Monster Integration

Chapter 2627

Chapter 2627: Expansion

Chapter 2627: Expansion

"Now, let's talk about expansion, " I said, "We do not have enough resources for expansion; the current resources we have would not last even a month," said Jim, shooting down my words before I could explain further.

"We do not have to worry about resources; the pyramid had promised me that they would provide us as many resources we need; we just need to admit and work on every suitable candidate on the project," I said, surprising many of them.

"The Pyramid is going to have a very hard time negotiating for the organizations for the resources," said Grandmaster Salvador, and everyone nodded with mirth.

There are two ways we could get resources; one is from organizations whose coffers are filled with centuries and millennia of collection, and the other is by sending treasure hunting teams into the ruins, which is obviously difficult and take time.

Seeing the craze about the project that appeared among the organizations since the news about the project had spread two days ago, it is extremly clear that they are willing to give the resources to the project.

I had a meeting with the council yesterday, where they informed me about the shocking interest organizations have shown in the project, far more than what they had expected. Nearly all organizations, from supremes to kings, have called them to inquire about it, with many of them willing to provide a huge amount of resources.

Though there is one caveat to their offer, all of them wanted a quota in exchange for their resources, and they were even willing to empty their coffers as long as their members were accepted into the project and made certain progress.

I flat out rejected it, even the council was willing for a small compromise, but I opposed it vehemently. There will be no compromise on the selection of the subject of projects. I will accept only those who are suitable, and there will be no exception to that.

Thankfully, the record of the project is good; till now, around 53% of Grandmasters we produced belong to supremes while 47% belong to other lower organizations.

This number is quite shocking, considering that above 85% of Grandmasters belong to supremes, and in thousands of years, the number has changed, but it has never gone lower than the 75%, but the project has already begun to change that status quo.

I am confident that within a year, it will change, and it is making some members of supremes a little iffy, but unlike the small organization, the leaders of these organizations are smart and could look ahead.

They are very clear, as long as they have the highest level powerhouses, they will always be supremes, and in that, they have far greater advantages, and the project will not change things much and might even make things better as more than half people selected in the project still belong to supremes.

Yesterday, the council informed me that, by the end of the week, many supremes would open their treasuries for the project; they were very confident about it.

"Speaking of organization, tomorrow the council has arranged the donor gala with the representative of the organization, and nine among the core will have to attend," informed crazy mary from the other side of the table; there was a big smile on her face when she said.

Being the unofficial face of the projects, she is getting all the attention in the world; in just two days, she had more than ten appearances on popular shows and has done three unofficial press conferences, and even after that, she looked like a fresh flower, without any hint of tiredness on her face.

"Director and I are going, so there are seven more places left," she said and looked at them, "I am not going; hounds will eat this old man alive," declined Grandmaster Salvador immediately, "Me, neither; I have been stopped tens of times, and my mailbox is filled emails from people I barely," Grandmaster Sethi also shook her head.

"We will leave the matter of gala for later; let's focus on important things first," I said and gave a look; while the gala is important, there are more important things to worry about.

"Grandmaster Charline, Grandmaster Salvador, and mary begin to recruit people we have on the waiting list; I will give you another list when seeds come back from scanning end of the week," I said to them, and immediate Grandmistress Charline began rapidly signing.

"Yes, Grandmistress, I understand we need more people, and we will begin interviewing the people you have all referred," I said and brought out the long list of names they have all referred.

We have constantly been recruiting for months, but this process is slow. The interview takes time, and also the background check, in which Grand Lord is involved, and with strictness involved, we have never managed to recruit more than seven people in a month. josei

Fortunately, now that the existence of projects has become known, we can loosen up some conditions, which I hope will help us recruit more and improve our staffing conditions. Though it will not solve it, it is too difficult seeing the condition we have in place, on which we could not compromise too much.

"Good, we really need new alchemists," said Jim; nearly half of the people we recruit are alchemists, and we need a lot of them, considering the sheer amount of resources we use.

The project is a paradise for them, where they learn from the best and can practice their craft by working on thousands of alchemical goods. This year, we are definitely going to get at least one Grandmaster of Alchemy, and I am already aware of who is going to earn the title.

I had throught it would take them one and half years to two years, but according to Jim and Grandmaster Salvador, it is going to be this year.

As long as nothing goes wrong, we will have another Grandmaster of Alchemy, and it helps greatly, as it is not a simple title. One needs to be very accomplished to earn that, and the Pyramid and the alchemical association are very strict when it comes to granting them.

Mary is also very close, and if she had worked a little harder, she would have earned that title decades ago. According to Grandmaster Salvador, Mary's alchemical talent is no weaker than Jim's, but unlike Jim, mary did not work hard for it.

"Speaking of Alchemists, we need to find a replacement for mary to lead the king project; if you have anyone to refer, I will listen," I said, and the eyes of some people lit up.

As the unofficial face of the project, mary could not lead the King project, as with her new job, she will not be able to give the king project all her focus, which it requires.

Not to mention, mary has to work on her qualification for Grandmaster of Alchemy; her teacher wants to see her reach designation before she dies, and even I don't dare to be cross with that old woman.

"I have a name to suggest," said Jim, "Me too," added Grandmaster Sethi, and others also chimed in one after another.

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