Monster Factory

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: The secret base

Chapter 69: The secret base

Translated by me, edited by drpetro.

In not even two days, the three raging miners had already emptied out the entire surrounding hills.

Inside of the original cave there was now a downward sloped tunnel, which went further into the earth.

A secret base like this was designed by Ye Qing with world underground bunkers in mind.

Carve a hole on the side of a mountain, then dig straight down into the earth. Even some nuclear bunkers are like that: dig to the middle of a mountain, dig couple hundred meters down, then expand from there.

The factory was fortunately surrounded on all sides by barren hills. Under those lonely conditions, with the outrageous raging miners in hand, there was just no reason for Ye Qing to not build a secret lair.

The tunnel was very wide; easily able to fit 2 trucks side by side.

Ye Qing inched forward with the excavator-like M.P.C.V. for about 20 meters, before stopping to take a look.

A basketball court sized space was carved out by the raging miners.

Not only was the air warm and humid, it also lacked circulation.

The 3 raging miners, right now were all circling a pile of silverish, metallic earth with hints of yellow bronze in it.

Under the lighting of the M.P.C.V., their eyes were full of excitement, their dragon like skulls kept sniffing the pile, and even went to lick it from time to time.

This was clearly a kind of metal ore, it was just that Ye Qing didn’t know what kind of metal it was; if it was silver then that was definitely hitting the jackpot.

As the raging miners kept on getting intimate with the rocks, suddenly the Monster Factory cell phone started to beep and Ye Qing pulled it out for a look.


The raging miners have found a highly pure vein of titanium, purity level 63%, highly worth mining.

The raging miners really don’t disappoint. No metals were able to escape their detection, and they were even able to determine its concentration with just a lick.

Titanium ore?

Anyone who was in the mechanical industry knew of titanium; one of the most popular metals in the whole world.

Lightweight, robust, highly temperature resistant, and anti corrosive. It could be said to be the most sought after metal by all nations in the world. Countless metal alloys required it, and it was also widely used in every industry.

Take a jet engine for example: if it used titanium alloy in its construction, then not only did it lessen the weight, it also massively increased its structural strength and temperature resistance.

A jet engine easily cost millions. If it lost weight, then not only did it save on fuel, but it also increased carrying capacity. It also got an increased lifespan and reduced maintenance costs.

Countless advantages, many to the point of having even driven people mad.

Yet no matter how great the titanium was, it was also a uncrossable obstacle for many major corporations.

Its high temperature resistance restricted it from being able to be mass produced. Its robustness and low wear also made it extremely had to process.

Thus the situation now: too few titanium alloy producers, and too many manufacturers looking for them in any way possible.

There were many titanium mines in the world. If you just went and grabbed a handful of dirt from anywhere, there was a point zero zero something chance of you finding some titanium in it.

The coast was well known for it’s many titanium mines. Those who spent much of their time next to the coast would be able to notice some black sand mixed in the normal sandy beaches. Those are fragments of titanium after it has been repeatedly rinsed and washed by the ocean for millennia.

It was just those titanium fragments had no real usage or value. Not only was it of low purity, it even had other metals mixed in it.

On the other hand, this 63% pure titanium had a lot of potential!

Right now, the raging miners found a titanium ore vein in a hill range on the coast. Moreover, the titanium was of extremely high purity.

The key point here was that Ye Qing also possessed a way to mass produce titanium alloy. As the level three Monster Factory came with a metal smelting center, and the blueprints to create nickel-titanium memory alloy.

Nickel-titanium memory alloy. Just the name alone already made it better than awesome.

Now with the raging miners like this, it was clear that this pocket of titanium ore wasn’t small at all. Having exposed only the tip of the iceberg, there was definitely more underneath.

The question now was the metal smelting center and it’s super large construction costs. Just the necessary 50 ton electric furnace and 10,000 ton pressure press alone cost over 20 million.

As for the rest of the parts, the monsters could definitely make them. It was just that the cost of the materials alone would exceed several tens of millions.

Only with at least 30 million purely in construction costs, could the tens of thousand of tons metal smelting center by built. The Monster Factory could also rapidly increase in standings, but where the heck would Ye Qing find that much money right now?

Without the needed funds, then he might as well as get the base setup. Clenching his teeth, Ye Qing hired another raging miner, and had the 4 of them expand the size of the secret lair around the ore vein first.

The secret lair was designed in a pyramid shape. This way, not only did it have strong structural integrity, but there was also lots of space at the bottom.

When he’s had the money, Ye Qing would definitely build the metal smelting center right in the middle of the secret lair.

When the time came, he could open up a new entrance, return the old one by the sea back to how it was, and block it. Not only would the base be well hidden, it would also be easy to transport materials to and from it.

Having given the raging miners new orders, Ye Qing returned back to the surface.

Although that place was completely worthless, but now that there was a high purity titanium ore vein here, it not only made Ye Qing extremely excited, it also made him want to make some big money and quick.

Online store had already been registered, and the call to Gong Wei had also been made, to tell him of the mechanical engineered chair gift .

The registration fee for the web store was already paid. It would probably take until tomorrow before TaoBao’s staff member could legalize it.

Right at that moment, his dad called and asked Ye Qing why he couldn’t reach him a couple of minutes back.

Just before he was in the secret lair, so naturally there was no cell phone coverage. Ye Qing quickly said that the signal where he was was pretty poor and asked what’s up?

On the other side of the call, Ye Jiangning’s voice was full of baffling with hints of happiness, as he asked where Ye Qing found Qiao Seven?

He said the workers in the workshop were like they were possessed. Even when it was time to get off work, they all still gathered around Qiao Seven looking for answers on mechanics.

Even he who had been in the mechanical industry for decades, in front of the short, old looking Qiao Seven, was just like an apprentice who just started; apart from admiration, there was only more admiration.

“Well I did open another factory on the coast. Right now it’s working on carving the curbstones and making scooter parts. Qiao Seven was introduced to me by one of the workers, I saw that he’s very familiar with mechanics so I brought him over.”

Ye Jiangning knews that Ye Qing got a 10 million plus order from the city construction management office.

“How’s it just familiar! He’s simply a freaking master!” Ye Jiangning continued to praise: “Today, the workers under his guidance, more than doubled their normal work speed. One of the workers asked him how to not drill askew with the hand drills, he actually came up with more than 5 ways right on the spot.”

“From what I’m seeing, how isn’t he a university professor yet?”

“He doesn’t have any diplomas or degrees. The knowledge he has right now are all from his past experiences.” Hearing that the old factory was on the road to success, Ye Qing also felt happy and relieved.

“I need to quickly go back to learning. Seriously who would’ve thought that these workers had this high of an enlightenment. A couple of them even brought laptops to record the lessons.” josei

“Alright hanging up now, I need to go take notes from him.”

Ye Qing was sweating bullets. Qiao Seven’s real identity was that of a master artisan. A master level worker hired from the Monster Factory. Not only did he possess massive knowledge in the field, he also had his own abilities.

It could be said that the most experienced and proficient mechanical master still couldn’t compete with the master artisans in the field.

Having him teaching ordinary workers, then wasn’t that just like having Hua Luogeng teaching elementary students math? [TL: Think of him as Chinese Alan Turing.]

The next day, Ye Qing was sitting in front of his computer refreshing the web page non-stop, while waiting for his store to pass TaoBao’s examination.

This anticipation is simply too wonderful, even if Ye Qing is now a millionaire, he’s still waiting with excitement, daydreaming about hurriedly selling the store’s first product to someone, then getting a great review for it.

As soon as the store passed at 9 in the morning, Ye Qing was already waiting with a bunch of paperworks ready.

Then without even decorating the store at all, he hurriedly posted the 10 some pictures of the Mechanical Engineered Chair.

Mechanically Engineered Chair:

The product of our company’s two years of research. It’s a revolutionary chair made from the most advanced and patented technology in the Nation.

It possess programmability that will let you experience experiences that you have never had or thought of.

Tens of thousands of massage techniques, thousands of different functionalities, and hundreds of VR possibilities.

Ye Qing’s mind was just like a waterfall, filling in paragraphs of introduction at lightning speeds.

Ye Qing didn’t feel that those words weren’t exaggerations at all. When the clients personally experience it, they’ll find that the introduction was simply too conservative.


On the price field, Ye Qing clenched his teeth and filled in 49,999.

Having posted the only product in the shop, now there was only the wait to see if there was any......



Ought to be a rich mister, who was willing to be the first.

What could he do, there was no way that this kind of chair would be cheap. At worst, when Gong Wei has experienced the revolutionary chair, and introduced it to his friends, Ye Qing could have them order it online and also increase its sales volume.

Ye Qing never counted on the first product to be sold online. It was just that within 10 minutes of posting the product, the chat specifically used for contacting the buyer started beeping.

“Can I ask if you need to increase the store’s reputation, we’ve got a great, great set of skills to increase sales, and you don’t even need to pay a penny. Mark my words......”

“Fk off!” Ye Qing who went excited for all the wrong reasons, immediately told him to fk off.

“Only retards will buy this stupid chair of yours. 50,000 for one, why don’t you go fking rob a bank.” The guy with the ID ‘Online Advertising Specialist’, sent over a jeering emoji.

Having perfect confidence in the product, naturally Ye Qing wasn’t worried about it’s sales in the future.

It was just that apart from that advertising dude, even until later into the afternoon, there was no one willing to buy the chair. But on the contrary, there were a bunch of people that jeered at Ye Qing for the ridiculous price.

The chair’s price was simply set too damn high. People who sort the price from high to low, very easily found the Mechanically Engineered Chair.

Who cared if no one bought them, Ye Qing prepared to wrap up one of the chairs and gift it to Gong Wei and have him help with the advertising.

Beep beep ~

Yet right at that time, the cell phone suddenly had a notification alert.

“Owner, is this chair of yours really set at that price?” A client named Chang Yu contacted.

“I see that this chair of your’s has an extremely high-end appearance, and it seems like it’ll definitely be a great product, but why is it set to be this expensive?”

“Don’t buy if you think it’s too expensive. This chair of mine isn’t something you can afford.” Ye Qing, having been jeered at for the entire afternoon, completely stopped giving a shit.

“You’re looking down on me?”

Chang Yu sent a sweating expression, and continued to send: “Do you know how much these words of mine that I just sent you are worth?”

“How much is it worth?” That was simply too hilarious, so Ye Qing decided to dally with him a bit.

“Not too much, but if I were to copy this chair introduction and publish it, then it’s probably enough for one of your chairs.”

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