Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 57


The spear blade flew towards the fallen Bloody Rhino . Instead of the terrifying sound of the sharp blade piercing through flesh, one could hear a dull sound . It was a depressing sound . Of course, Sungyoon’s Purple Rank spear could not pierce through the thick hide of the Bloody Rhino . However, he did not care . His intention was not to wound the Bloody Rhino in the first place .

“It really is dead . ”

Sungyoon poked the Bloody Rhino a couple more times, yet it did not move . Finally, he could let go of his vigilance .

‘As expected, it is getting pretty difficult now that we are on the 7th floor . ’

Sungyoon could not help but think as he watched the light surround the corpse of the Bloody Rhino .

The fact that Sungyoon had made a party with Tim and Emily meant that they could explore the labyrinth at a must faster rate . Previously, Sungyoon had met his limitation on the 4th floor, so he went back to being stuck on the 3rd floor . This was a great development for him . Moreover, the number of moonstones he could gather directly influenced Shinhae’s future . And the speed at which he was gathering the moonstones had gone up significantly .

As expected, Gems were dropping at a horrible rate .

‘I guess I should be thankful that I was able to get this . ’

Sungyoon’s legs were now covered by an item that he had not possessed before . It was a shin guard . It was made out of hardened wood with tough leather layered on it . It was a Purple Rank defensive gear, and it barely covered his shins . Still, he was fortunate to have found it .

When the Gem had appeared, Tim did not even think too hard on it . He let Sungyoon have it . Tim’s gear was already better than him, and Sungyoon needed defensive gear more than Emily, who worked as support from the backline .

In many ways, once could say that Sungyoon’s equipment was very unbalanced . His weapon and shield were Blue Rank, quite highly ranked Gems for the Beginner’s Labyrinth . However, all his other Gems were the bottom Purple Rank Gems . After defeating the Bigfoot, he had acquired a Device capable of slotting a Green Rank Gem . However, the bracelet was merely a pretty decoration at this point .

“Shall we rest for a little bit?”

After picking up the moonstone, Tim scanned his surroundings before he expressed his thoughts . Sungyoon checked the time . It had been quite a while since they had started the hunt .

The three of them moved a bit away and sat down with their backs against the wall .

“Here . ”

A cup of clean water was pushed towards Sungyoon, who had his back against the cold and rough wall . He had been blankly staring at the opposite wall of the labyrinth, and turned his head at the words . Emily was holding up the water cup towards him . She was wearing her hood, so he could not really see her face .

“Thank you . ”

Sungyoon took the water cup . He’d been with the two siblings for many days now, so he had gone long past the point where he turned down such gestures .

“I . . . it’s nothing . ”

Emily kept flinching, as there was a possibility that their fingers might touch . She squeezed out her words, her voice was as small as the buzz of a mosquito . However, she still handed Sungyoon the water cup . It seemed she was happy about this fact, so her shoulders shook a little bit in joy .

Tim looked dumbfounded as he watched this situation unfold .

‘What the hell is she doing?’

Did she really think that was enough to attract the attention of a man? Even young kids who had just learned to speak could express their affection better than her .

“Here . ”

This time Emily gave the water cup to Tim, but her attitude was half-hearted . It was completely different from how she treated Sungyoon . Of course, Tim was not disappointed . If his sister were to hand the water cup to him in such a shy and embarrassed manner, his entire body would erupt in goosebumps . He would probably die on the spot . He was sure of it .

Sungyoon drank the water without much thought . It was lukewarm . But water was precious on the moon, so he tried to feel each drop of water slide down his throat . It felt like each droplet circulated through his entire body .

‘It has already been three days since we’ve entered the labyrinth . ’

After he moved the cup away from his lips, Sungyoon tried to gather his thoughts .

As he had expected, they needed one day to go on a round trip to the 4th floor . They needed to stay overnight if they wanted to go deeper, and this was what actually happened . Sungyoon had already spent two nights in the labyrinth . He had to sleep on the hard floor with only a single blanket to cover himself . If he was on guard duty, he was unable to get a decent rest . It was a very hard life .

‘Should I consider myself fortunate for having a blanket?’

When he told the Support Center that he was going to spend the night inside the Beginner’s labyrinth, they gave him a cheap blanket with an odd odor to it . The blanket was close to the end of its life cycle . It was more of a rag than a blanket, but it was better than nothing .

This was the only thing provided by the Support Center . If one wanted to eat food or drink water in the labyrinth, one had to purchase it through one’s expense account . The Support Center provided water and vitamins once a day . If Sungyoon spent the night inside the labyrinth, he would not be able to pick up his ration on time . This was why he had to spend most of his emergency money given to him by Jimin .

However, it could not be helped . He kept telling himself that he was investing in himself . Now he was bearing the fruit of his investment, and he was able to collect much larger moonstones .

After a decent break, the three of them, once again, started exploring the labyrinth .


Tim, who had been walking in the front of the group, raised his hand, and the party came to a stop .

“There are two . ”

It was as Tim had said . There were two monsters that were common to the 7th floor . One was the Bloody Rhino, and the other monster was a monster that resembled a gorilla . It was easily over 2m tall, and it possessed its characteristic bulky muscles . It was called the Heavy Muscle Gorilla .

“What should we do?”

It seemed the two monsters had not caught sight of the party . Tim asked Sungyoon and Emily for their opinions .

Sungyoon narrowed his eyes as he glared at the two monsters .

As expected of monsters appearing in the 7th floor of the Beginner’s labyrinth, they were powerful . However, he was confident they could handle these monsters . Although Sungyoon’s other equipment was pitiful, he possessed a Blue Rank weapon and shield . They worked against all the monsters within the Beginner’s labyrinth . Also, there was Emily’s support magic . They could gain a decisive advantage with her help . Above all else, Sungyoon’s party had experience fighting these two monsters separately .

“What do you guys think? I think we can do it . ”

“I agree . ”

At Sungyoon’s question, Tim shrugged his shoulders as he gave his answer . In the first place, before they met Sungyoon, Tim and Emily had been hunting monsters on the 6th and 7th floor . Now they had a trustworthy reinforcement in Sungyoon, they would not run away just because two monsters had appeared together .

“I also agree . ”

Emily easily agreed with both of them .

“Alright! Let’s do this!”

After they came to a consensus, Tim started to take large steps forward . He looked careless, but this was all part of the plan . He was the wall that would block all the attacks from their enemies . He had to be noticed . It was a role suited to Tim, who had a lively and heroic personality .

-Koo-roohk! josei

-Ooh ooh!

The two monster’s gazes were attracted to Tim . It was a sight that was supposed to make one’s heart pound, and it should have made his knees shake . However, Tim was bold at heart . A small smile appeared on his face .

“Hey, trash . Come at me . ”

He was like an old oak tree that had lived for a couple thousand years . His feet were like roots as he planted his shield in front of him . Then, he made a come hither gesture with his finger .

Did his provocation work? Or were they just following their instincts? The reason did not matter . The monsters moved towards Tim as intended as he became their target .


The one to charge first was the Bloody Rhino . Its long and sturdy horn headed towards Tim in a straight line . It was an amazing sight . It would not be an exaggeration to say that it felt like the ground was shaking from its charge .


The Heavy Muscle Gorilla followed right behind it . It used its arms and legs to run across the floor . Its charge was not as intimidating as the Bloody Rhino’s charge, but it was capable of using a variety of attacks with its long arms . The Bloody Rhino could only charge . The Heavy Muscle Gorilla might be the bigger threat amongst the two .


Strength erupted from Sungyoon and Tim’s body . Emily had used her support magic from the back .

Tim erected his shield . The Bloody Rhino was much faster than the Heavy Muscle Gorilla, so Tim readied himself to block the large horn .


The Bloody Rhino’s horn rammed into Tim’s shield . Unlike before, he had to take a couple steps backward, but he was still able to defend the monster’s attack . Sungyoon and Tim’s gaze moved to the Heavy Muscle Gorilla . They still had time .


Sungyoon’s mace swung at the Bloody Rhino’s right knee .


Its leg broke like a stick .


It let out a scream in pain . However, Tim did not hesitate and swung his ax towards the left leg .


Unlike Sungyoon’s mace, Tim was not able to make the left leg completely useless, but it was enough to hobble the left leg .


The Blood Rhino fell on its face . It let out a cry that sounded angry and sad at the same time . It struggled to get to its feet . However, its two front legs had been mangled, and they could not hold up its enormous weight . The Bloody Rhino’s greatest weapon was its charge, and it had been completely neutralized .

“Please kill it quickly . ”

Tim left behind those words as he ran past the fallen Bloody Rhino .


Soon, Tim and the Heavy Muscle Gorilla rammed into each other . The monster swung its fists wildly, and the sound of Tim’s shield blocking the attack rang out in the labyrinth .


Sungyoon immediately went to work . He had to kill the Bloody Rhino as soon as possible, while Tim blocked the Heavy Muscle Gorilla .


Even if it was injured, this was a 7th floor monster . It could not use its front legs, but it would not die that easily . However, it could not generate any momentum, so it could only flail its neck to attack with its horn . Sungyoon’s shield easily blocked the horn .


The mace embedded itself in its cheek, and blood sprayed out of the monster’s mouth . Sungyoon did not rest, and he, once again, swung his mace .

‘I have to avoid hitting its hard horn!’


The mace once again landed on the same location . The already sunken cheek completely cratered . .


It fell over .

‘How convenient . ’

Sungyoon had been looking down at the fallen Bloody Rhino . Then he turned his gaze towards Emily .

She was holding tight to her staff, alternating between Tim and Sungyoon . She was making sure she could use her healing spell at any moment . They had an insurance called healing magic from Emily . This was why they could easily carry out violent and a more risky plan like this .

He bludgeoned the Bloody Rhino to make sure it was dead, then he immediately ran towards Tim .


Tim was fighting well . The monster was named Heavy Muscle, because its entire body was muscular . However, Tim was giving it a good fight . He used his shield to defend against its attacks . In fact, he was even able to counterattack, so some ax wounds had appeared on the monster’s body . However, the monster was paying special attention to the counterattacks, so it did not suffer any critical injury .

“I’ll help . ”

Sungyoon ran past Tim . The Heavy Muscle Gorilla had just attacked Tim, so its body had come to a halt . Of course, Sungyoon would not let this opportunity pass .


He attacked its arm first . He aimed for the pointy elbow of its bent arm . It let out pained screams when steel hit bone . The ape looking monster clutched at its injured arm . It was an instinctual gesture . It was trying to protect an injured body part as it tried to ride out the pain . However, this was the absolute wrong move for it to do . Both of its arms were tied up now . It usually used both arms to attack and defend, and now it was unable to use both arms . It meant it could no longer attack or defend .

It did not matter who went first . Sungyoon charged forward . Tim also stopped turtling and swung his ax .



The mace destroyed its right knee . The ax made a big wound on its left side .


It let out a loud scream . One could see sharp teeth within its wide open mouth, and the sight of it made one’s hair stand on end . However, the two men were not put off by the sight . They once again swung their weapon .

They had experienced too much hardship to be frightened by the sight of its sharp teeth .


In the end, the Heavy Muscle Gorilla fell to one knee .

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