Monster Integration

Chapter 2081 - Vein Shrieker

Chapter 2081 - Vein Shrieker

Chapter 2081 - Vein Shrieker


'These bastards looked really do want to kill me and painfully at that,' The Scarlet Vein Snakeman had used its special poison, the most powerful poison its bloodline have provided it, the vein shrieker.

I have heard about the vein shrieker; it is an absolute nightmare as it makes them powerless, stopping all the passage of energy in their veins; not only that, one also feels a horrifying amount of pain in their veins as it poisoned them to their core.

Many people have turned permanently crippled by this poison; it is a good thing, there are some side effects of using it, that even scarlet vein snakemen think carefully before using it.

They could only use this poison once a month, and every time they use it, they will be weakened for a week time. It is a very serious disadvantage in the fight, you may be able to kill one Master, but others might kill you, not to mention, you will be nearly powerless for a week.

There is only one way the snakeman would have used this poison; it had been ordered too; otherwise, these bastards keep their precious poison as trump, use it as the last weapon to survive, or act as a threat to those who want to kill it.

I did not react as it began to release the faint amount of vein shrieker inside the powerful poisonous mist, which is invisible to the senses.

I let it inside me and stored it inside the formation of my armor, which I had specially created for such types of things.

"Dawn of Crystals!"

The Crystal Horn Bearman shouted as a powerful aura released from it and attacked, all the projections have merged back into the lance, and now, a single lance is coming at me.

One could not see any specialty in the attack; only those at Grandmaster class would be able to see its power and would be shocked by it. The bastard has likely used the most powerful attack of it; only such attack could affect the space around it.

It had seeped through the space and appeared in front of me, its speed was so fast that if it had been someone else with my power, they would have been shocked by and would have caught off guard, but I have not, I have sensed its power the moment, it had affected the space and made the preparation to deal with it.

The power of the third boost had spread inside me; it did not seem any different than the third boost I had used during the practice a few days ago, but when I swung my rapier at its lance, even I had to go shocked by it despite expecting such power.

My sword moved as if it had teleported and appeared in front of the huge lance of the Bearman before crashing against it.


The point of my rapier clashed against the point of its lance, drawing out a defeaning chime that shocked all the Master and other Tyrants who were fighting, as the stormlike shockwave produced through the clash.


They are not the only ones who have gotten shocked; even my opponent is shell-shocked as it begins to take one step back after another with blood leaking from its eyes and nose.

"Good, very good human!" It said as it finally stopped hundreds of meters away, and an explosive aura shot out of its body. It is clear that the injury I have given it had made it angry, and now like an angry bear, it will try its all to kill me.

As the powerful aura exploded, it came at me with the speed that was even invisible to the eyes of Masters and attacked me.

"Die, you bastard!" It roared as it attacked me with a lance that was blazing me in crystalline energy. I did not back down either and attacked with harnessing even more power from the third boost.


Our weapons clashed, and a powerful shockwave spread as its body shook under the power of my attack, but it bore it forcefully as it attacked again, not caring for the blood that began to leak out of its orifices due to the shock of my attack.


That attack was just a beginning, and as it attacked again with even greater power, to match my power, it seemed to be harnessing every shred of power it had as crystalline smoke could be seen coming out its body with the blood of injuries it is incurring at every second.

It is staking its all in its attacks, and I wish I could do the same; I am still fighting, careful, completely defensive that if I wish, I could kill it if I harness the full power of the third boost, but there is not a complete certainty.

This bastard is not weak, and most importantly, I have not gotten complete control over my strength. This battle had already helped me a lot, helping me gain perfect control over 70% of my strength, but there is still a 30% that I needed to get perfect control over.


A few minutes passed by, and when I again started to make it a take a step back, at first it was just a single step, but soon it had become two steps and then three before I started to push the bastard back at every attack, never giving a chance to get stabilized, unconsciously shifting into the offensive as I got a greater and greater advantage.

Its injuries have also worsened a lot, now only its orifices but skin had also been splintered, and blood has started leaking from it.

If I continued to fight against it at such a pace, I would be able to kill it quite easily without taking any risk; unfortunately, I do not plan to wait that long, my opportunity of attacking would be appearing soon, and I have bigger fish to catch that this Bearman.

"You bastard Krer, when will you going to act!" The Bearman screamed out suddenly and for the first time, not at me.

"You don't have to scream, you idiot; I was just about to inform you that human is dead; my poison had infiltrated its whole being," The Snakeman replied irritatingly while still being invisible in its domain.

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