Monster Integration

Chapter 2455

Chapter 2455: I Guess This Is Not Planet Vlone Then?

Now that I have harvested the garden, it is time to look at the house. It is a small single-story house-made wholly of marble. The design of the house is a little strange as it has a door that is nearly as tall as it; with such a big door, even cyclops will pass through it easily, but they will have barely enough space inside if they want to sleep inside or walk around. As I appeared in front of a huge gate, I saw there were no runes visible on it. Seeing that, I moved my hand closed to it before releasing the waves of rule-bending power. 
Came out of my mouth when the waves returned to my hand. The waves have brought a very surprising result; just like the plant in the garden, the protective formation in the door has been deactivated. It is there, just deactivated. 
I did not think much and pushed the door; I had to push quite hard before the door began to open, and soon, I got a clear look of what was inside it, and it couldn't freeze me on my spot. In front of me is a huge space, at least twenty times bigger than what seemed outside. It is clearly spatially enlarged. I am not shocked by it; I live in a spatially enlarged space called a Pyramid. The thing that shocked me was bones bound in chains; there are bones of tens of beings that are bound in the chains. There is also a huge table with multiple tools neatly placed on it; just one look is enough to know what these instruments are. 
This seemed like someone's personal torture home, aside from bound bones and torture tools. There is also a room made of transparent energy there; I could see a bed and connected to it another room which seemed to be an office. 
It took me a while to process before I appeared beside a three-meter tall skeleton bound in a chain; just as I appeared beside, the bones crumbled by the gale of air I made. This room had been completely sealed from the outside, there was not a speck of death, and metal energy could be sensed here. This is why the bones were decayed and crumbled with the slightest force applied to them. I collected the bone dust and packed it before turning toward another skeleton and collecting its dust into a different box. These people have suffered too much; even after thousands of years, these bones bear the signs of torture they have suffered. 
I am collecting their ashes and will be busying them in some nice, pure place. I had reached the thirteenth skeleton; it was from a small being that was not even a meter tall. It has two eyes like regular humans, but they are slightly bigger and round; it also has two horns and a tail. 
Like I did with others, I moved my energy to surround it, and just as I did, the bones crumbled into ashes which my energy collected. As it did, I noticed a lump in the ash; there was clearly something solid inside. I used my string to brough it out, and as I had expected, there was something solid inside. It is a jagged crystalline bone of thumbnail size. The crystalline thing has surprised me; after thousands of years, every part of their bodies has turned to ashes. Without the protective formation, they got ravaged by the river of time, but the crystalline bone thing had survived somehow. 
I looked at it for a couple of seconds, and feeling it safe, I took it in my hand, but just as I did, it began to shine brightly. I tried to throw it, but to my surprise, the crystal had disappeared, and a big bright have remained standing. 
"By ten realms, I thought this piece of soul would die!" shouted the voice from the shining ball before transforming into a one-meter size purple being. 
"A human kid!" It said in surprise as its eyes fell on me, and it was not the one that was surprised; I was too surprised at well. If my sister had been here, she would have shouted in joy and ran toward this being and hugged him. How can she not? Even I want to do it; this being is just too cute. 
It had a purple fur body, round eyes, tail, and cute horns. It is the epitome of cuteness; if I am not feeling very scared right now, I would have definitely hugged it hard. Though one thing is clear, it is not a Grimm Monster; this thought had never come to mind ever since this being had appeared in front of me. The feeling Grimms gave is completely different; it is like they are at odds with the world while we humans, monsters, and others feel like part of the world, and this being is the same as us. "A human kid in the middle of primary stage," It said as a surprise in its eyes disappeared, and it looked at me even more clearly. 0 It is speaking a universal language and has a slightly weird accent; hell, every accent of a universal language would feel weird to me, considering I have seen not even five people I have heard speaking. "My lord," I greeted politely; this being is very powerful. Even when it is not showing even a speck of aura, my whole body is shaking. It is all because of the willpower that I have fallen to my knees. "I guess this is not planet vlone then?" it asked as it looked around, and I could see great anger appear in its eyes before it had disappeared. "No, you are not, my lord. This place is a min that is floating around about grade 0 planet," I replied in a universal language. I practiced it when I had free time, but the words still felt weird when they rolled on my tongue.. 

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