Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Jimin stayed in Sungyoon’s embrace for a very long time . She was afraid his warmth and his presence would disappear as soon as she separated from him .

However, this dream-like situation couldn’t last forever .

Someone interrupted them .

“Excuse me!”

These words were spoken in English, and not Korean .

The hesitation in the man’s voice was apparent as he interjected himself between the two .

“I’m sorry for interrupting your moment, but we have to carry out our mission soon . ”

Jimin’s eyes widened . She carefully extracted herself from Sungyoon’s embrace and observed the owner of the voice . She had never met him in person before, but she recognized his face .

He was the Connector who represented England—Sir Charlie Russell . josei

“... Sir Russell?”

“You’re Jimin Hahn, his wife! I’ve heard a lot about you . ”

Russell greeted her, and it looked as though a knight was paying his respects to a noble lady .


“Did someone say Sir Russell?”

The front door opened, and Woosang and Woosung rushed out of the door with shocked expressions .

It seemed the people inside had already realized Sungyoon and Jimin were having a reunion .

Connectors were second to none when it came to hearing capability .

When Sungyoon had appeared before Jimin and she had called his name, Woosang and Woosung had jumped to their feet . They had then explained what was going on to their mothers, who were glancing at them with quizzical expressions . The brothers had wanted to rush out of the house . They had so many questions .

How did Sungyoon manage to come back? What was he doing up until now? How dare he make their sister worry so much?

They were about to give him a piece of their minds, but their mothers had held them back . The two women wanted Jimin and Sungyoon to have their reunion in peace . However, the brothers could no longer hold themselves back when they heard Charlie Russell had come for a visit .

“Ah? You’re Woosang Hahn and Woosung Hahn?”

“T-that is correct, Sir!”

The brothers were close to Hyunwoo, a Connector on the same level as Charlie Russell . Yet, their hearts had palpitated at the prospect of meeting another Connector who had reached the pinnacle of their profession .

“Yes . I’ve heard a lot about both of you . ”

Russell spoke in a friendly manner .

However, the brothers couldn’t feel any friendliness in his eyes . It could be just their imagination, but they felt that those eyes contained a bit of coldness .

“What’s the big fuss?”

“Wow! It really is Sir Russell . ”

Aiin and Hweeyoung followed the two brothers out of the house, and the last person inside the house did the same .

“I never expected a person of such noble character to come here . ”

Sung Hyunwoo!

Hyunwoo slowly took stock of the situation, and his gaze came to a stop on Sungyoon .

“You’re back . ”

“Yes, I am . ”

Hyunwoo spread his arms as he greeted Sungyoon .

“Welcome back . Your wife and your mothers-in-law were very worried . They can rest easy now . ”

Hyunwoo pointed at the house .

“Why don’t you all come in? I want to hear your story . Let’s talk while we drink . ”

“Ah! That won’t be possible . ”

Russell was the one to answer Hyunwoo . He took a step forward . It was just one step, yet the mood in the backyard completely changed .

Jimin, who had reluctantly separated herself from Sungyoon’s arms, was confused . This was true for the brothers . Aiin and Hweeyoung, who were glad to see their son-in-law return, could only roll their eyes when the atmosphere suddenly turned cold .

The only ones unaffected were Sungyoon and Russell, who had created this atmosphere . Sungyoon moved to cover Jimin .

Hyunwoo looked at Russell .

“Is something wrong?”

“Is something wrong? Yes . To be precise, I have a bone to pick with you . ”

Russell moved his hand .

The bright light of the full moon reflected off the sword in Russell’s hand . Everyone stopped breathing when they realized that Russell was now holding a weapon .

Hyunwoo furrowed his brows .

“You’re on Earth and on foreign soil on top of that, yet you activated your Gems? Have you lost your mind?”

“We are of sound mind . In fact, I want to flip that question back at you . ”

The speaker of these words wasn’t Russell . A man clad in sturdy battle gauntlets placed his hand on Hyunwoo’s shoulder .

In a flash, another Connector had moved up behind Hyunwoo .

“You... . ”

This man was fully armored, so Hyunwoo couldn’t see his face . However, Hyunwoo recognized the armor .

“Danny Bruce . ”

“Correct! Don’t think about doing anything funny . Russell and I went through the trouble of coming here for you . Even you won’t be able to win against the two of us . Your Device and Gems have been confiscated . Even if you were able to get some past inspection, it’ll take you some time to activate the Gems . If you do anything I consider suspicious, I’ll break your neck . Don’t think about running away either . This place is surrounded, of course, by armed Connectors . ”

“Ah! Please don’t provoke him too much, Mr . Bruce . At the end of the day, you’re here to help us . The only ones with the authority to arrest him are us . ”

The front gate opened, and two men entered .

Both had scraggly beards, and they looked unkempt . This image was reinforced by their eyes, which showed great fatigue .

“It has been a while . Hasn’t it, Mr . Sung Hyunwoo?”

“... I see . The fact that you guys are here means the government recruited you . ”

“Recruit? Please don’t put it in such strange terms . It’s our job to arrest suspected criminals . Of course, we did bring outside help since the suspected criminal is a Connector . Sir Russell and Mr . Bruce are third-party helpers . They aren’t part of the government . You should already know this since you’ve done similar work before . ”

“S-suspected criminal! That’s nonsense! What crime did Mr . Hyunwoo commit!”

Woosung apoplectically yelled . After his father, Jungbum, had gone missing, Hyunwoo had stepped up to fill the shoes of the missing Jungbum . Hyunwoo had become a father figure for both brothers . Therefore, even the usually level-headed Woosang lost his cool .

However, one of the detectives who had come to arrest Hyunwoo spoke in a cynical voice .

“That is why we are arresting him . We want to investigate if the accusations are true . Moreover, it isn’t just him . Hahn Woosang and Hahn Woosung, we are arresting the two of you too . ”


“It isn’t just you three . We are arresting all the members of Fabion . The whole company is under suspicion . ”

The detective let out a sigh as he continued .

“In fact, I’m the one who wants to ask you the question . What did you guys do?”

Stunned expressions appeared on the brothers’ faces as they looked at the detective .

Hweeyoung, Aiin, and Jimin were at a loss for words . The situation had devolved too quickly . Right now, they kept opening and shutting their mouths as if they were goldfishes .

“Well, my curiosity can be satisfied at a later time . Let us arrest them for now . ”

The detective clapped his hand, and four Connectors entered through the front gate and roughly arrested Woosang and Woosung . The two of them didn’t put up a fight; they weren’t in the state of mind to do it either .

“S-sungyoon . What’s going on!”

Jimin grabbed Sungyoon’s arm . She was happy that her husband had come back alive, but her father’s best friend and her brothers were about to be arrested .

“Don’t worry about it . Nothing will probably happen to your brothers . They are being arrested to check some facts . ”

No one thought the brothers were deeply related to the plot that brought about their father’s death .

A faction of Fabion Connectors might have been unaware of their company’s shady dealings . This was Sugyoon’s guess .


“Please wait a little! I’ll explain everything after this . ”

Sungyoon had a calm expression on his face, but he felt anxious .

‘Why did Sung Hyunwoo have to be here of all places?’

This was a plan to round up Fabion’s troops in one fell swoop .

Even though the remnants of Armstrong city’s leadership had acquired a method that would allow the survivors to return to Earth, the return journey hadn’t taken place yet .

Only a small number of people, including Sungyoon and the Mayor, had returned to Earth .

They had done their best to keep a low profile as they contacted every country in the world . They told the leaders of each country about what had happened on the Moon . They had done this so that they could make a wholesale arrest of every Fabion member .

The past few days, every person connected to Fabion had been under tight surveillance . It was to make sure none of them could run away . The Korean government decided the day and time when all the members of Fabion would be arrested .

Since this was a serious matter, other countries didn’t hesitate to make their resources available to the Korean government . Charlie Russell and Danny Bruce’s secret visit to Korea proved that other countries were fully cooperating in this matter .

However, Sungyoon hadn’t known that Sung Hyunwoo would be visiting Jimin’s family when the plan would be executed .

‘Still, it doesn’t look like he plans on taking any hostages . ’

They had been fortunate . Since Bruce was near Hyunwoo, it was unlikely that Hyunwoo could take a hostage .

Despite knowing this, Sungyoon remained tense .

Suddenly, a ringtone broke the silence in the yard .

Hyunwoo took out his phone and accepted the call . A nervous voice came from the other side of the phone .

“... I see . ”

Hyunwoo disconnected the call before the caller could finish his words . Then, he asked .

“Were all members of Fabion arrested like this?”

“It was very hard for us to maintain secrecy . Do you know how much trouble I faced in secretly entering Korea? I’m too famous . ”

Bruce made invidious remarks .

“Well, let’s go . Our work is done here . Hey, Detective! Let’s hurry this up . ”

“Alright . ”

The detective shrugged . Onlookers had started to gather around the house, and there was no good reason to drag this out . At the detective’s signal, the Connectors started to take the suspects into custody .

“Wait . . . wait a moment!”

Hweeyoung got in their way .

“At the very least, tell us why you are arresting Mr . Hyunwoo and our sons!”

The detective let out another sigh . The woman was being rude, but he wasn’t offended by her actions . He had sighed because he didn’t want to answer her question .

“Mr . Sung Hyunwoo and the Fabion Connectors have been accused of committing many crimes, including murder . There’s a chance that your sons participated in the crimes . That’s the reason for the arrests . ”

“M-murder! Who did they kill!”

The detective smacked his lips .

“Mr . Hahn Jungbum . ”

“... What?”

“Mr . Sung Hyunwoo is being accused of killing your husband, Hahn Jungbum . Well, murder isn’t the only thing he’s being accused of . ”



Aiin sank to the ground . Woosung, who was about to rage at the ridiculous accusation, became surprised . He wanted to rush to his mother, but he was in custody .

Unlike Aiin, Hweeyoung didn’t fall to the ground, but her legs trembled .

“H-he killed whom?”

Hweeyoung looked at Hyunwoo, and her face turned as pale as if she had seen a ghost .

“Bullshit! Why would have Mr . Hyunwoo killed my father!”

Woosung raged, but he didn’t possess his Devices and Gems . He couldn’t do much against fully-armed Connectors .

Unlike Woosung, Woosang remained calm . However, his eyes contained a violent expression .

“You’re accusing Mr . Hyunwoo of killing our father, and you think we had something to do with it too?”

“The truth will soon come out after the investigation . Also, we do not believe that the two of you had any hand in killing Mr . Hahn Jungbum . However, you are Connectors affiliated with Fabion, so it doesn’t change the fact that you have to be put under scrutiny . ”

The detective spoke in a calm manner . It seemed he was worried about Hweeyoung and Aiin and how they were holding up .

“I’ll take care of them . ”

Jimin had also lost all strength in her legs, but Sungyoon held her in his arms . He said those words as he approached Hweeyoung and Aiin .

“Please do so . ”

A relieved expression appeared on the detective’s face as he lowered his head toward Sungyoon . Then, he turned around to lead the three suspects to the police station .

“Mr . Hyunwoo!”

Sungyoon, who was helping his mothers-in-law, threw a question at Hyunwoo in a low voice .

“Did you really kill my father-in-law, Hahn Jungbum?”

It was the question that he wanted to ask Hyunwoo immediately after hearing Plu-El’s story .

However, Hyunwoo kept his back toward Sungyoon and remained silent . Under Russell and Bruce’s watch, he slowly walked out through the front gate .

The commotion that had arrived under the moonlit night concluded just like that .

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