Monster Integration

Chapter 3321 Energy Sphere

Chapter 3321 Energy Sphere

The breakthrough energy was very powerful, but it had healed less than a quarter of my injuries.

If I were to guess; then they had healed about 20% of my injuries. Though, I will know the clear percentage after looking at my meta-scan.


I was thinking that when my clones become active and immediately informed me of the changes in my core. There are changes, with one being the most prominent.

I closed my eyes and immediately appeared in my core and saw a large sphere of glass on the ground. It was bigger than me and crystal clear; inside it is a golden-brown liquid, with a hint of green and purple.

It is nearly filled with liquid, with only 5% being empty, which is likely what my core had used for the breakthrough.

I knew my core couldn't be able to use all the energy; it would be foolish, but still, it is quite surprising, that it had only used 5% of it for my breakthrough.

It seemed like the energy had been more powerful than I had been through, and I was able to contain it only because of the rule of bending power and filtration from the cloud tar soil.

I had asked one of my clones to start analyzing it; it contains massive energies.

If those energies didn't disappear; they will help me tremendously in the future.

I looked at the huge sphere for more than a minute, before I walked away from it and appeared beside my core, which was looking for a meta-scan. 

Seeing it, my expression couldn't help but change for the worse.

"The energy had fucked me up for good," I said.

Earlier, I could only see the surface, but now, I could see how bad my condition was and how much it had fucked me.

Only 17.2% of my injuries have been healed and healing them further going to be difficult. Seeing the way they are damaged and the thing that could injure them in such a way, I could forget healing them in the normal way.

Even earlier, energy made from berries and other two light element resources had only been able to stop the injuries from getting worse.

It didn't hear them.

Now, these cells and soul particles are even stronger as they are damaged, which will make healing them even more difficult than before. 

I would need resources far better than berry and that is good. It shocked me when Ragas had given it to me.

Speaking of Ragas, I wonder how he is doing. I am sure he is alive and seeing those layers of ancient runes covering him; I would say he is in even better condition than me.

I focused on my condition, sending four of them to the library to find more information about the way to heal such injuries.

Till they do, they will not work on any other thing, including the inheritance.


A little more than an hour passed inside, and my expression had become even worse, seeing what my clones had found in the library. I was looking at it, when I sensed the door coming out of the wall and Ragas coming out of it.

I opened my eyes a moment later and walked out of my abode. Seeing me, a clear surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Few would have survived. What we have gone through," he said, looking at me from up to down. 

"I am barely hanging together. Don't be surprised if I turn to puddle suddenly," I said and a smile appeared on his face, but a moment later, it froze.

"You are not joking, are you?" he asked, to that I shook my head.  I think you should take a look at

"I am in a terrible state and require a very powerful healing. I would be grateful if you could provide with something that will help me with it," I said and looked at him with hope.

It could be said, I am desperate now; my condition is terrible.

I am looking at every option; I have included making one of my clones scan every bit of information about this place and find a place that provides powerful healing.

There are several, but it looked didn't seem to have the healing to the level I need.

"Unfortunately, the berries are the strongest healing medicine I have," he said, and a disappointment couldn't cloud my heart. 

It is not the answer I wanted to hear.

"Though, the place we are going that something that could regenerate even a limb," he added and my expression barely changed. 

Regeneration is not a big thing. I have several things that could do with enough time.

"It could regenerate the limb in less than two minutes," he said, and my expression changed because my treatments would require weeks for it.

The higher you go, the harder the regeneration be. 

"Really?" I asked, and he nodded. "It came on the way to the place. We have to reach," he said. 

"Then we shouldn't waste any time," I said and took my abode in my core and moved toward the green patches around the pools, and started to harvest these resources.

Not a single one of them is a healing type of resource, but they are an Earth Sovereign resource and I need Earth Sovereign resources.

Seeing, I had used a lot of them earlier, in a different formation.

"Where did you get that soil?" he asked when I was harvesting resources. "Somewhere," I replied, without turning to him.

"Do you know what that soil is?" he asked. "Yes, I know," I replied. 

I am not an idiot. I know what the soil is and the things it could; I have done many experiments on it, and it is because of that my clones were able to figure out what will help me survive.

"I want it and I have many things that you would be interested in," he said, and I looked back at him. "Unless you have something that could heal my injuries; I am not interested," I replied clearly.

"I may not have powerful healing medicine, but I have many good things. Some of which will interest you as a host of celestial inheritance," he said, and I am not surprised.

I didn't hide that fact and he was knowledgeable enough to guess it after seeing the signs.

"We will talk after I healed," I said.

Of course, I am interested in the trade. I had traded with corrupted, and I will not have any problem trading with him, but I will do that after I healed fully.josei

It is clear he desired the soil and would be more motivated to take me to the place where I could heal. Once I am done with that, I will trade him with everything he has.

Soon, I finished harvesting every grass on the green patch and walked toward him.

"We should get the hell out of this place as soon as possible. We won't be lucky when the next storm comes," I said. 

"Then, let's not waste any time," he said and moved out of the cave, and I followed him, matching his speed with mine.

I am injured and couldn't use all my power I am not weak. Though, I will refrain from fighting, unless I needed to.

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