Monster Musume Harem wo Tsukurou!

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: After the fierce battle

Chapter 50: After the fierce battle

After the battle ended, I was carried by Ruu to the first-aid station. A big tent was pitched near the headquarters, almost filling it with injured people who are laid on the ground. The healers cure the heavily injured and leave alone the sheet covered ones. 'Are those.... corpses... they sure did a number on us.'

"Excuse me, he needs treatment...” Ruu

"Is he in critical condition!?" Healer

"N, No, his life isn't in danger..." Ruu

"In that case put him down, around there. People who are near and facing death's door needs to be treated first!" Healer

The healers are too busy moving around hastily, healing the sick and injured, so they didn't pay much attention to Ruu's request. The pain becomes gradually severe, but I'll manage... somehow.

"Ruu, while I wait here to be treated. Please, look for Rin and Lime." Tsuchio

“Bu, But..." Ruu

"You can't help me, without any experience in healing, so you will only be a burden here. The bleeding already stopped, even if I'm left alone for a while, I won't die" Tsuchio

“Uh... I'm sorry, Tsuchio" Ruu

"It is fine, please do what you can do. Okay?” Tsuchio. "Understood? When you reunite with Rin follow the instructions given to you by the teachers or the principal. As for me, it looks like I won't be able to move for few or several hours"

As Ruu left the first-aid station, I couldn't keep my eyes from closing. This exhaustion is taking away my energy to stay awake... so I decided to take a rest. My consciousness slowly but surely sank into the darkness. 'Someone is bound to wake me up when it's my turn for treatment.'

“...You? Are you alright!?" Healer

“He?...ah, I'm okay" Tsuchio

Someone cried out in my ear with a loud voice and I jumped out of bed in a hurry. With a frightful angry look, a healer called out to me.

"Thank goodness... I thought that you suddenly died.” Healer

“Ah, yes. I am sorry for worrying you, I became sleepy because of exhaustion...” Tsuchio

"It's better to sleep while you can... your arm and side have been injured, so I will treat it now.” Healer

When the healer mutters these words bleating, the tip of his cane shines white vaguely. The pain on my arm slowly disappears. After a few minutes, the healer stopped his healing. 'Eh, is it already over?'

"For now, I gave you a first aid treatment, since it isn't perfectly connected yet, please take your time and rest, it will heal. Now I'll continue with the treatment."

The healer fixes my arm by a hand projection bandage that is well experienced. And my side had been recovered to the epidermis.

“Huu...You'll be all right with this" Healer

"Thank you very much. Uh, how long has passed since the battle ended?" Tsuchio

"About two hours have passed since then" Healer

He replied and went to treat his next patient. For now, let's look for Ruu and since I told her to listen to the teachers and principal, I'll go and check there first.

When I exited the tent, dark smoke arises from all directions and the unpleasant smell of burnt meat drifts in the air. First, I'll go to the tent which was assigned to the academy.

Many students looked and sat down in front of the academy tent, there is not a single student who isn't hurt. The reason why they won't enter the tent is because students and teachers who bore serious injuries are laid there. Unfortunately, death couldn't be avoided, those who can still move were ordered to collect the corpses.

Some of the teachers are talking with the knights, I slightly hear them discussing future correspondence. Do they still intend to let the academy students fight? No matter how much you look at it, that's cruel..... Well, since I can't hear them properly, I'll just ignore it for now. My first priority is to look for Ruu.

While walking around I manage to recognize a similar magic relating to one of them hoping that it was Ruu's whereabout, I run to that location. Like everybody else, she was helping the others collect the corpses of our fallen comrades. Now that Ruu became human, I'm having a hard time looking for her.

'Hmm.... oh, there she is. Good, Lime and Rin is with her... I guess only Ruu became a human-type, though the two of them seems to have evolved... I wonder what's different...'

"Hey, everybodyー"

“Ah, Tsuchi..."


“...!” Purupuru!

Lime sticks to my leg and Rin thrust herself into my belly. Hey, what happened with these two!? Were they so lonely that they cried....?

"Oh, you two calm down... It hurts, it really hurts...”

I let out a small groan and then in a flash, the two instantly get away from me. 'They didn't have to exaggerate it a bit'

“What is with you? Tsuchio is hurt, so you shouldn't hug him as if you want to crush a brick!” Ruu


“...” Purupuru...

Both fall silent and began to share their side of the story. Rin made use of her mobility and went to protect the halfback, however, she was circled around by the devil beasts and didn't have any spare energy to return. She seemed to have been too excited at that time, surprisingly, it was typical of Rin. On the other hand, Lime advanced, to the area around the center. She seemed to be surrounded by a large number of devil beasts, she did everything that she could to protect her body. Her efforts would have been in vain if she died, so there was no helping it if she couldn't come to my aid.

Lime's body, arms, and head are silver, however, the color of her feet was dyed in purple. Although she became very beautiful, the hint of that color indicates that it was poisonous. Rin hasn't changed. The lightning pattern on her legs thickens and her body didn't expand. Her horn is longer and brilliant like a crystal.

'Uh... I think that Rin is fixed by this directionality because her figure is the only thing that changed aside from that the amount of magic that she has fairly increased but it's difficult to understand just by her appearance.'

“Nevertheless... why did only Ruu became a human? Is the content of dragon's divine protection different?" Tsuchio

“Emm... Rin was restricted to using only magic, Lime can only fight one enemy, while I can defeat many enemies." Ruu

“Yes, I see. Because she normally has to keep the magic in the prolonged war, she doesn't use bold moves often.” Tsuchio


“Lime too, she can't kill anyone while she's hiding.” Tsuchio


That reminds me, our training and fights are mainly based on Ruu's strength, by all means, Ruu is the center of our foundation... Ah, it's the principal. She is walking with the teachers, is she on her way back from the meeting?

"Tsuchio-boya! Are you okay!?" Principal

"I'm doing fine now... Well, I got off with an injury which has something to do with a demon, but other than that, I can manage from here." Tsuchio

"Yes, I heard them talking about it from your familiar. Hush, your dragon really became a human-type... I was surprised." Principal

"It is impossible to return without any contribution, so we needed to fight. In the end, what happened to the demon?" Tsuchio

'Although I heard from our retreat, I don't know about the details. Is the fortress still occupied?'

"First of all, we were able to repel most of the guys who were in our kingdom. However, they mainly came back to the north and occupied the fortress shutting themselves in.” Principal

“Is that so... well, the loss was to be expected." Tsuchio

“Natural. The real thing will start from here.” Principal

We have to reclaim the fortress as quickly as we can before their reinforcement arrives. The more time we waste, chances of us reclaiming back the fort would be lowered.

“As for the academy, what will we do from now on? Are we going to retreat?” Tsuchio.

"Yes, we have done enough. No matter how much you look at it, we won't be able to fight any longer. Besides... the reinforcements from the empire, elf territory, and cave country have come to help." Principal.

...Sooo late.

"Why, now!? Couldn't they have come earlier?" Tsuchio

“Well, these three countries were against the hero summoning.... and as expected it will become severe for these three countries if the fortress won't be retrieved.” Principal

Oh, these three countries didn't agree and were against the heroes being summoned, only the kingdom is strange.

"To a humble guy, it would be stupid to entrust him with the fate of the country. Even if the country is in crisis, no matter how much for it to go under, there is the opinion of kidnapping someone from a different world." Principal

"...That's right! Uh, it's a normal reaction!" Tsuchio josei

“Wh, what's wrong suddenly...” Principal

"No, other countries were good with normalcy. If I graduate, would you like me to go to the empire." Tsuchio

"Well if it’s a world’s existence crisis then, it needn’t be said but...” Principal

The kingdom has been a human country for a long time. To oppose a surrounding country, we have no solution for dealing with them as of now, and I cannot say that it's right also.

"Thereupon, how much reinforcements came?" Tsuchio

"From the three countries, each one sends a knight's order. It's full of the best from everywhere." Principal

"Why couldn't they have come earlier!? They could have even reduced the number of casualties and deaths!" Tsuchio

"Even if you ask me that... then do you want to ask them together? It seems that they'll arrive soon and I also want to ask the reason." Principal

"...Ah, no. Either way, what's done cannot be changed. I don't want to hear it anymore, so I will have to decline." Tsuchio

Risking longer, I don't want to poke my head inside the war. Being involve any further would be dangerous, so it's good luck to withdraw here.

"By the way, for the remaining military power of the kingdom?" Tsuchio.

"There are many injured people in the knight's order but they are cured by the healers, so they can participate in the war immediately. The adventurer and mercenaries’ corps have a lot of casualties, so we scrape up the guys who just stayed and the guys who just arrived and reorganize them. Like I said before the academy students will withdraw and consulted by the teachers. The academy can't be left alone for too long, so I want to return quickly...” Principal

"Are these the decisions from the top....? Well, I have already decided to withdraw, so I get ready for the return." Tsuchio

"Please inform other students, too. I will inform the seriously wounded people later" Principal.

“Understood.” Tsuchio

Now, shall we return to the headquarters for now? I can't really fight properly without my left arm. Although I'll be sorry for leaving, the reinforcements just arrived too, and the academy may withdraw.

While doing preparations of returning at the headquarters, reinforcements have arrived. Three men enter the tent where the principal, the heroes and the knight commander are. One of them is a muscular tiger wearing gray armour, the second one is a macho dwarf who only wears armor at his upper body and is bare on his lower body and the last one is a male elf with silky thread blond hair. Although he is a considerable handsome man, he is inferior to Lucas. Together with his tight figure, you can easily judge this person as a man in a single glance. Perhaps they are the respective knight's leaders. It is said that they are the elite, but their personalities were different....

The respective knight's order are an organization using the feature of their race.

The knight's order of the empire is mostly composed of Werebeasts who makes use of their mobility and light equipment, although there are a few magicians, most of them prefer using short bows.

The knight's order of the cave country has their small soldiers wear solid metal armour. They have no magicians, so how do they heal themselves.... The armour enshrined to the horse's side probably belongs to their knight leader.

All of the knights from the knight's order of the elf territory have short canes and seem to be vanguards, therefore you can assume they mainly use magic for battle, depending on the situation, they may have to resort to longbows and normal bows. And all of them are good-looking. Explode when this war ends.

'Oh dear, this feeling.' They are entirely different from the knight's order of the kingdom because a lot of them are specialized in a single point. Humans can attack widely, therefore they are considered as a jack-of-all-trades.

Dozens of minutes passed after the knight leaders entered, the principal who paves it tentatively approach us, students after the talk was settled. Now, what happened?

"I will now explain our movement. First of all, for all of the students, this task ends. As soon as your baggages are gathered, you shall return to the academy. The heavily injured shall be carried off to the kingdom's capital, they shall take a different carriage and will be treated there." Principal

Sighs of relief leak out from the students. As expected, it was too hard for them. Naturally, I am included in the students...or not?

"The teachers and I will participate in the fortress recapture operation. The teachers who are injured have been tasked to protect the students and to send them off safely back to the academy.” Principal

The teachers who were cured by healing magic are applied to be the student's guard. No matter how much you look at it, guarding the students is a dangerous task, it's not to be taken lightly.

"That's it, you are dismissed. Ah, Tsuchio-boya please stay for a moment." Principal

And here it comes... To raise my hopes like that and crushing it, this person. I really thought that I can return now! As for the fortress recapture operation, I don't have any obligation to join!

"I won't participate in the strategy meeting!" Tsuchio

"Yes, this time there is no business with Tsuchio-boya. It's for that young lady." Principal

"...Me?" Ruu

The principal who is seen by everyone seems uncomfortable and pointed to Ruu.

"...What are you trying to do?" Tsuchio

"She was able to repel a demon and there hasn't been a change in this numerical inferiority. If we're going to capture that fortress from the front, it would take months. Therefore this time′s strategy is that most of our army would challenge the fortress from the front and make the devil beasts come near. Taking advantage of it, the elite invades into the fortress which became undermanned so that we can open the gate or destroy they're headquartered from the inside. That's why a lot of the elites are necessary even if they are few" Principal

“Because of that, you want to borrow Ruu from me?” Tsuchio

"If Tsuchio-boya also participates then that would be fine, however, you don't seem to be too enthusiastic about it. If that's the case at least, please lend us your human-type familiar" Principal

"Did the principal think about it?" Tsuchio

"That's impossible, I'd like to say this and it isn't the reason for what is being talked about. A knight will inform the top about that young lady. Tsuchio-boya it does not matter like I said we only want your familiar to participate” Principal

“Are you going to touch my familiar all over?” Tsuchio

"Such a thing, we don’t have that composure. First, let's get the fortress back.” Principal

“I decline... if possible, I would like to forget about this conversation.” Tsuchio

“...That's bad. Normally though from this standpoint I should stop but... really, if it comes to authority here things will be bad."

Ruu grasps my hand and her hand trembled lightly. Anyway, the kingdom will regard Ruu only as a weapon. It's the same as the heroes. No, she will be treated lesser than them. I can't leave Ruu in such a place.

“...Let this left arm recover completely."

"Understood...after I settled down, I will definitely repay the kindness."

"I will wait without expecting anything."

The teachers and the principal left and only we were left in this place. Haa, in which conversion do you seem to stick with each other until the end.... My schedule keeps being out of order since I met the heroes.

“Tsuchio.” Ruu

"Hmm? Ohh." Tsuchio

Ruu embraces me, while Lime and Rin stick right and left to us.

"I'm sorry, because of me.... But thank you." Ruu

"Don't mind it, if it’s for Ruu then I would go anywhere.” Tsuchio

“Un. Me too, if it's for Tsuchio, I shall beat any kind of enemy." Ruu

We just snuggled up for a while.

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