Monster Musume Harem wo Tsukurou!

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Arm Wrestling woman

Chapter 62: Arm Wrestling woman

Two beauties glare at each other while grabbing each other's arms, one of them is a blond elf and the other is a dragon girl with bloodshot eyes. When you see this, it is a very attractive scene. The hand of that elf is smooth while Ruu’s hand is violent. Even a glass would break in Ruu’s hand so that many humans who see her lost their pride.

"I don't understand why she is so serious!" Ruu

"I understand it. Ruu I leave it to you” Tsuchio

“Yes, I can't be defeated by such a hag who is dressing to be younger" Ruu

“...What did you say?” Blond girl

Oh, why does this blond girl have a blue vein on her forehead? josei

"I don't understand why she is so serious!" Ruu

“Hohoho, it is not good what you said. I am in my twenties..." blond girl

“ x10, No multiplied by 15?” Ruu

"What are you talking about, you shitty child!" Blond girl

The surroundings fell silent with this scene. The blond haired girl breathed out from her nose roughly, before she looked down once and had the same expression as just now immediately.

"I'm sorry for showing such an unsightly face. I am still in my twenties for a human because I'm an elf" Blond girl

"Well if you say so? Then once again, let’s settle this" Ruu

Both girls look angrily at each other again and enhance their concentration. Good, then....

"Game start!"

The magic of these two as well as the sign of the start rise quickly and a violent wind rages around the desk. A creak is heard when their arms are raised and at the place where their elbows are the desk sunk. Cho, suddenly using full force with all efforts!? Although I expected it, it is unexpectedly intense!

“Huuuuu...doing it so much...! As expected a dragon class has incredible strength!"

“In that place, I thought it wasn't ordinary..."

Both Ruu and that blond elf stand up but have their arms still on the desk. Ruu’s eyes brighten and she spreads her wings while the elf girl shows her tusks.

At the beginning both were equal in the arm wrestling but Ruu seems to gradually be suppressed. That elf has more muscle strength than Ruu! Both used magic, but the skills of that blond beauty was better.

“Uu, Shit...!” Ruu

"You aren't so strong! However I didn't estimated to get so serious! I’ll crush you just as it is!” Blond elf

“...Okay, go all out Ruu” Tsuchio

“Ye, Yes...please” Ruu

"Assistance is strictly prohibited!" Blond elf

"I don't intend to interfere particularly, but I’ll draw out Ruus strength to the limit. Is it not good?" Tsuchio

“...If that's the case, do it quickly!" Blond girl

"Excuse me" Tsuchio

The muscle strength of Ruu is concentrated to her right arm by magic and she jumps up momentarily. Ruu pushed the hand of that elf back and slammed it on the desk. The desk harmed by the blow seemed to have met its limit finally and broke into pieces. Huu, she won. We get a large sum of money!

“...Muu, I was completely taken in. You should have used this strength from the beginning" blond elf

"At first I wanted to confirm how strong you are. If you’re too strong, I wouldn't be able to win" Ruu

"I see, a loss is a loss. I must admit that was splendid"

"Then you lost this entire money stack”

“Take it....If I run away, I would be followed to the end of the world until I’m killed" Blond elf

"I seem to understand it. Because I spoke to others from this place, it would be impossible to run away. The place was called spotted puppy inn" Tsuchio

"I understand, am...ah, I have lost! I am annoyed, but a bet is a bet. This is all yours!" Blond elf

"Thank you very much, I will take it at once" Tsuchio

I disregard the surroundings who are booing and I take the big batch of money to the receptionist I talked with a while ago. At first she was surprised but took the bag and went inside.

"Ah, I have finished counting. I'll keep it certainly. I took out the compensation for the desk you and your accomplice destroyed" Receptionist

“Eh!?...My accomplice" Tsuchio

I look around the circumference, but I couldn't see the blond elf who was attracting attention before. She ran away...!

“She isn't here any longer. That's why it is taken from you" Receptionist

“Ye, Yes..." Tsuchio

Shit, that damn hag...I will claim it back later!

The blond elf came over as soon as I returned to the spotted puppy inn. She was eating a light meal in the dining room. Teriyaki meat and vegetables are picked up by her and put between two slices of bread so that it looks like a sandwich.

"You are late, were you wandering around?" Blond elf

“I went through the procedure for paying for the broken desk! Please give me some money for that" Tsuchio

"Are you stingy, is that a man’s tolerance? In addition, I'm penniless now because of you. There is no money to pay" Blond elf

"Then, what will you do here?" Tsuchio

"It is your treat!" Blond elf

“...Haa” Tsuchio

I pay the bill for the meal and apologize. You may treat so that I don't come particularly...!

"If you say demon, then you are a devil?" Tsuchio

“Yes, that's right. You saw that sentence and noticed?" Blond girl

“Yes. Well, even if it isn't seen, I think that Ruu would have noticed” Tsuchio

"She is a totally rude young girl. Train her neatly” Blond elf

“Tsuchio has no side of himself to train someone” Ruu

“Are you stupid! There would be no such things, I'd train you neatly!" Blond elf

“Is that so...well, certainly I am already not good living without Tsuchio and there is another meaning of discipline" Ruu

"You, what are you! Still bullying me who is single for more than 280 years!? I also have a flame ignited since I'm at a marriageable age and you show off your deep love in front of me!? Would you like me to bite you!?" Blond elf

Oh, she is 280 years old. As a standard, is it roughly ÷10? At marriage age, then she is considerably young. Oh, it's the world in which teens get married, which is a gate, is the marriageable age also young of course?

“Oh, calm down! A good partner will be found surely, soon!" Tsuchio

"What do you mean with soon!!!" Blond elf

...Uh, I shouldn't mention this topic anymore. I shouldn't touch a topic of age, women and countries. Well, let's return to the main subject.

"Oh, please don't mind that. First let's introduce ourselves. I′m Tsuchio, a second year student of the royal academy. I think that you have seen and understood that my familiars are devil beasts" Tsuchio

"My name is Yukurishisu Zakuri! I'm the first princess of Zakurion empire. The present emperor is my elder brother Onyx!” Yukurishisu

A princess has come here!? Or rather Zakurion empire? I haven't heard of this country...yes, there are only four countries in this continent. Though it might be a hometown of a small tribe...however she said empire so it should be a big country.

“What is with that thorny face? Don't tell me that you don't know the name of the empire ruling all countries in my continent!" Yukurishisu

Ah, she has come from a different continent. This place is probably the country where the monsters who attacked the north were born.

"I'm sorry, I don't know your continent very well. I mean why does a princess of another continent fight, do you say hostile country or invade the dead center of an enemy continent? Is it a strategy to destroy the country from the inside?" Tsuchio

"It's different! I don't use such an unfair trick and fight from the front fair and square!" Yukurishisu

"Then why did you come to this country? Moreover to deposit such a code intentionally inside the guild" Tsuchio

"That code, I have no business with someone who doesn't understand it" Yukurishisu










This is Yukurishisu′s message. The hint is the \ at the uppermost line. You need to read diagonal from the first letter. When you read diagonal from the first letter “Wa” ,

you have this line. Next hint is the word “top” next to the \. In other words, it means that you should pull out the initial of the kanjis. There are also hiraganas, but when you ignore them it is no problem. It can't be read if you don't do that.

The sentence Yukurishisu-san hid was, “I′m a demon”. Because I came into contact first with her, what would she do if it was found by other adventurers.... Well, they normally don't believe such a thing. It is natural to think that it is accidental. I was half in doubt too, until I really saw the reaction of Yukurishisu-san. When I saw her reaction at the arm wrestling match I was sure she is a demon.

"And for what did you come here? Please don't say sightseeing" Tsuchio

“...It is a very important talk about a problem concerning our two continents. Possibly, it may control the fate of this continent. Once you hear this story, it will be impossible to go back. It will concern you, so is your resolution ready for it?” Yukurishisu

Yukurishisu says so with an earnest face. In short if I poke her face I would regret it. Now that I have heard this, am I ready?...What shall I do, I still can return now. I can leave Yukurishisu-san and spend my summer holiday as scheduled or return to the academy.

“...Is Yukurishisu-san okay with me? There are better people who are stronger than me" Tsuchio

"Is that so, then shall we confirm it before the talk? Does Tsuchio-san have connections to someone influential?" Yukuishisu

“I have...a good relation to the principal at my academy who has a lot of influence and a teacher who is a court magician and with the heroes. I'm also acquaintanced with the 3rd chivalry leader and a nodding acquaintance with the royal military minister" Tsuchio

"With that it is really enough. Then next do you have a connection with an other country?" Yukurishisu

"There are not many, but I know the leaders of the knight orders of every country by sight" Tsuchio

"Well, it is better than nothing. I didn't expect it and this is rather surprising. Unexpectedly you know a lot of people" Yukurishisu

"It’s naturally, because I participated in war..." Tsuchio

“Humu, you have war experience...and your familiars are strong too, then there is no problem at all" Yukurishisu

Then, as soon as I am determined....

"When I help Yukurishisu-san, will the war end?” Tsuchio

“...Thats right, thats the purpose. I came here all alone to stop the war between our continents” Yukurishisu-san

I haven't said yet that I am willing to hear her story...however it is probably fine. Helping Yukurishisu-san I will be involved in war and the war will continue, while my summer holidays will be shorter at the end.

"I understand, I'm ready. I'll associate until the end" Tsuchio

“I′m saved. As expected, that hand isn't usable once again. In addition, Tsuchio fits my conditions" Yukurishisu

“Haa...I am worried about stopping the war, so please tell me first about Zakurion empire. I have no knowledge, because I didn't hear from them" Tsuchio

"That's right, I'll explain about my continent first" Yukurishisu

Yukurishisu-san has begun to speak slowly after she drinks her water a little.

"First of all, in my continent, there is only the Zakurion empire. One country rules the whole continent" Yukurishisu

“Humuhumu” Tsuchio

"There are no humans in my continent. The citizen of our empire are people similar to devil beasts how you would call it in this continent" Yukurishisu

“Humuhumu...hmm? Like the devil beasts which invaded and attacked from the north...?" Tsuchio

"That's the force of the empire army" Yukurishisu

Therefore the equipment was unified strangely and there was a crest.... There was a crest to distinguish between them and devil beasts. Well, that can be expected. Because it was clear that they belong to some organizations.

"However, this continent′s monsters are quite different from my empire’s people. Even if they have the same form, there is a complete exception" Yukurishisu

"And what is that?" Tsuchio

"They are like the humans of this country. An individual with feelings. They are different from the monsters of this continent, because they have feelings, reason and a mind" Yukurishisu

...Emm, Wait a minute. Was my imagination suitable? That these devil beasts aren't normal devil beasts?

"In other words, the soldier who invaded from the north that you thought to be devil beasts, are demons! They are the same as humans and they feel feelings and love their families and lovers!" Yukurishisu

...Seriously!? Shit, my intuition to not deal with it was proved right in this way....

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