said to meet at the restaurant, as they were definitely tired from the trip on the bus, and could definitely use some nice food and refreshments.

“You guys go and meet your uncle first, I’ll come over as soon these workers get off for the day.”

“Don’t personally do everything. Qiao Seven’s very reliable, and can definitely hold the fort. So you can leave the production stuff to him.”

“Haha ~ Finally able to flip over. I’ll still be happy even if it’s more busy and tiresome.” Ye Jiangning laughed out loud and hurriedly sent Ye Qing off to the Marriott.

The Marriott wasn’t far at all. Before when the factory was doing well, Ye Qing went there regularly.

When he arrived at the Marriott in the van, his mom, Xu Lanzheng, was chatting away with a somewhat white haired man with a large build that was wearing an old dress shirt.

That was Xu Xiaohu, his uncle’s grandson, and Ye Qing’s cousin’s kid.

It was just that after having not seen him for so many years, Ye Qing suddenly felt that he became a lot more handsome.

That guy was bored out of his mind was watching something on his phone.

Uncle was 60 something this year. He was a soldier when he was young, and worked as a regular steelworker at Anshan Steelworks from discharge all the way until retirement.

Maybe it was because he continued the values of the older generation steelworkers and soldiers, but his uncle’s waist and back was always straight, and his voice was always loud.

“Hi uncle ~” Ye Qing came up and gave his uncle a sturdy bear hug.

“Wow, you’ve really grown in two years.” Uncle happily stood up and patted Ye Qing’s shoulder: “So where did your other half go?”

“What is there to bring?” Ye Qing was seriously helpless. Now no matter who in the older generation he meets, none of the will ask about work, rather they would always ask where his other half was. That has pretty much now become the golden question.

“Then hurry up and find one. You really need to learn from your nephew, he’s already switched multiple girlfriends.” Uncle gave the young man a stare: “Stop playing with that cell phone, why haven’t you greeted your uncle yet?”

“Hello uncle.” Xu Xiaohu had a very handsome face, and with his large build, even Ye Qing couldn’t deny that just with that guy’s appearance, he could easily find multiple girlfriends.

“What you playing with?” Ye Qing sat down beside him with a smile.

“Watching streams. This Ayi girl’s super good with ADC, it’s just that she’s too ugly......” Xu Xiaohu turn the Huawei cell phone around to let Ye Qing in on the show.

Of course Ye Qing had played League of Legend before. It was just that his silver level skills were just too trashy, and he didn’t have time to play anymore now.

“For streams I love watching Bing Fan play nidalee. The disrespects and trashings are just too amusing. Plus she loves to swing around whenever she losses.” Ye Qing also pulled out his cell phone and connected to the WiFi, however he was only checking the news.

Xu Xiaohu stared impatiently at the iPhone 6 plus in Ye Qing’s hand. That expression was like he had just seen someone give away millions on the street.

Of course the iPhone now had pretty crappy specs. So having stared at it for a bit, Xu Xiaohu only felt that this uncle of his has only a bit more money than everyone else.

“Bing Fan’s singing is just too difficult to hear, can’t stand it at all.” Xu Xiahu looked down and stared at Ye Qing: “Oh right uncle, Douyu just got a super beautiful, ultra cute streamer named DouDou. She’s also from Zhongyun, and is studying at Zhongyun’s Radio and TV University. Have you seen her streams?”

“Of course I have. I’ve even met her on the streets before.” Ye Qing feigned a mysterious smile: “She much prettier in person than on screen. If you come to Zhongyun for university, then you can definitely meet her.”

“Definitely. The University of Zhongyun isn’t far from her school at all. I’ve already done my research.” Xu Xiaohu tightly clenched his fist, full of confidence in himself.

Just as they were talking about Cao Cao, he suddenly appeared.

Just as the two were daydreaming about DouDou, Xu Xiaohu suddenly exclaimed that DouDou was online and opened her stream.

The WiFi here was super quick, just as Xu Xiaohu entered DouDou’s stream portal, HD pictures immediately came through.

DouDou’s full name was Bai Douer. She introduced herself the last time they met, it was just that Ye Qing never would’ve thought that she was still in school.

Unexpectedly meeting an acquaintance, Ye Qing also moved over to watch.

“Hello everybody, I am your super cute host DouDou. Tonight I’m bringing everyone to one of Zhongyun’s hidden snack shops – Fatso Liu’s fried noodles.”

On the screen, was DouDou in a sky blue dress with a snow white sunflower hat, waving her beautiful hand at the camera.

The camera swept over her fair and delicate face, which was filled with purity and beauty.


Ye Qing and his nephew Xu Xiaohu, can’t help but make a swallow motion together.

“Alright friends, DouDou, me, will ride out on my silver lamb.” Having finished greeting everyone, Bai Douer secured her cell phone on a completely silvery white scooter with an intensely lifelike and fantasy feel.

The scooter even had a special mobile charger. With that, DouDou’s cell phone could actually last longer and result in a long stream for everyone.

[Holy shit ~ Steamer, what is that scooter, and why is it as flashy as Ferraris?]

[DouDou, I beg of you, give your scooter more air time!]

[Haha, I’ve already ordered one of those scooters. Worship me friends!]

[Me too! I ask for worship!]

[Haha ~ My dealer here already went to Zhongyun to pick up the goods. When he comes back, I can finally ride the same scooter brand as my DouDou.]

[My heart hurts for my DouDou. Getting the limelight stolen by a scooter.]

[Ah forget it ~ the benevolent me is still going to do the dirty works. This scooter of DouDou’s, has already been introduced countless times by her......]

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