Monster Musume Harem wo Tsukurou!

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Night talk

Chapter 95: Night talk


“Muu...after all, even if I make only attack talismans, I can't do much because of my magic power. For now, I will make disturbing and support talismans mainly." Tsuchio

“What, Tsuchio, you are still up? It's already midnight. We're going to another town tomorrow." Ruu

In the bedroom allocated within the royal castle, I was struggling before the magic paper I bought today. For the time being, rock snakes and hornets are for new talismans, what shall I do? I have to take time to earn money, so I have to think about coding techniques to stop the opponent’s legs.

While doing such a thing, Ruu who was sleeping in bed talks to me while rubbing her eyes. Has she woken up? I used a magic tool as light...which is convenient, so that I can do such work even at night.

“Too bright? I've been in the dark..." Tsuchio

“Uuh, I just woke up, so it's okay....Are you making talismans, because you lost to Toururi-san?" Ruu

“Well, the next time we fight, I have to be more aggressive." Tsuchio

Ruu goes out of bed and comes to me. I don't know if Yukurishisu used her mind, but this bedroom has only one big bed. Ruu and the others are sleeping in the form of a river. Nichrome is rolling herself together so that her snake body doesn't take much place.

Ruu was sleeping at the end, so that no one else wakes up when she leaves the bed. And the moment she stood behind me, she hugged me closely. Turning her arms around my neck. This is normal for a couple...but I wonder why she was so surprised.

“It has been quite a long time since we had time for each other. Everytime, Lime was sticking with us." Ruu

“That's right." Tsuchio

“Recently, we are too tired at night as well...I miss the times when I was alone with you." Ruu

“At that time only Ruu became a human.” Tsuchio

Ruu rubs her face....Toururi-san said that that my familiars and I aren't suitable for each other. What is Ruu thinking about that part?

“...Tsuchio, you are thinking something strange, aren't you?" Ruu

“Eh!? Wh, What?” Tsuchio

“It is useless. When Tsuchio is uneasy about something, your body will tremble slightly." Ruu

“Is that so! Uuwa, you know me very well..." Tsuchio

“Ah yes, I know you very well. What were you thinking?" Ruu

“Ah, I was told by Toururi-san that I and everyone aren't suitable for each other. What does Ruu think?" Tsuchio

“Uuh, we demons are too much different in ability than Tsuchio, who is a human. If you think about that kind of thing, we certainly aren't suitable." Ruu

Well, so it is...pretty shocking. Somewhere in my mind, I thought she would deny it if it was Ruu. Haa, she really is unwomanly.

“However, I think that it is useless to judge your power only by battle." Ruu

“Uh, what do you mean?” Tsuchio

“We have evolved like this because of Tsuchio. The power of Tsuchio lies elsewhere. Knowing that, Toururi-san wouldn't say we are unsuitable." Ruu

“What I'm doing, I think anyone can do it." Tsuchio

“Say that again...Tsuchio, you underestimate yourself. I couldn't tame Rin and I would be dead on Danze Island.” Ruu

“A strong tamer is able to beat that dragon.” Tsuchio

“No matter how strong a person is, only Tsuchio will love me. Right?" Ruu

The humanized Ruu will have a lot of suitors. Even if you subtract her dragon limbs, Ruu has too much sex appeal.

“I talk about things before humanizing! Anyway, my only husband is Tsuchio. Whatever she says, why can't you just forget it!" Ruu

“Don't you have to consult with the others? If you decide on your own, you will be fighting, like the order in the night." Tsuchio

“It's okay. It's a different matter from what Tsuchio is for me.” Ruu

“Hee, I'm Ruu′s husband, Lime′s father and Nichrome′s master... what about Rin?” Tsuchio

"Rin...because she is a unicorn, is it a master or rider?" Ruu

“I′m her master.” Tsuchio

“Well, being Nichrome′s master is like being a commander, so isn't it a bit different?" Ruu

“I wonder what Shadow-san thinks...she is my shadow and we share the same body.” Tsuchio

“I don't think so. Well anyway, you do not have to worry about Toururi′s words! I wish to go down the road Tsuchio has chosen." Ruu

“Originally, I would do that, but...please say if I'm going to be useless.” Tsuchio

"I understand, Tsuchio. If I get confused, please punch and wake me up." Ruu

“I think that won't happen...well, maybe it's another story. Perhaps Ruu may get confused and kill me. Sometime, you will stop working together with the others." Tsuchio

“Well then, will you go to bed? Staying up late is not good for your health." Ruu

“I understand. I will go to bed now, because I have not gotten any idea yet." Tsuchio

“There are few empty places, please hug me and let's face each other. This is real love." Ruu

“I guess it can not be helped...well, it is a thank you for taking my consultation. I will become your holding pillow." Tsuchio

Ruu said that I have other strengths than fighting. Toururi-san may not say that we are unsuitable. But it is certain that I cannot keep doing it like this. I have to fight a bit, until I can stand on the same place with Ruu. Okay, let's start with increasing my weapons. Let's build up how I fight, while fighting.

“Well then, we will head for the empire sightseeing from today onwards. Do you have a city you want to visit, Tsuchio?" Yukurishisu

“I guess.... I don't know exactly what kind of town it is, but I'd love to go to a magic city. To get some paper." Tsuchio

“It is Manavary. There are other places I wanted to show you earlier, but there is still time to do so. Well then, shall we go there?" Yukurishisu

The next day after watching the imperial capital, it is time for the sightseeing tour. I was still hurt from the mock battle, so it's not that bad. However, nothing can be seen, because of Shadow-san′s healing magic.

“It's been a long time since I went to Manavary. Well, I don't have to go because I have enough magic.” Yukurishisu

“I want to go to the sword battlefield. It's boring to go to the magic city." Tyres

“... Is Tyres-san going with us? What about your work?" Tsuchio

“I got a a couple of days off. Toururi took over my workload." Tyres

“Just a trip, so you also supervise yourself." Yukurishisu

As usual, I haven’t been trusted. Huh, how can I make them trust me? Do I have to wait for time to resolve? I don't know if it will take hundreds of years.

“Doesn′t Wo-san come along?" Tsuchio

“Wo-kun is an answering machine, that's why he is the grand chamberlain. There must be someone left to lead the command. Well then, we will transfer immediately. Everyone, please don't take your hand off from me. If you leave it on the way, I don’t know where you will end up." Yukurishisu

I take Yukurishisu′s hand. When she saw that everyone had connected hands, she chanted a few words. When I thought that a black mist wrapped around us, our bodies were pulled up by a strong power.

My body was pulled and I got off the ground in ten seconds. It is a different feeling from when we transferred with the heroes. I had the feeling that the surrounding scenery changed, but this time my body seemed to move.

“We arrived...haa, I'm tired again when there are many people. I hope to make it easier to use transfer magic." Yukurishisu

“That is also being studied here, right?" Tsuchio

We arrived at the height of the magical city. It seems to be a building like the royal palace from seeing the surroundings. It's smaller than the imperial castle, but it's a splendid building. I wonder if such an architectural style is popular in the empire.

“This is the research tower of the magician who serves the country. Since all the towns of the empire are made of earth, they all have similar constructions. This place is not built from the trace of a bay. They built the wall from scratch." Yukurishisu

“Compared to the capital, there are many buildings that are big and expensive." Tsuchio

“The salary of the magicians who serve the country is good and merchants in magical cities are rich people. Naturally, they build bigger buildings." Yukurishisu

“We have been transferred to such a tower without permission, is that okay?" Tsuchio

“It's okay. This is my room.” Yukurishisu

Oh, that's right. Well, as an empress, she clearly has one or two rooms in the important buildings of the country.

“There are several rooms, so please use them freely. Tsuchio and his familiars, please stay in the same room. I would appreciate it if you don't get soiled so much. Tyres is also here!" Yukurishisu

“Why only us..." Tsuchio

“Well, you're a human, it cannot be helped." Yukurishisu

Truly, my familiars will be self-weighted like this. Now, I want to concentrate on making notes.

“I will guide you to your room later, let's head to the town first. Tsuchio wants to go buy paper, right?" Yukurishisu

“That 's right. I can't come often, so I would like to buy some of it. I want to know magic and other things." Tsuchio

I came to a magical city, so I have to learn magic without any hindrance. I hope that there is useful magic that does not exist in the kingdom.

<side ???>

A space that is illuminated with the light of candles, and ten thousands of people are standing there in a quite large area. The words that resonate there and the magic that shines lightly on the floor; it is a scenery that you can see at a glance that it is something like a ritual.

Above the magicians who are wearing a black robe, people were standing around hiding their face with their hoodies and casting spells from mouth to mouth. Language that can't be understood anywhere, an unknown language. Magical power is drifting around and there aren't many people who fall down. A new black robed man appears, join the circle of casting magicians. Such a sight is already familiar. Even though there are people who have bloodshed, they can not stop being mindful. Because, this is the necessary sacrifice.

“Everyone! The enemy who finally killed the Lord came to this town!"

A little bit away from the circle, a man with a gorgeous robe swings up both arms and raises head. The black robed people listen to him attentively and have shining and glaring eyes.

“Through that devil, the Lord passed away and the devil sat in the seat as empress. But that is over! With a person from the town and the head of the Lord, we will recall the Lord's soul! Our Lord who died once will become a far higher existence!"

When the gorgeous robed man placed the head, the black robed people congregated at once. It was a dragon head covered with scales and a large mouth with horns.

“Glory to our Lord! Death to the enemies of our Lord!”

『Glory to our Lord! Death to the enemies of our Lord!』

The black robes repeat the words of the gorgeous robed man. After the chant is over, they just wait for the magicians to accumulate enough magic power. The fate of the empire will have a big turning point. How will it change as humans from different worlds get caught...nobody knows yet.

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