Monster Integration

Chapter 3046 Return

Chapter 3046 Return

Roarrr Roarrr Roarrr

I controlled my fear of so many Grimms and summed my sword before slashing it toward them.


Long sharp energy slashed and moved toward the monsters, bearing the power of enchantments.

This is just delaying the attack for me to power the truly powerful attack, as these bastards wouldn't be stopped by this attack.


I had just thought that when I had received my greatest shock.

I saw the long sword arc reaching the monsters, and they moved their claws to crush it as they did not sense any threat from it, but the moment their claws touched the arc, their expressions changed.

Pachac Pachac Pachac

From gloating, it had turned to horror as the arc smoothly began to cut through their claws before cutting through their bodies.

They tried to stop it, but the arc seemed too fast for them, as it cut through their whole body before they could do anything, and before they knew it, they saw themselves separating into two pieces and falling.

I watched it all in shock; the attack was a simple attack, I had used to buy time, but it had slaughtered them.

These were no common monsters, but the most powerful ones, the Primary-II class, and my simple sword arc had cut through them.

It took me a little while to understand the reality, and when I did, a grinning smile couldn't help but appear on my face, and I turned to the lone Primary-II monster that hadn't attacked me.

"Come," I said to the frozen monster, and it shuddered before suddenly turning and running away.

Its speed should have shocked me, it is so fast that it would have been invisible to me, but now, it is slow as a snail, and I haven't even activated any of my special ocular abilities and only general ones which work passively.


A small bolt of energy formed in my finger before flying toward the bore; a moment later, I heard a faint sound, and the fiery horned bore fell down dead.

I looked at it for a moment before waving my hand, and all the bodies of monsters disappeared inside my storage. They all are at the primary stage; for others, I did not even want to attack them, seeing how they quivered with one look from me.

After storing the monster, I took out the beacon and activated it; at the same time, an invisible sphere formed around me, instantly stabilizing the space, which was always vibrating.

It put pressure on realm-breaking gates.

Earlier, I wanted to find a safe place to activate it as I did not think it would be powerful enough to stabilize the vibrating space with my power, not to mention the danger of the monsters.

Now, there is no such fear in my heart; I know, with the power I have, there are very few things in this ruin that will be able to do anything to me.

For a few seconds, there was no reaction from the beacon before it lit white, seeing that a small smile appeared on my face.

The realm-breaking gate in the pyramid had got my coordinates, and now it will form the spatial tunnel between me and it.

I hope it will do soon as possible; my heart is beating fast, and I worry something has happened. I really hope I am not too late, or I will not be able to forgive myself.josei

Seconds passed and turned into a minute, but the light had not changed, and I began to get worried when finally, it turned green, and a moment later, I felt the power of realm breaking gate envelop me.

I did not resist and let it envelop me, and it did. A moment later, I am in the spatial tunnel.

I stayed frozen in the tunnel with my power sealed; this long spatial tunnel is very delicate, especially for someone of my power. The slightest leak could have a big consequence.

The spatial seat between the ruin and the world is extremely dangerous, but something I could handle with my current strength, but I do not want to fall into it, as it will take me quite a time to find my way to the world.

The time I do not have.

A minute passed and another minute more, and I would be back in the world; I would have to be very careful there.

For someone of my strength, it is very fragile; too much power and I would cause huge destruction that I could not control.

As I understood this, I became more worried about the world; the Grimm is extremely powerful. So much that, if it wished, it would easily be able to destroy the world; same for my friends if they had made their breakthroughs.


A few seconds passed when I saw the state of the tunnel ahead, it cracked, and if I passed through it, it would definitely explode.

I did not waste any time and immediately loosened my seal, and stabilizing force rushed through me toward the cracked spatial tunnel ahead.

The tunnel began to heal, but it did not make me happy; as the state tunnel became worse and worse with more distance, I crossed, making me send even more stabilizing force.

I have studied the spatial tunnels enough to know that this is not natural, some foreign factor had caused this, and it couldn't help, but it makes me worried.

It is not easy to create such power of instability, especially from outside.

The more I think about it, the graver my expressions would become that now, I want to reach the pyramid as soon as possible.

If I had been confident that I could reach there faster with my method, I would have jumped out of the tunnel.

I would likely travel faster than tunnel with my methods, but I have not tested them, and I don't want to take the risk of them not working and wasting any more time.

So, I had stayed.

Seconds passed excruciatingly slowly, and the tunnel became more unstable with every inch I traveled, but I kept stabilizing it artificially before I reached the end, where the tunnel seemed to have exploded.

So, with the help of a beacon, I had formed the tunnel with my energy, reaching closer to the end before stepping out of it.


"L..Lord Zaar, it had arrived," said the technician as I stepped out of the formation, and immediately, I sent my soul sense out.

It would not have worked before, even now; I felt the resistance from the pyramid before it had passed through its walls.

Immediately I saw the scene outside, and my expression changed instantly, and burning rage appeared on my face.

Silver, green and red threads appeared out of my body and formed the armor around me, taking a fraction of a second.

It is beautiful, and I would have admired my creation like a narcissist if not for the scene I am seeing.

So, the moment armor appeared on my body, I took a step and disappeared, appearing outside.

The moment I did, my blood began to boil, and I promised that I would kill the Grimm bastard in the most horrible way.

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