Monster Musume Harem wo Tsukurou!

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Magic Class (Continued), Triss’ Magic, and Foreign Studies

Chapter 8: Magic Class (Continued), Triss’ Magic, and Foreign Studies

“Well now, it looks as though there are still those unable to make their mana flow properly, but…For that, you’ll have to train on your own from now on. Next, let me introduce something that can be done with simple magic control.”

Finally, eh…Everyone is growling ‘uh-huh’, they must have grown tired of watching or trying to move their magic power.

“Lessee’ere…first comes body strengthening.”

Gauche-sensei’s body glows slightly. When he jumps up in that state, Gauche-sensei’s body floats about 1M into the air. He should have quite some years on him, but to still be able to jump so high…

“In this way, magic power enhances the body’s physical capabilities. Gather the mana flow, and send it off as fast as possible. This, is what’s called the condensation and movement of mana. How much yer physical abilities will improve comes from yer original capabilities, so mine didn’t go but a wee bit. Yer only sending magic around yer body, so there ain’t much mana consumed.”

I see. It’s usable even if you didn’t have much mana to begin with…How convenient.

“However, to be able to use it in a real battle, requires a certain amount of devotion. Regardless of talent, only by repetition, does the mana quality rise.”

I have Magic Hands, so it’s probably still easy. If I’m free, I’ll make it so I practice circulating my mana.

“Next is this’un.”

When Gauche-sensei is raises both hands, a transparent, round, shield-like object appears. He emitted mana outside, hardened it, and is maintaining it, huh…

“This is Mana Shield, a spell magicians must be able to use. Mana is emitted and condensed at the same time, and is quite hard. If ye can reliably use this, it means ye’ve become a first-rate magician.”

Shield, huh. Probably better to be able to use it. Since I’m not going to be a warrior, I want to a skill to be able to defend myself with. Can I pull it off…Guess I’ll try it next time.

“That’s all for today, folks. Stuffin’ ye all with too much will backfire after all. Until the next lesson, make sure that ye keep practicin’ your mana control. Y’all, ye must learn to move your mana.” josei

Already over, huh…We were only in class for about thirty minutes though…

Mmmm…Mmmm…It’s not moving at all-dearimasu…”

Since the class was finished early, we finished lunch early. While I let Ruu and Lime outside, I’m watching Triss try to move her mana.

“Tsuchio-dono, what should I do-dearimasu~?”

“Even if you ask me…Start wiggling the mana inside your belly, is all I can tell you…”

As I squeeze Lime’s cheeks, I feed her a small metal fragment. If it’s a tiny piece, then the current Lime can somehow digest it.

“This thing, just won’t move-dearimasu!”

“Geez, can’t be helped… I’ll do it for you, so don’t move okay?”

“Thank you! … Wait, w-wh-wh-what are you doing-dearimasu!?”

When I put my hands on Triss’ stomach, her face flares red and she steps back.

“Tsuchio-kun, anybody would be surprised if you suddenly touch their stomach…”

“Ahh, that’s true. Mana is accumulated around the stomach, so it’s easier to move when I touch it directly.”

“Ah, Ahh, was that it-dearimasu… You scared me-dearimasu…”

“So, don’t move okay?”

I put my hand on Triss’ stomach again. “Hiu-!”Triss lets out a small cry, but I ignore it and search for her mana.

“Around here?”

“U-u-um, A little lower-dearimasuuuu…T-this is so embarrassing-dearimasuuu…”

“Bear with it please. Around here?”

“Ye, yes! Right around there-dearimasu!”

I try to move her mana, but it doesn’t budge. Needs something like an ignition trigger…Alright.

“With my mana, I’ll move all the mana in your body in one go. It might feel like a foreign substance is entering your body, but please bear with it too.”

“Ye, yes!”

Mkay, gotta be careful with the amount. With one breath, I pour my mana into Triss. My body feels a bit sluggish, but this much is no problem!

“Fuh, mmmm… Haa, Fuh…”

Triss squirms, and is bearing with it as she fidgets. Gotta wrap it up quickly, huh.

With the help of my mana, Triss’ mana begins to slowly sway. It feels like a wave. As if to match to its fluctuation, I begin to move Triss’ mana. Soon after, mana begins to circulate in her body.

“Fuhhh, I’m done. Your body’s gotten warm, right? ”

Y-you’re right-dearimasu! It feels like I’ve gotten more energy-dearimasu! ”

“That’s the first stage of body strengthening.”

Lucas had been watching us quietly until now, but suddenly spoke. First stage of body strengthening? … Ahh, I see.

“You started moving the mana that had been stopped until now, which causes the body strengthening effect. It’s minor though.”

“Is that how it is. Basically the basics of the basics of magic, right.”

“Yeah yeah, all that’s left is practice! Triss-chan is aiming to be a warrior, so it’s better if you used it in your usual training.”

“Roger-dearimasu! I will use it everyday-dearimasu!”

“Lucas you can already use magic, so you can use body strengthening to a certain degree too, right? Couldn’t you have run a bit faster?”

If a grandpa can be strengthened that much, then wouldn’t Lucas have been even stronger?

“I still need to practice. That sensei’s mana control, there was no waste at all…”

“Umm, and then there’s Triss who could run without body strengthening…”

“I’m pretty sure her original stamina is outstanding. She’s a dwarf, so maybe she had training from before?

Sighhh, that thing they call ‘racial characteristics’ huh. For dwarves it would be strong, shaggy, and handy, right. They have lots of stamina too, eh.

“Tsuchio-kun, I think it’s better for you to train a little too, you know? Even magicians have to run when they run away.”

“They don’t fly away?”

“Things like flying are only usable by a small handful of people! It’s only people like Gauche-sensei, first rate magicians.”

Oh really…I should run a little everyday, huh…”

“I’ll do it with you, so let’s do our best!”

Cutting into your beauty sleep, and giving it to me…What a good kid!!!

“No, you don’t have to do it too, you know? You’re a sleepyhead in the morning, aren’t you?”

“It’s okay, as long as Tsuchio-kun wakes me up. Or, do you not like running with me?”

Looking up at me with watery eyes, as if to say ‘That’s not true, right? Right!?’ If he said something like that, there isn’t anybody in the world able to refuse!!!

“T-t-t-t-t-t-there’s no such thing!!! Why don’t we go for run everyday!!!”

“Really!? Well then, I’ll work hard from tomorrow on!”

Fuhhh, I would’ve lost myself if I didn’t have a heart of steel…although I feel like it’s already too late.

“I’ll do it too-dearimasu!”

“I don’t mind but…Can you wake up? I can wake Lucas, but you have to get up on your own, Triss.”

“No problemo-dearimasu! I’m good at getting up early-dearimasu!”

“Mkay, then come to the front of the dorm around sunrise.”


It looks like there’re clocks in this world too, but they seem to be high-end goods so there aren’t that many. So, time is usually expressed with sayings like “when the sun is at the highest point” or “until the sun sets”. In the countryside, it looks like there isn’t even a bell to tell everyone the time. Are sundials and the like not being made?

“Now then. Lime, Ruu, c’mere-”


“…” puru puru

I place Lime on my left leg, Ruu’s chin on my right leg, and pat both of them. I’ve gotta get stronger, but I need Ruu and Lime to get stronger too. During classes, Ruu and Lime are cooped up in the bestiary. With that, there’s no way for them to get stronger. That’s why,

“Ruu, from now on when I’m not here, I’ll let you out.”

“Guru! Gururu?”

“It’s fine, as long as you come back….You’ll come back, right?”


“I see, now make sure you remember how to get back. Ah, that and. While outside, beat monsters and get stronger. Just staying in the bestiary, doesn’t make you stronger, y’know.”


“Don’t push yourself too hard ok? There’s no rush. If you’re gone, I’ll be helpless after all.”


“Then that’s fine I guess…”

When viewed from a third person POV, you’d probably have absolutely no idea what we’re talking about, huh. Whatever, as long as Ruu and I understand each other.

“You can’t go on Taming class days…Bear with on those times please.”


“Good girl. From tomorrow on, I’ll let you out every morning, okay.”

Next is Lime.

“I can’t let you outside yet Lime. You’d die immediately after all.”

“…” purupuru

“Yeah. Oh, you already finished eating the metal? Here, the next batch.”

“··· ?” purupuru ?

Ooh, it’s eating it happily. Is metal delicious?

“If you eat poison and metal like this, I think you’ll be able to develop a characteristic, but…in the end, do you still have to defeat monsters?”


“…” purupuru

Thought so…What should I do…I wonder if it’s okay to go outside by myself.

“It seems like it’s okay on rest days.”

“When are these rest days?”

“Umm, the day after tomorrow and 2 days after tomorrow. We have five days of class, and two days of rest.”

So it’s the five day work week. Wait, are there weeks?

“How many days were in a month again?”

“Eh, seven days five times is a month but…Why are you asking something like that?”

“I, I just had a brain fart!”

“Heeeeeeh….Ah, Triss-chan! Until you’re used to it, you shouldn’t circulate so much mana! You’ll feel sick!”

“Uu ….I f-feel like throwing up-dearimasu…”

Thanks to Triss overdoing it, Lucas’ attention was drawn away from me. Nice, Triss! Keep patting her back!

“Mkay, guess I’ll go on a trip day after tomorrow. That forest seems good.”


“I’ll try my best. Luckily, they’ve lent me a sword.”

The next day was Foreign Studies. The Empire, Fairy Territory, and Cave Country were explained in brief. By the way the teacher was a gentle grandmother who looked like she’d live in the countryside. According to Grandma-sensei, The Empire is a state where various races live. Strength is justice there, so it’s probably fine as long as you’re strong. Amongst them, beastmen seem to be numerous. We’ve gotta go.

Looks like there are a lot of elves in the Fairy Territory. Lucas is also from there. This institute, must be famous domestically and internationally huh…

Dwarves account for the majority in Cave Country. Cave Country has prosperous mining and blacksmithing industries, and their weapons sell for high prices in The Kingdom….How many races are there? I wonder if human beings be human and beast people group that Beast, the elf dwarf … this just? Humans known as ‘humans’, beastmen known as ‘beasts’, elves, and dwarves…is that it? When I tried to ask Lucas,

(TLN: Items in quotes are in katakana vs. its normal kanji.)

“Basically that’s right. If you don’t count Majin. But, Beasts have a lot of different kinds of people, right…Dog-ish people and cat-ish people, there are even people with feathers.”

Indeed, there are various types within Beasts. I was thinking that for such a small amount of races there was a lot of variation, but that was the case…

When I tried letting Ruu out in the morning, she came back properly around lunchtime. Her mouth was a little dirty with blood, so she was probably doing something like hunting. Just like this, is how I want her to become stronger.

And then came the rest day, to which Lime, Ruu, and I set off for the forest we went to during Taming class.

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