Monster Integration

Chapter 3170 Over

Chapter 3170 Over


The leader commanded as the last Grimms entered the forest. 

We stopped watching the Grimms running away into the forest, with many having relieved smiles on our faces.

We have finished the Grimms. There is still a large number, but as long as we are together, they will be able to do anything against us. Not to mention, we will not be here for long.

Soon, we will enter the formation for which we had fought this bloody battle.


I was smiling with relief when suddenly that turned to horror as the vast attack materialized above us. 

It is not a single attack, but hundreds, with each of it with enough power to wipe out every one of us on the ground.

The Grimms Sovereigns attacked their last gift before leaving. It is a powerful attack and what makes it even worse is that, not our Sovereign. might not be able to defend against it fully.

I hope I am wrong in my assessment, but in case I am right. I have to be prepared.

While others panicked and begin to run away and summoned their defensive methods. I just took out my old tile dome; the last time it had saved me, and I hope, this time, it will do the same thing as well.

The tile dome appeared above me and not just above me, but above seven people.

"What the fuck is this?" asked the blue rhino Beastman, who had on layer after another defensive layers appearing around it.

"The thing that will save us," I replied, but he did not seem to believe me. "This little thing looked like it would crack by my single tap," he said but did not tap.

"It won't. It had saved me last time. It will do the same this time too," I replied, before closing my eyes in concentration, spreading my soul sense.

The soul sense is important. While it is true, I could not do anything against such an attack, other than sit inside the dome. I still like to watch what is happening outside, which is much better than being blind.

As even if things are out of my control. I could still do something, anything, as long as I know what is happening.

The moment I looked, I saw the attack above us.

They have formed a huge dome above us and hope it works. If it did not, then I will have to rely on this reliable tile dome.


The attacks of Grimms crashed on the defensive dome. For a moment, it held on, before some attacks begin to breach the layers and the Sovereign moved immediately to heal them.

They are acting fast; some directly move in front of the breaching attacks, while others summoned more defensive methods to reinforce the shields.

Their effects were working and 99% of the attacks were stopped and but 1% still breached through and they were not fast enough to stop them.

One of those attacks is coming directly from the domes and surrounding areas.

It is a giant violet pillar, over a hundred meters long and twenty meters wide. Nearly four times bigger than the tiled dome, and it is coming directly at us, with no Sovereign coming to help us.

As they were busy defending and healing the dome. As it is not the only attack, the Grimms have launched another attack came.

The pillar was huge, but it was also fast, and it was only a fraction of a second. An instant appeared above my tile dome, after breaching the defensive methods.


eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ The pillars crashed against the dome, and it shook, before turning bright red. Instantly making the temperature inside reaches high enough to danger to Primary-III.

Thankfully, no energy leaked inside. This is great because the heat might be dangerous, but the energy would certainly kill.

"Fuck!" cursed the Rhino-Beastman. All the energy and haughtiness had disappeared from its eyes and now there is only fear.

It might not have seen the attack, but it had felt it and knew what would have happened. If the dome wasn't here to protect us.josei


We had just defended against the attacks when I heard another attack against the defensive shields. 

It is powerful as the last one, but this time, the natives were to better prepared and only a fourth of the attacks of last time were able to breach the defensive shields. Even among those breached, half were dealt with by them.

I wish I could feel relieved, but the third wave of attack came, and it seemed to be more powerful than the other two.


It crashed against the defensive shields and to my surprise, not a single one was able to breach through it the shields.

They have defended every single one of them. Seeing that, a small smile couldn't help but appear on my face.

I watched for another wave, but it did not come. Though the Sovereigns did not move from their spots.

After more than a minute, they moved and the first thing they did was to neutralize the energies of the Sovereigns attacks. They are dangerous. Even seconds of exposure from sovereign energies around the dome will kill half of the people beside me.

Even I wouldn't be safe.

"All clear," said the leader, and I finally felt relieved and took the tile to come back to the core.

"My god!" gasped a woman with shimmering black skin. The destruction around us is shocking, a lot of people died, and if it is not for the tiled dome. We would have also been one of them.

"Thank you, friend. Without you, we wouldn't have been alive," said Rhino-Beastman. "You would have done the same," I said to him and turned to Sovereign. 

Though not before, catching a glimpse of shame in it.

I did not dwell on it and focused on Sovereigns, who was looking toward the forest.

"Let's go. It is time we get out of this damned region," the leader said and we moved toward the teleportation gate under the protection of the defensive dome.

They are not removing it, which is wise. If they dared to do it once, they will do it again, and we did not want to be unprepared this time.

Soon we reached the teleportation gate, and I could see the excitement in the eyes of the people. There is also fear and nervousness.

We know the other side is in control of the natives, but still, people are nervous. I am nervous too, but there is no choice.

Staying here means death.

I hope those people who have escaped into the forest at the start of the battle to those who did not join will be able to keep themselves alive. Though, that is unlikely to happen.

Knowing Grimms, they will search for every one of them and kill them painfully to erase the dishonor of losing the battle.

"Form two groups. Those with tokens, those without them," said the Leader, and immediately people separated into two groups.

Those without a token are in bigger groups. At least five times bigger, which made the Sovereigns relax. 

As with the tokens we have, all of us could get out of this region. 

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