Monster Integration

Chapter 2163

Chapter 2163: Steelfur I

Chapter 2163: Steelfur I

"Neela, be ready; there is the powerful enemy coming," I warned her. There is no need to; her soul sense had sensed it at the same time as mine.

She had already taken a few steps back, letting me take the lead as we had discussed. She is already a battle-ready mode, with her clawed out giving a sharp violet shine when one looks at the blade claws.

She might be a little skittish at the thought of combat, but when it is time to fight, she will put her fear down and give her all.

Lord Micheal had made them fight nearly every day, and I saw her visibly improving with each battle. If she continued, in a few months, she could become a competent fighter, and in a year, she would become capable of beating above-average powerhouse with her combat skills.


A huge Grimm Monster came like a blur before landing in front of us. It is a Steelfur Houndman, a Grimm Monster with one of the sharpest noses. It is the reason why I did not run away despite sensing at a distance; it would have caught us with that sharp nose of it.

"Hehe, two humans and female ones at that, it looks I will be sucking the tender skin an hour later," said the Steelful Houndman, intentionally showing off its bladelike sharp teeth and its teeth is not the only sharp thing on its body.

It has a thick steelfur on its body, as its name suggests. It is not only its fur that is made of steel but also its skin and those sharp claws that could tear through the metal as if it is butter.

"You sound awfully confident about your ability to kill us?" I asked back as my green sword appeared in my hand.

"Yes, I am. It won't take me more than five minutes to kill two early leaders," It said with an even bigger toothy smile.

It is a mid-level leader class tyrant and not an average one either. If it had been an average, I would not have feared it at all, but it is even stronger than the peak Tyrants Ive fought before, and it seemed like this battle would be testing for the strength I had gained after getting into the Lord Micheal's mentorship.

"Good, I want you to repeat these same words to you when I pierce my sword in your heart," I said with a toothy green, and leafy pattern across my armor lit up.

'Strength of Azure!'

I said inside me, and the great power of the bloodline filled me as I moved toward it with my sword blazing with the power of my bloodline.

Enemies should be killed quickly as possible; there is no need to dilly-dally against them. It just added to their advantage and got one killed.

The Steelfur Houndman reacted immediately, and the huge steel claws it is wearing over its actual shone with dense inheritance power, and it swiped them at me as I appeared in front of it. josei

Its claw was fast, filled with sharp brutality, the one I am very familiar with. There is no fear in my eyes; instead, there is excitement to test my power. In the morning, I bore torture I had never bored before in my life, but it gave me to harvest that I had never thought would be possible.


My sword clashed against its claw, and just as it did, I took back my sword and attacked its heart with three times faster speed. It reacted immediately and moved both of its claws to defend, seeing that a faint smile appeared on my face.

'Rustle of Azure,'

I said in my mind, and a faint rustling sound rang out from my sword, and it moved like a gentle wind, changing its direction smoothly and now going for its head, which made alarm flash in its eyes.

"Claws of Sret!"

Its shouted and power exploded out of its body, and its claws became very fast and that within a moment, they appeared in from my sword.


My sword clashed against its claws, and a bright smile appeared on its face, but suddenly that smile had frozen away when I saw my sword slipping past the gaps in the fingers of its claws like wind slipping through the tiny holes.

It tried to stop my sword, but I used its force against it, getting a clear away from its heart which again became my target.

What I did may sound easy, but it is far from it; I don't think even people like Lord Micheal could not do it. His combat style is good, but its not a match for me; I had worked extremely hard in practicing my combat style, which is the first thing, my bloodline has given me.

'Might of Azure!'

I activated another of my attack, and the power of my attack increased explosively, surprising even me with its might, but I controlled it with surgical precision and avoided its claw that was trying to stop my sword and another one who was coming at me.

I find the four-time difference in size between human and Grimm monsters is the biggest advantage we have against the Grimm Monsters; while some people may think the opposite, but I am not one of them.

I learned to use this difference to my maximum advantage.


As I dodged the attack and continued moving my sword toward it, a smirking smile appeared on the face of the Steelfur Houndman.

Sup Sup Sup!

"Retribution of Steel!" It roared, and that very moment, the sharp, steely fur on its vibrated before thousands of sharp, steely hair which are the size of knitting needle came at me from all the sides wanting to skew me all the side.

Seeing the sudden attack, there is no surprise as it is no surprise for me; I had already guessed it would going to launch this attack and made preparations beforehand against it.

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