Monster Musume Harem wo Tsukurou!

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Sudden encounter


Chapter 58: Sudden encounter

After seeing off Ruu and Lime at the entrance, I went for a walk in the castle. I wasn't supposed to approach the places where soldiers guard. Particularly I don't want to be arrested, therefore let's follow that rule. I feel sorry for keeping Rin waiting so much, but I will be finished in 1 or 2 hours.

I walk down a long corridor. On the way I passed several people, who only looked at me and didn't ask what I was doing here. Well, my youthful appearance is harmless to humans and animals, so they don't think I'm dubious. Ruu isn't here, so the people don't pay much attention to me!

I temporarily gave up on taking a look at all the places that can be seen in the castle. With the workrooms of each minister and the important secret places there are a few places you can visit in the castle.

I who went out of the royal castle went to the garden that spread around the castle. Each bureau seems to be divided into a respective building in this garden. Well, normally the royal palace is the home of the royal family and administrative buildings won't be put there. Actually, the government office-like buildings that are similar to the ones in Japan are located in the commoner district. The largest part of the population is commoners, therefore it is normal for a noble to go to the commoner district.

Living in the Imperial castle ward are the knight orders and the magic department. Well, I am not too interested in other places, but I want to take look at the magic department, should I also go to the commoner district?

Across the garden, I looked for the building of the magic department. Because it seems to be a unique building, I think it'll be found immediately.... oh, is that it? On a big 2-story building, the top of a tall tower stood out. A round cylinder is attached to the delta roof. A quite evil magician lives there! that's the feeling I get. Shall I go....

When I enter inside, a woman who seems lazy was laying her shoulder and elbow on the reception desk and was playing with her red hair. The people who were wearing scarlet robes come and go, but the inside can be assumed to be inactive.

The moment when I set foot to enter inside, an explosion suddenly echoed through the building and shook it from the impact. When I went out in a hurry, there was a hole in the second floor and black smoke was rising from there. Bricks the size of an adult's fist are scattered around the area and they tell of the intensity of that explosion.

“Ah, you over there, are you alright? A fragment of a brick didn't hit you?” Red-haired woman

“No, I′m fine, aren't surprised” Tsuchio

“That happens every day. At first I was really surprised, but now I’m used to it” Red-haired woman

The lazy woman from the reception desk came out to the entrance. Daily...well, if they can withstand it. The people causing this explosion are the researchers.

"Is the building okay?" Tsuchio

“Because it has auto-restoration on it, it'll recover immediately rather than a wink. Look” Red-haired woman

Ms. Receptionist pointed to the bricks, that rose and returned to their original place. Auto-restoration is convenient.

“Thereupon, what is your business? I haven't seen your face before” Red-haired woman

“E, Emm...I′m a tour applicant!" Tsuchio

“Tour? Was that a joke? Haa!? By any chance are you a spy who came to steal a technique!?” Red-haired woman

“No No, it's different! Look, this is my student ID of the royal academy! I was summoned by Osnyl-san!” Tsuchio

What is up with this person, does she think badly of everyone she doesn’t know!? This is the first time I have seen such a person!

“What you′re a guest of the military minister? Your student ID is also real...however what do you expect from this visit? There isn't much to see, because there are military secrets just in case” Red-haired woman

“That's right...looking for place I can visit, are there some places?” Tsuchio

“Umm, corridor...ah, you can go to the test site! It isn't something you can imitate just by seeing it, but it won't be a problem for a student of the royal academy” Red-haired woman

Oh, a test site. It seems to surely be interesting. I mean, what is with that corridor? Without a test site, it is approximately 0 right?

“Then follow me, I will guide you” Red-haired woman

“No, you can't leave the reception. You don't know if someone will come” Tsuchio

“It's okay, anyway there is a limit to the people who will come. Besides I'm not a receptionist. Because I was free, I substituted for the real receptionist. Though nobody came” Red-haired woman

Saying so, she put on a scarlet robe which was hung on the chair. After all, that's the proof of a court magician.

“Hey, follow me” Red-haired woman

“Then, if you insist” Tsuchio

What kind of magic does this person’ll probably be attack magic. So, is there anyone studying talisman art, I want to know more about it.

The red haired woman walked to the back of the magic department. An empty lot was spreading there. The turf that was growing around and was groomed perfectly was arranged beautifully, There is a tea kid, and the soil here is bare.

A large flame tornado is suddenly generated in the empty lot. Burning the air, I who should be quite far away can feel the heat.

The tornado which was swirling just like that begins to warp after a few minutes and collapsed before it exploded.

Because a fireball befalls us, I took a defensive stance and was about to throw a talisman to prevent it with an earth wall, but a water wall was formed and protected us. Speed casting!? The chances of it being without a chant is small!

"It is totally as extreme as ever...think about the surroundings a little" Red-haired woman

“Ah, is that group magic? The range was quite big” Tsuchio

Because it covered the empty may be 10m or more in diameter?

"No, that's ordinary magic. Such a thing cannot be a group magic” Red-haired woman

“Eh, serious?” Tsuchio

“Thats natural. It will be someone who studied the efficiency of magic” Red-haired woman

"What kind of study is that?" Tsuchio

“...Well, how shall I say? Without chanting the magic, you make an image of it. It changes by an individual, but all who study imagining it are able to give average power” Red-haired woman

“Hee, like that one?” Tsuchio

“Rather, we can’t compare a court magician with a general soldier...rather than making an image of it from the beginning, the acquisition speed being absolutely faster is the cause of doing such a thing. Even if I don't use the incantation, the magic consumption can also be reduced in other ways” Red-haired woman

“I see” Tsuchio

This study seems to be useful. How to make an image...if I am not mistaken, there seems to be such magic, which Kurumi from the heroes talked about before. So she teleported with that.

“Hush, that's cast such magic as a single individual” Tsuchio

“Well, it's a court magician. The decrease in magic power is proportionate to the range, that way I can also add power. It must be done or there is no meaning to study” Red-haired woman

The severe world...naturally it is possible at that level.

“What, isn't that the talisman woman” brown-haired man

A voice is coming from the front. When he's seen, he is a brown-haired man who has a cane with a red jewel and is walking towards us....Now what, who is talisman woman!?

"Not needing to research, did it stagnate considerably? Ah, because your budget isn't granted, you can't do it!" brown haired man

“...Be quiet. It doesn't matter” Red-haired woman

“Not good, a dropout like you as a court magician disgraces its name. Anyway no one uses talisman art and there is no necessity to research it"Study talisman art!?" there is no one else too..." Brown-haired man

“Ye, Yes. Well, the budget is small because it’s not used very much and it is the section by the window..."

What the heck! A talisman is an ideal curse tool for a poor guy! It isn't something which you can make a fool of just because it’s the minority!

"Why didn’t you use it?" Tsuchio

“If it's seen from the aspect of power, a cane has an overwhelmingly higher effect. As for the advantages of talismans, it isn't only the fact that the incantation can be omitted. For a person who can use no aria magic and aria abbreviation magic, the advantage is also lost” Red-haired woman

Ah, is it so.... My magic, it's because the onmyoji's ever-changing ghost is made from an image. Because I actually watched animes and read mangas, I can image it clearly, however I haven't met a similar person in this world. I mean, what kind of feeling does talisman art originally have in this world?

“Hey kid, the research of that talisman woman doesn't matter to you. So go play somewhere else” Brown-haired man

“I′m not an outsider! I also use talisman art. I cannot overlook this terrible treatment” Tsuchio

The talisman woman looked at me with her perfectly round eyes absentmindedly and she just grabbed my arm.

"Really!? You use talisman art!? I won't forgive you if you’re lying!” Red-haired woman

“It is true! Hush, that there is a person who uses talisman art as a court magician, that is surprising” Tsuchio

“...Iiyosshaaaa!!!” Red-haired woman

She takes my hand and swung it up and down. Eh what? Did she wanted to meet another talisman art user that much?

“If it's known that there is an academy student who is using talisman art, then the budget will certainly be increased, too! The research will also continue!" Talisman woman

“Ha, Haa. That’s good” Tsuchio

"You deserve the credit! If you didn't come to the magic department, my research would have been frozen as it is! Thank you!” Talisman woman

“No, you′re welcome!” Tsuchio

Ah, what is it, but it has become fun. After I settle myself down, too, I turned to the talisman woman. At the moment the talisman woman’s feet are floating, then the rotation accelerated. When I fly on Ruu to turn in the air we need to do a maneuver to move forward...and although it is reduced by magic, something hard is hard. My semicircular canals have been strengthened from it.

“Wait a minute, I still have no conclusive evidence that you can truly use talisman arts. Even if you can use talisman arts, if you don’t have any ability, it will be useless" Unpleasant guy

"What a troublesome guy. Well then, how much ability do you need?” Tsuchio

“That's so...only you and I are talisman art users, so can you have a mock battle together with me to defeat him? Because he is an imperial court magician, it isn't impossible” Talisman woman

What is it, he's troublesome.... Particularly there would be no necessity to do a mock battle...right?

“Emm, is it necessary to do a mock battle?” Tsuchio

“...I cannot surely assert that there is no need. You can't even do the basic steps, so it is of no great value. How much ability do you have, it's a problem, isn't it..." unpleasant guy

My duty isn't quite important.... I am in trouble, because there is no target for comparison, I don't understand my ability.

“What are you going to do? If you want me to reopen the research of your talisman art, you must beg that kid to do a simulation war" unpleasant guy

“...please as a similar talisman art user. It is strange for me, but please fight with me together” Talisman woman

Muu...for me it would be a problem if the study of talisman arts is frozen. There is still some time until noon...well it is a good chance to confirm their strength. If it's to the extent that I can help a little, I wouldn't be able to have an eye on anyone in particular.

“Understood. I will do it” Tsuchio

“Thank you. Are you ready?” Loreen

“Anytime” Tsuchio

“Good. I'm also ready so shall we do it here?” Loreen

"Yes, only in this test field. As for the signal...hey you! Please judge this mock battle!" Tsuchio

From the magicians that just came to the test site, I ask for an umpire. In that way, the talisman woman and I stood opposite to that unpleasant guy.

"That unpleasant guy did he study attack magic?” Tsuchio

“Yes. Unfortunately, his capability as magician is quite high” Loreen

“And you?” Tsuchio

“To such a person, I would lose immediately! Show him the pride of using talisman art" Loreen

“Yes....My name is Tsuchio” Tsuchio

“I′m Loreen. Again, my best regards. Because we didn't know each other until now, we have no choice but to mix together while fighting him” Loreen

"I have no alternative but to do it...that fellow, is he a typical magician? Shooting magic from the side” Tsuchio

“Is it so. Ah, I′m middle range. Because it is talisman art, when it's too far, I know that it doesn't reach" Loreen

“I understand. By the way I′m close and middle range. Don't assign me to the back" Tsuchio

"I can't do such a thing.... I’ll explain it simply, my talisman art is only for support. I'm good at traps and body strengthening, what about you Tsuchio?” Loreen

“I have only attack talismans...therefore I trust you with the support. I will disturb that fellow continually so that he can't chant magic” Tsuchio

“Hey can we start already!?” Court magician

“We can start anytime!” Tsuchio

A mock battle with the royal court is a rare opportunity, so shall I do my best for the development of talisman arts.

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