Monster Integration

Chapter 2573

Chapter 2573: Running Like Hell II

Chapter 2573: Running Like Hell II


Gugul Gugle Gugle

The three special inheritance energies clashed against the poison, and as they did, the poison began to burn them.

It is like the energies are the kerosine and the poison is the fire; it had lit up these energies but was not without the caught. Its own power to whittle as it burns them, and the formations in the armor are whittling even more of its power as it moves through them.

The whittled pointed energy, in turn, is absorbed by the armor, which in turn reinforces the defenses of the armor.

I had earlier turned off its absorbing function; with the constitution seed, it could absorb any type of energy, even this horrifyingly powerful energy.

Though I had stopped it a moment ago from doing that, and even now, it is not absorbing the powerful poison energy. I feared that if it tried to absorb it, it might damage my armor, and I didn't want that to happen.

My armor is still the best defense I have, and if it is damaged, it will not be able to help me with the coming attacks as I am sure it might not be the last poison attack; I will suffer.

"These fucking vines," I cursed; for a moment, I thought, with the rebound force, I might be able to create some distance between these fucking wines, and I was able to do that for about two seconds before those fucking azure crystals lit up and its speed had increased again.


The vines have once again caught up to me, and I swung my sword at it, getting even greater rebound force than before, but also more powerful poison.

Though, this time, I was more ready to deal with it.

I have gotten enough data that my clone was able to create a better cocktail of special inheritance energies, and also, I have manipulated the whittling formations in armor, so they would be better capable of dealing with these energies.


The vines continued to attack me, but I used their own forces to gain more and more speed to move against the boundary.

Still, it is not easy, especially when the vine is intelligent, more intelligent than the common monster of High Grandmaster grade would be.

It is spreading vines and trying to come at me from all the directions; it is a good thing; I have the clone which is doing thinking at three times more speed, helping me in making the decision.

If not for it, I would have been in even more dire straits and might even be at the hands of the vine, which would have already started eating me.

I am getting closer and closer to the boundary of the domain; if I continue moving at such speed, it won't take me even thirty seconds to reach the boundary where I am safe. As I am pretty sure that these vines wouldn't cross the boundary.


Around two more seconds had passed when the vine did something that made my eyes widen. Twelve vines came from behind me; they were not the vines that had been chasing me but the ones that had been chacing against Rai and Lady Atkins.


I cursed loudly, seeing the vines; those were the death knell for me; even if they did not capture and just delayed me for even a second, I would be dead as it would give a chance to the rest of the vines to catch up and once they did, I am dead.

Soon there was only a ten-meter distance between me and the coming vines, and the ones following me were just twelve meters behind; in less than a second, they will be on me.

"Petal Boom!"

I said, and a bang rang out, and with it, tens of thousands of petals blasted. They had appeared out of nowhere and spread everywhere, covering hundreds of meters area in petals, and in them, I had disappeared.

Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle

The vines are truly intelligent; as the petals spread, the green crystals lit up, and the freesia flowers covering the vine released the green smoke, which began to melt the petals; within three seconds, they vanished.

Even though they have burned much sooner than I had expected them to be, considering they are not easy to burn and even someone like Rai would need at least ten seconds to burn them, the vines had done that in three seconds.

As I had said, the petals had done their job; I was not only able to avoid the vines but also able to get quite a distance over them.

This movie is really amazing, and I wish I could use it once more, but I could not. It needs a lot of preparation, and currently, I can only use it once every three years.


The vines seemed to be super mad seeing me getting away as the azure energy covering them became brighter, and they came at me with speed like never before, but this time, I was a little less worried, as there was little help.


Lady Atkins shouted, and a dolphin made of the water elemental energy appeared beneath my feet. It is not just dolphins, but there are hundreds of animals, both marines and surface, and they will be required as tens of vines are coming at me from all the sides.

The vines in front of me were much faster than the ones behind me; these vines were much faster than the ones attacking me, they were the ones that were attacking Rai and Lady Atkins, and now they are attacking me as I moved toward them.

Pachack Pachack Pachank

The dolphin moved fast, but the vines were even faster as they came striking at me, but each strike would be taken by the constructed animal as I moved forward on the dolphin's back.

One after another, elemental animals are destroyed, till there are only two huge whales remain; these are the strongest water animals that lady Atkins has constructed; they each have taken five vine strikes but still survive.

Though not for long, they have reached the limit, and the next strike would be their end, and I haven't reached near Lady Akins yet.

Pachack Pachack!

Two vines hit the two whales from both sides, vaporizing them in an instant while others came at me.

A horror couldn't help but appeared on my face seeing them, and I was ready to use my final option when I stopped as I had sensed the familiar energies.

A tunnel of water elemental formed around me, and dolphin speed instantly doubled inside it while the vines struck the tunnel, weakening it with every string. It won't be able to last long, but I should be able to reach my destination by them.


One and half seconds passed, and the dolphin dissolved as I landed on the chariot made of water elemental energy while it was being pulled by a fiery dragon, which speed had instantly tripled as my feet touched the surface of the chariot.

"Thank you, Lady Atkins, Rai," I said to them. "There is no time for niceties; ready to bring all your trump cards, Micheal; getting away will not be easy," said Rai and flapped his wings even fasters as vines lit further in azure and came at us with full force, all three hundred and fifty of them.

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