Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 318

Chapter 318

Chapter 318

Chapter 318

Because of the impact, the ground started to crack, and the magical energy flowing underneath the surface fluctuated . The labyrinth below broke apart, and monsters became collateral damage . They screamed as they died .

The confusion surrounding the tower resolved itself after a short amount of time . The magical energy swirling in a violent manner started to find order . The flow of magical energy created holes through the ground, and these tunnels crisscrossed each other to form an enormous magic diagram .

Magical energy calmly flowed through the magic diagram . The entire Mage city shook once again as the ‘stake’ activated . The magical energy flowing through the magic diagram started to greedily eat the magical energy in its surroundings . Then it flew to the center of the magic diagram where the stake was .


Since the city had flipped over, the floor of the city had become the top, and this top released magical energy . The magical energy surging into the air resembled a fountain dispersing water into the air . It looked as though someone had unfurled a large umbrella in the air .

A thin but strong flow of magical energy spread out over the Moon before it was sucked underground .

Just like this, the flow of magical energy encircling the Moon became complete .

“We’ve received a report! All the portals leading to Earth have vanished!”

Everyone in the situation room let out a cheer .

The Mage city wasn’t done .

The magic diagram, which had formed below the tower, started to lurch and send more magical energy to the tower . The flow of magical energy here was different than that of the magical energy encircling the Moon .

A blue light started to gather around the top . It was a great spectacle, but regular humans with no magical energy couldn’t see it . The Connectors felt an electric sensation crawl across their skin .

The blue light swirled up from the tip of the tower and reached the base to create a foundation . Then, it started climbing up toward what used to be the floor of the Mage city . The light gathered at the highest point of the rocky formation .


The magical energy shot forward into the air in the form of a powerful beam of light . Its destination was Earth, and it lit up the dark Space in its path .


After the magical energy arrived on Earth, it spread across the atmospheric layer . A light show occurred above Earth . The radiant light in the sky was more beautiful than any natural phenomenon the people of Earth had ever seen .

“It’s the light from the magical energy . ”

“It’s very pretty . ”

Russell and Bruce gawked as they watched the magical energy extend out from the tower .

“Is that how it’s sending magical energy towards Earth?”

“I guess so . ”

Russell didn’t even turn his head as he replied to Bruce, who was also standing there gaping at the spectacle .

“Report to the Mayor . Looks like the plan is a success .


When Russell’s report reached the situation room, the cheers turned louder .

This time, the Mayor didn’t stop anyone . The plan had been a complete success . However, he still did his best to push down on his excitement .

“What about the Knight and his party?”

The safety of the Knight, the person who had contributed the most to this plan, was a priority .

“I’ll check right now!”

His subordinate quickly moved .

The Mayor closed his eyes and tried to be calm and collected, but he couldn’t stop his heart from being overwhelmed by emotions .

He kept his emotions in check and planned to do so until he received news of the safety of Sungyoon’s party .


“It stopped . ”

“I guess so . ”

Sungyoon had been ready to open a portal at any moment . However, he gave up on doing that when he placed his hand on the pillar . He could feel the great stream of magical energy through his hands . It was like touching a bellow pushing out magical energy .

“I think it was a success . ”

The party reacted in a variety of ways .

One cheered . One sighed . One sank to the ground in relief . . . . Everyone reacted in different ways, but they all displayed similar emotions: happiness and relief .

“Let’s check what happened outside the city . ”

Sungyoon led the way as he retraced his steps through the tunnel . Then, they climbed the tower . Since they had exited the tunnel, their surroundings became devoid of air . They jumped down to the floor, which had been the ceiling before, and saw the view outside through the tower’s entrance .

Everyone’s eyes turned round . If there was air, one would have been able to hear the exclamations .

Sungyoon was also in awe . All the buildings that had been rooted to the floor were hanging upside down on the ceiling . They looked like stalagmites protruding from a flat ceiling .

When the party looked below, they could see Armstrong city and its dilapidated buildings . However, the enormous size of the city displayed its splendor . The city was too large to take in all at once .

The Connectors near Armstrong city had made improvised defensive positions in Armstrong city, and they were all looking up at the tower and the Mage city .

‘We succeeded . ’

Sungyoon knew the plan had been a success through the magical energy he felt on his skin .

He unconsciously clenched his fists and shook them .


Armstrong city once again came back on line . As the generators started working, light returned to the city . The construction materials had been transported to the Moon through the portals beforehand, and they were used to seal the holes in the outer wall .

After that, weapons were mounted on the outer wall . The workers were more meticulous in building a stronger defense .

A spaceship landed in Armstrong city . It was the first spaceship to land in the city after monsters had taken over the city . Following it, a continuous procession of spaceships landed at the airport . In just a while, the Aldrin spaceport had been fully occupied .

The spaceships unloaded all the supplies brought from Earth . Numerous portals had been opened next to the Aldrin spaceport and the excavated Mana Knight had been stocked . The spaceships were reloaded with Mana Knight and moonstones . After that, they left for Earth .

“Stability is starting to return to Armstrong city . ”

The Mayor looked tired, but unlike before, his face was full of life . Even the dark circles under his eyes shone .

“There are still no signs that they intend to launch a large-scale attack . Some monsters are roaming near the city, but I don’t believe we have to activate the defense system for them . It’ll be enough to send out a couple of Connectors . It seems our initial plan of luring out the monsters and crushing them was highly effective . ”

“That’s great . If we had failed in that plan, we wouldn’t have been able to recapture Armstrong city . The more problematic part, in that case, would’ve been the countries’ hesitation to cooperate with any plans we would’ve made after that . ”

The entire world had been threatened, and every person urged for unity . However, that unity had been scratched and clawed together, so it was fragile .

If such a large-scale plan had failed, the naysayers within each country would’ve gained a platform .

Moreover, for the sake of this plan, Earth had taken too much damage in pushing back the monsters’ counterattack .

“We can’t let our guard down . They’ll start a large-scale attack at some point . That’s why I plan on building a Mana Knight munitions factory here . It’ll allow us to continuously upgrade our defense . Also, we have one more task to accomplish . It’ll be as important as defending Armstrong city and the spike of the Mage city . ”

“You’re referring to Kevil . ”

“That’s correct, Ms . Plu-El . ”

“I wholeheartedly agree with your plan . ”

“As magical energy continues to fill Earth because of the force field, Kevil will start regaining its original strength . We have to kill him as soon as possible . ”

“Then our next mission is to exterminate the rat that’s living on Earth . ”

Everyone laughed at Sungyoon’s words .

“That’s right . We built up a defensive wall, and now, we just have to catch the rat hidden in our home . ”


It was decided that Sungyoon’s party would be returning to Earth . Sungyoon could use the source of magical energy, so he had the capability to contend with Kevil if they came across each other . Therefore, Russell, Sungyoon, and Sungyoon’s party members decided to return to Earth . Bruce was left behind in Armstrong city as a backup .

To see off Sungyoon, the Mayor, Bruce, Plu-El, and Aruwen had come out to the spaceport .

“Please take care of Soyoung, Son-in-law Woo . ”

Plu-El was a bit more comfortable interacting with Sungyoon now .

“Of course, I’ll look out for my sister-in-law . ”

Sungyoon smiled . The people leaving for Earth said their goodbyes to the people they knew . They were about to move toward the spaceship when they had to stop .

“Wait a moment . ”

Aruwen stopped them .

“What’s wrong, Aruwen?”

Aruwen wasn’t close to any of these people, so Plu-El had been wondering why he had come here . It seemed she was about to find out the reason .

Aruwen didn’t answer Plu-El . He approached Sungyoon’s party . His eyes swept past the party, starting from Sungyoon . He turned his gaze toward Emily, Grace, and it finally came to a stop at Tim .

“What . . . what’s wrong?”

Sungyoon was used to dealing with Aruwen, but Tim still felt awkward in Aruwen’s presence .

“You’re the warrior of Mr . Woo Sungyoon’s party . Am I correct?”

Tim eyed Sungyoon, Emily, and Grace . Then he looked back at Aruwen .


“I asked if you’re the warrior of Mr . Woo Sungyoon’s party . ”

Tim looked at Sungyoon once again .

“Y . . . Yes . Mr . Sungyoon and I are the warriors of our party . ”

“Mr . Woo Sungyoon is good at using spells too . You’re the only pure warrior in your party .

"Since he has the Royal Gem, he’s out of the question . Are you the warrior of Mr . Woo Sungyoon’s party?”

“I... I am . ”

The exchange left a bad taste in Tim’s mouth, but he still answered Aruwen .

“What’s wrong?”

Plu-El asked the question once again, but Aruwen didn’t say anything . He just tossed something toward Tim .


Tim quickly caught the item, and everyone focused their attention on the item in his hand .

“It’s the Warrior Gem . ”

Aruwen calmly spoke as if he had given Tim a stone he picked up on the side of the road .

However, everyone else lost their cool .

“Wait a moment! Are you out of your mind?”

Plu-El had assumed Aruwen thought of the Warrior Gem as a substitute for the Royal Gem he lost . Moreover, everyone familiar with him thought the same .

However, Aruwen felt differently . He had handed over the Warrior Gem to Tim as if it were nothing .

“What do you think I am doing? I am handing over the Warrior Gem to someone who’ll get the most out of it . ”

Aruwen looked at Emily and Grace .

Emily flinched, while Grace tilted her head in puzzlement .

“In fact, this is a good opportunity . Let’s use this opportunity to gain some clarity . ”

Aruwen turned his back toward Tim, who had no idea what was going on . Looking at Plu-El and Russell, Aruwen spoke .

“Both of you should hand over your special Gems to them . ”

He pointed at Emily and Grace .

“Aruwen . You know I trust you, but you still have a terrible personality . At the very least, you should give us an explanation . ”

Plu-El let out a sigh as she scolded him .

“It isn’t anything amazing . It isn’t anything extraordinary . It’s something that should make sense . I’m saying we need all the special Gems in one place . ”

“Give me the specifics . ”

Plu-El crossed her arms .

Everyone knew Aruwen had a reason for saying this, so they waited for him to speak .

“The other special Gems are starting to awaken, but it doesn’t change the fact that the Royal Gem is the most important . And the other special Gems can bring out the full extent of their power only beside the Royal Gem . I’m sure about it since this information was passed down through my family . ”

“You want to keep the other special Gems close to the Royal Gem?”

“Exactly . ”josei

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