Monster Integration

Chapter 2072 - Taking Back

Chapter 2072 - Taking Back

Chapter 2072 - Taking Back

"Thank you for saving my niece Grandmaster Zaar; I would not forget the favor you have done to me," Old man said.

"Don't thank me yet, Grandmaster Maxwell; she is not out of danger yet," I said, and meta projections of her DNA have appeared.

"Her DNA barely able to merge with the mutation of her bloodline, the smallest thing could offset her, not to mention the damage her bloodline has suffered after the mutation, she would need rest and recuperate for at least three months before she could do any heavy-duty work," I said.

I also did not have to tell the old man the resources he was going to need to strengthen her bloodline. It is going to be a costly affair, but I am sure the old man and the organization behind him would be able to bear it, seeing what they have got from the misfortune.

"Grandmaster, should Erica would be able to call the source energy?" The old man asked; the old man is not thinking about the progress of his niece but the danger that might come if she is able to advance to the next step.

Seeing the knowledge of the old man, he can clearly see after what his niece had gone through, her chances of reaching the next step had increased tremendously.

"Yes, but you won't have to mutation increasing; that is where contamination and mutation differ; once infected, contamination spread, but mutation did not unless, of course, you again did something to antagonise her bloodline," I said, hearing that redness appeared on the old man's face for a second.

"After what I have witnessed, I will not be taking the drop of pure bloodline contamination closer to anyone," Old man said.

"I believe you, grandmaster, but I would like that drop of bloodline contamination back; I can't be sure if others won't use it seeing what happened, and I would not be available to save everyone," I said and demanded the drop back.

As I had said, I could not take the risk anymore, especially after treating women, which might force others to take the risk as there is always me to heal them and which, if I do, will give them a greater potential, that thing is too dangerous in the hands of others.

Both of them looked other and turned toward me hesitantly; I was about to warn them with a threat when a drop of bloodline contamination sealed in a runic crystal bottle appeared in the hands of Grandmaster Maxwell.

"You are right; this thing is too alluring to be not used by anyone," He said and handed me the bottle; I took it, and it disappeared in my core.

"Grandmaster Zaar, please accept this small token of thanks for saving my niece," the old man said as dark red jagged crystal appeared in his hand. My eyes couldn't help widen seeing it, and all thoughts of rejecting it disappeared from my mind; the old man is rich, and I do deserve the reward after the feat I had just pulled.

"I will not say no to it, Grandmaster; this piece of crimson scorched diamond would be very useful to me," I said and accepted a thumb-size piece of crimson scorched diamond from him.

Half an hour later, after I had done with all the checks, they left, and I also walked toward the house with a smile on my face despite feeling a little tired.

The healing Erica Maxwell was one of the toughest things I had ever done; not only did I get the precious data and great reward but also a massive amount of bloodline mutation, which is getting purified inside me by a second.

The purified bloodline contamination is too strong to be used in some cases, but this purified mutation would be perfect.

I had been searching for something like it; the purified contamination was too strong for my parents to use it. I had planned to use a diluted one with a solution but soon discarded it when I found it, even diluted one to be too strong; this purified mutation will solve that problem.

"You left in a hurry and came tired, had something happened?" My father asked, "Yes, some people had done some stupid thing with the bloodline contamination, and I had to fix it," I replied without taking any names.

"That stuff is dangerous; my whole body shakes whenever I observe it," Father said, visibly shaking.

I have given him some samples for his research, and he was blown away by it that he is researching them daily with other important things in his lab. In just a few days, we are here; he had created a nifty little lab in the back of the house.

"Earlier, I did not get a chance to ask but have you succeeded?" Mom asked as I sat beside them. "I did not answer. Instead, I opened my palm and showed them a grey which of energy that had started to bend the air around it to its will. josei

"Internal energy," My mom muttered in wonder, and soon mist released from her hands and surrounded the internal energy, and her expressions changed again.

"It looks very powerful; the enhancements it had provided to you must be amazing," Mom said, and I couldn't help but nod. The enhancements are beyond amazing, and I had just finished 10% of 1st stage; when I make greater progress, it will be even more powerful.

I stayed with my parents for an hour, ate dinner before going back to my room; there are some things I have to do before I sleep.

Tomorrow is a big day; I am going to meet the people I am going to mentor and couldn't feel a little nervous about it. I had instructed the people before but never mentored them; mentoring is one step below having a personal student.

The responsibility is big, and I don't know whether I will be able to do a good job or not.

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