Monster Integration

Chapter 1252 - Repetition

Chapter 1252 - Repetition

Chapter 1252 - Repetition

"It is now under control, Micheal; you can now go to your quarters and get the sleep you need," Nina said as I finished healing another group of patients.

"Thanks," I said tiredly as I brought back vines inside me before getting up from my seat, which is by a huge window. It is very late, in less than an hour the sun will come out.

"Take care," I said before walking out of the ward.

I am tired both mentally and Physically, though not as much as tired I would be when I go through the long battle and healing the patients after that. Still, I am feeling a heavy weight on my mind from what I had experienced in the battle.

I want to go to my quarters and sleep on the soft bed to relieve my mind from all this I am feeling.

A few minutes later, I reach my abode, there; as usual, I set up my space abode and went inside. I wanted to sleep directly, but I forced myself into the shower before sleeping on my bed.

Chew Chew…

The chirps of Ashlyn waked me up; she is standing on my chest and chirping while pecking her tiny beak at my face. I petted her lovingly before looked at my holowatch and was quite surprised to find that it is eight in the evening.

I had slept for fifteen hours straight, and it helped quite much; no tiredness has remained in my body and soul, but I am still feeling the weight of all those deaths I saw in the battle. josei

That weight will not go away after a little bit of rest; it is something I will have to learn to endure and live with it as millions do.

It is Grimm Battlefield; I will see deaths far worse than I had seen in the previous battle, and the worst part is, I will have to get used to it. The deaths are sacrifices we make to fight the Grimm Monsters, stopping them from invading our word further.

I took a large breath and put my palms on my face for a while before getting out of bed. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and, after that, walked into the kitchen. It had been five days since I ate something cooked and now I want to cook something delicious and ate it till I feel satiated.

With that thought in mind, I took out multiple things from my storage and started cooking. It took me one and a half hour to make dinner, but there is quite an assortment of dishes in front of me when I finished.

I put everything on the table before Ashlyn, and I started to eat; it was delicious as always and tasted even more delicious since I am eating it days.

Finally, we finished, and when we did, we have wiped everything clean, there was nothing remained on our plates or in the pots.

With dinner done, I immediately went to the practice room and took out a wooden block and filled it with cosmic water, and added leaves and the root juice of the Crown Tree before entering inside the small pool of water.

It had been five days since I had not refined my body and soul inside it, and I wanted to do that as soon as I came back to my quarters.

In the battle, I had learned the importance of the strong body, especially went that tiny bit of King Level energy tore my body apart. If not for my Apex Constitution and strong body, it would have popped me up like a balloon.

With the Apex Constitution, my body is like extremely precious ore; it needs to refine under the strong hammer. Cosmic Water and root juice are like a hammer; as long as my body goes through their constant refinement, nobody will have a body as strong as mine.

The pain of refinement is intense, but I bore it with gritted teeth as I circulated the cosmic energy through my veins and created the seals of the Supreme Combat Exercise.

When I came out of the wooden block half an hour later, there was a smile on my face; the refinement had been very fruitful.

I showered and rested for half an hour before I took out the Tome and went inside to practice the cooking. Energy control is extremely important to me since I have taken most of my Inheritance functions into my hands.

With my current energy control, I can control my current Inheritance, but when it upgrade even a smaller one, it will be problematic; forget about the big ones that will turn downright impossible.

Just like my body and soul, I will have to keep refining my control too, it is part of my strength, and it will be foolish for me to leave behind. I could forsake body refining, but I could not forsake the refining of control; that is important the control is important to me.

I was in Tome for a full hour that when I came out, I was quite tired and just wanted to sleep, but I did not. I rested for another half hour before I went to my inheritance space where I had worked on my Inheritance for a few hours before getting out and sleeping on the bed tiredly.

The next morning when I woke up, I repeated what I did in the evening last night; I cooked and ate before going another through another body refining session and then entering into Tome to practice cooking. When I came out, I went into my Inheritance space and worked on my Inheritance.

I had not spent the whole day in my quarter; I went to the hospital and healed patients and went to the market to buy some things I need before going back to my quarter and repeating what I did in the morning.

It may feel boring to someone, but constant repetition is good; it motivates me to improve on the things I do daily and calms my heart, say everything is normal, even if it is not.

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