Monster Integration

Chapter 2577

Chapter 2577: Trial

Chapter 2577: Trial


I appeared in the Pyramid with Rai and others, and just as I did, I felt the defensive mechanisms around me activate.

They are extremly dangerous, so dangerous that I would vaporize on the spot if any of them had fired.

"You really have to bring them!" complained Rai, "Now, look, all the guns are pointing at us. If any of them fired, this poor-me will simply vanish from the world," He added, pointing at six shiny cannons, each one of them held the power to kill us in an instant.

I did not say anything and turned to the siblings, who were staring at the guns with wide eyes. While Eilidh is comparably calm, her brother is shaking under the aura of guns.

It is the first time they have experienced the weapons this powerful in their whole life; they are more powerful than the strongest Grimms they have met; feeling such fear is normal. Hell, I am scared shitless seeing those guns.


We just had to wait for a few seconds before the door opened, and old leading three people walked and came inside. The old man is the High Grandmaster; the three people behind him are all the powerful Grandmasters.

The old man is short and has dark blue hair and black eyes; he has a pyramid badge and a blue badge with a chain and sword beside. With the badge of the law-enforcement department, these people are one of the scariest on in the whole Pyramid.

"Micheal Zaar, you have broken the law by bringing the unregistered humans into the Pyramid without prior permission," said the old man and appeared beside me and looked at the two siblings.

"We will be taking these unregistered humans into custody while you will face the trial with the council immediately," He said and, without waiting, took out collars and was about to place them on their necks when I stopped him.

"Lord Sakar, I would be grateful if you just seal their energies," I asked; the old man looked at me for a second before nodding. "Fine, but any kind of resistance from them, and I will put a collar on them," He said and sealed their energies in lightning-fast speed.

"Thank you, Lord Sakar," I said before turning to the siblings. "Don't worry, I will see you both soon," I said.

A moment later, the light covered us, and they disappeared along with the Grandmasters of the law enforcement department; I, too, disappeared along with other High Grandmasters and Grandmaster Veronica to a completely different place.

A second later, I appeared in the command, with ten council-members both in projection and their real bodies looking at me.

"Grandmaster Micheal, congratulation on your breakthrough to High Grandmaster class," Lady May said, surprising me with her congratulation, as I thought they would first bring out the thing I have done.

"Lady May!" complained two voices before I could thank her. First was the old man beside me, and the other was the councilman Sylvester, who heads the law-enforcement department.

He gave the Lady May a look, which clearly said it was time for serious business and not frivolous activities.

"Lord Zaar, you have broken one of the most important laws of Pyramid by bringing unregistered humans into the sacred sanctuary of our race without permission; I hope you will explain the reason behind it?" asked Lord Sylvester.

I could see the surprise on the old man's face; the language lord Sylvester used was quite mild compared to what others would face in my position, not to mention I am bound or even in the restriction formation.

If it had been someone else, they would have faced all those things, including harsh questions; it wouldn't have affected much if they were High Grandmaster.

It is like, I did not break one of the most important laws, but I made a minor mistake, and truly they are treating it as such. As I am too important, more than they are comfortable, I am comfortable with, and as long as I provide a valid reason, I wouldn't receive much more than a slap on the wrist.

The truth more uncomfortable that I like to be, but it is a reality.

"Can I have the permission to show something to the council?" I asked back instead of answering the question.

"You may," Lord Sylvester replied, "Thank you," I said, and two seeds came out of my hand and transformed into two meta-physical scans.

"What are you trying to show us with these scans, Grandmaster Zaar?" asked Silus Bishop, and when he said Grandmaster, he was saying like he is addressing me like a Grandmaster, different than the Grandmaster lady May had used, which is referring to Grandmaster of healing, the title I had earned.

"This," I said, and change appeared on the scans, and a moment later, all of their eyes when wide with shock; even Rai had become shocked.

Everyone here is intelligent and possesses great experience and knowledge; they might have deep knowledge but know enough to understand what I am trying to show them.

"A perfect twelve constitution," the Old man behind me said in shock. "Yes, two of them are siblings; one possesses poison element constitution, while the other possesses water element constitution," I explained, which again shocked them.

A perfect twelve constitution is so rare that they didn't appear for thousands of years, and here there are two, with one of them being the poison element, one of the rarest and most dangerous of constitutions.

"The poison constitution, there seemed to be some problem in it," asked Lord Hunt, and hearing that, a big smile appeared on my face.

"You are right, my lord; there is a problem," I said and revealed the problem to them. "My God!" cursed Lord Hunt as he took a sharp breath.

"The Grimms are really cruel; they have utterly destroyed this precious constitution," said Lady May, who herself possesses a powerful level 10 constitution.

"You are a little wrong about that Lady May; it is not a Grimms that done that to her, but she herself," I replied, shocking them all.

"Tearing the constitution is like tearing the soul; I wouldn't be able to do it even if I wanted to; the sheer pain of it would be too much," said Grandmaster Veronica from behind.

"Why would she do that to that herself?" asked Lady May, and "Its becauseā€¦." I begin to explain things in short. Though they are already aware of the condition of the ruin from the first report they got from the Masters, which we sent back two days ago.

"Grimms," said Lord Singh through the greeted teeth; we also sighed. It is not new, and unless we wipe out these bastards completely, it will not stop. josei

"You all shouldn't forget about that taint; he also had an extremly powerful bloodline; taking him, we were nearly wiped out," said Silus Bishop after a minute of silence, and for the first time, I was not angry at him, he had raised a very valid point.

Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, we had taken a liberated human given his powerful bloodline, and for over a hundred years, he was a great asset and given the race great victories until his great betrayal.

That betrayal had brought us very close to the complete loss, and if it were not for the trinity that rose to kill him, we would have been wiped out in that war.

"I understand the reservation and even fully agree with it, prepared contingencies like death triggers that would kill them in a single command even if they became extremly powerful," I said.

Off course, I know the danger, and even with the deep scan, brain scan, and lie detection, I am not completely sure of them and would not take a risk.

"But I still wish you would give them a chance; both of them have great potential and would be a great asset to the human race and the war," I requested.

They will not be the first who are given a chance; thousands of liberated humans have fought for us, and some have earned great merit, but all of them were inducted after great precaution and decades of surveillance.

For a minute, nobody spoke before Grand Commander looked at me, "We will conduct our own investigation on them and test their loyalty, and till then, they will be in our custody, though you will be able to meet them," said Grandmaster commander finally.

"Thank you, Grand Commander," I said ecstatically.

"Still, you have broken the law Lord Zaar, and for that, you will bear a punishment," added Lord Sylvester, and I intentionally made my expression sober otherwise, it would be too rude, but inside my heart, I am dancing happily.

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