Monster Integration

Chapter 539 Getting Soul Tempering Diamonds

Chapter 539 Getting Soul Tempering Diamonds

I finally reached the center of the Hall and I can feel the Soul braking concentration of Suppressive energy here if I had first experienced this amount of suppressive energy after entering the hall then I would have surely fallen be severally injured or even dead.

Suppressive energy is too great and after reaching the center of its concentration, I have even lost the capability to twitch my fingers.

Despite laying immobile, I did not stop circulating this suppressing energy into my soul to cleanse it further, I did not forget my target which is to reach the 1st accomplishment.

It will be very hard to reach it, it like performing 108 poses of Body Cleansing Technique for the first time, it will closer to impossible especially to those who are not in peak levels of Knight stage.

I kept circulating this painful suppressive energy and soon I was able to shake my hands a little and few minuits passed I became capable of moving my hands slowly.

I kept circulating more and more energy, the more I circulate the more control over the body I got back and more it will cleanse my soul.

I dont know how much time had passed but I finally able to sit on the floor, I somehow sat on the floor and started circulating it with even more frenzy as for leaving for a door that is in the end, I dont really care. This opportunity is way bigger than the soul energy that I will receive on the top floor.


I suddenly stopped circulating, its not that I stopped intentionally but I have to as my soul reach the limit, I will have to rest for a few hours before I could start again. josei

Bull will I get another chance? I thought disappointedly as I started to crawl toward the end of the hall, I’ve had experienced the worst suppressive energy and now that I am going away from the center, the suppressive energy started to thin out and I got easier time crawling.

When I covered more than half of the distance, I felt good enough that I stood up shakingly and walked toward the end of the hall with the slow steps.

’There is still ten minuits.’ I thought as I looked at my holowatch, it took me two hours and fifty minuits to clear this test and I feel amazing.

Chew chew chew chew!

I am about to walk into the gate when I heard Ashlyn chirp and look of unbelievable ness came on my face.

Ashlyn is saying that she is feeling no restriction in coming out of me and if I want then she would try to bring that shiny thing out of the formation.

’Really?’ I asked right back in excitement but soon thought several of the problems, first is a gap in the formation is only big as an adult thumb but that is not the problem as Ashlyn could reduce her size of them so that she could enter inside the gap.

The miracle fruit of morph not only lets her increse her size but it also gives her the ability to decrease her size alos.

The real problems are whether Ashlyn could go near the Soul Tempering Diamond and if she is able to go in bearing the pressure and able to bring back then how will I survive.

I have very detailed knowledge of the Soul Tempering Diamond and clearly know that the suppressive energy released by even a rise grain size Soul Tempering Diamond could shatter my soul easily.

The reason my soul hadn’t been shattered due to soul tempering diamond because it covered in the formation if it would have been open then I wouldn’t be heard.

Chew chew...

I told her all that to Ashlyn and to my surprise, she said she has the way to bring the Soul Tempering Diamond safely that it will not release even a bit of energy.

’Are you sure, there may be many dangers?" I asked but internally I am very excited, the allure of Soul Tempering Diamond to me is too much. On one hand, I dont want Ashlyn to take such risk but on the other hand I want her to bring that Soul Tempering Diamond to me.

’Chew chew!’ Ashlyn chirp again, saying she is confident.

"Ok then!" I said and the next moment Ashlyn came out of me and no restriction in the hall got activated, seeing that I sighed a relief.

As she flew out me, Ashlyn started to reduce her size and soon she became the size of the adult thumb and flew toward the Soul Tempering Diamond Without feeling any restrictions.

As Ashlyn flew toward the formation that is keeping Soul Tempering Crytal, I took out the palm-size crystalline bottle that had dense runes carved all over it.

If Ashlyn is able to bring out Soul Tempering Diamond, I will need a suitable container to store and this crystal bottle is the most suitable container I have.

This blue crystalline bottle and some other storing bottle I got from one of the facilities of the repository.

I have been reading about the runes for years and even had brought some books about runes from the awakening ground, so it was easy for me to research the function of this bottle.

This bottle will not only able to perfectly store the Soul Tempering Diamond but it will also able to help me temper my soul with, I just have to power up some runes and I will able to draw out the amount of energy I will need for the practice.

I opened the lid of the bottle and activated the runic formation, now Ashlyn just has to bring the Soul Tempering Diamond and put it in the bottle then all will be well.

Bang Bang...

Ashlyn reached near the formation and enter through the tiny gap, first few seconds nothing had happened but then suddenly I heard few bangs from the formation, which scared the hell out me, I thought Ashlyn is danger and about go to help her but stopped, as she told me she is fine.

As for the earlier sudden sounds, it was because she was breaking some seals.

Minutes passed when suddenly the formation dimmed down a little and ext moment Ashlyn came out and swiftly arrive near me before she started growing and transformed into the half meter bird.

Chew chew

I was confused seeing her getting bigger but I didnt get a chance to ask her as she asked me to put the bottle near the beak and I did what she told me excitedly.

Ting ting ting...

Next moment I heard the tinging sound as the diamonds fell down from Ashlynn’s beaks into the bottle.

Yes, Diamonds not a diamond.

All I was hoping for the Soul Tempering Diamond about the rice grain size, that would have been enough for me but what I got the diamond is about the size of an adult thumb.

This unbelievable, totally unbelievable. Just the rice grain size Soul Tempering Diamond along with worth shit load of fortune but now I have so much that I will not even able to use even 2% of it in the whole Knight stage.

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