Morning, the Heir

Chapter 56 - Refusal to See Her

Chapter 56 - Refusal to See Her

Chapter 56: Refusal to See Her
Translator: Peggyan and Ruriko
Sun Ru left with a nod, leaving Lin Xiaomi dazedly standing in situ with the information of Xue Haolin in her hands.

As she looked at the handsome face on the paper, her fingertips ached throbbingly.

She felt panicked at the thought of what Xue Haolin said yesterday.

When they reached the building of Saatchi Group, Sun Ru walked up to the front desk and said, “We’re reporters of South Magazine and have made an appointment with Mr. Xue.”

“Right. You can go upstairs.”

Lin Xiaomi followed Sun Ru with the necessary information in her hands, palms of which were sweaty because of nervousness.

Secretaries had already waited for them by the elevator.

“The meeting will be over soon, and Mr. Xue will see you later. Please have seats in the reception room,” said one secretary mannerly.

Sun Ru extended his gratitude and followed the secretary inside. Out of the blue, Secretary Wang who was present yesterday stood in front of Lin Xiaomi and said harshly,

“How come? Who let her in?”

The young secretary was at a loss. “They’re reporters and have made an appointment with Mr. Xue.”

Secretary Wang frowned and said to Lin Xiaomi after a pause, “I’m sorry. Please leave.”

Sun Ru didn’t understand it and thought that they tried to throw their weight around, so he stood sideways to stand in front of Lin Xiaomi and said, “What’s wrong? We’re reporters and come here to interview Mr. Xue. We’ve made an appointment.”

Secretary Wang looked at Lin Xiaomi through Sun Ru and said, “Well, Mr. Xue has said this woman isn’t allowed to enter this building.”

Sun Ru unbelievably looked back at Lin Xiaomi with his brows knitted.

Lin Xiaomi’s face turned pale. Right on the time, Xue Haolin walked out of the conference room.

As soon as he saw Lin Xiaomi, his face became more darkened.

Secretary Wang turned around and followed Xue Haolin into his office. When she came out, her face became as indifferent as usual.

“I’m sorry. Our CEO has decided to reject your interview. Please leave right away.”

Lin Xiaomi explained in a hurry with an ashen face, “I’ll leave immediately, okay? I’m here as an assistant to my colleague and have nothing to do with the interview. I’m leaving now, but can you allow him to do the interview?”

“Our CEO means we won’t make dealings with South Magazine in the future. Please leave at once.”

Instantly, Lin Xiaomi turned colorless. It never occurred to her that Xue Haolin loathed her so much that he even rejected everything related to her.

Sun Ru turned into the elevator with a poker face.

Lin Xiaomi followed him guiltily. “Senior Brother, I’m sorry. It’s all my bad.”

Seeing her bloodless face, Sun Ru held back his anger and said, “The chief editor pulled some strings, so we got this chance. But now, it seems screwed up, and I don’t know how to explain to the chief editor, let alone you. I don’t know the history between you two, but, Xiaomi, I told you not to affect interviews due to personal reasons. It’s the basic code of conduct for a reporter. I give you three days, and you have to solve the problem as soon as possible.”

Out of the elevator, Sun Ru still wore a darkened face. “I have another interview to do. You try to solve the problem as quickly as you can.”

Lin Xiaomi dumbly nodded.

Solving the problem? It was quite difficult, for Xue Haolin wouldn’t even grant her a chance to see him.

On the first day she changed her post, she unexpectedly lost her job.

But why did Xue Haolin hate her so much? Why did he think she wanted to pretend to be Lin Xin’er?

Did he consider Lin Xin’er his playmate in his childhood?

How come?

She indeed wanted to make explanations, but he didn’t trust her at all and even didn’t want to listen to a word from her.

She walked out with frustrations and was stopped suddenly by a person.

As she looked up, she saw Lin Xin’er.

Clad in the newly Chanel dress of this summer, Lin Xin’er wore a delicate makeup to cover her pale face.

At the time, Lin Xin’er smiled and was always kind and gentle in public places.

“Xiaomi, what are you doing here? To see Haolin? But why do you look so frustrated? Did Haolin refuse to see you?”

Everyone here could see her smiling but neglect the sarcasm in her words.

Lin Xiaomi suddenly got it and said coldly while looking at Lin Xin’er’s face, “It’s you, right? You told Xue Haolin you were his playmate, didn’t you? You said I posed as you? Didn’t you feel guilty when said this?”

Lin Xin’er slightly sided her head and said with puzzles, “What are you talking about? I don’t understand. I knew Haolin since we were just kids.”josei

“When we were just kids, I found him often abused by his servants, so I secretly took my milk out for him. What’s more, I wove a small goldfish for him, and he said I was nimble-fingered, and he was going to marry me when he grew up. Now he succeeded and came back to honor his promise. Is there a problem?”

Lin Xiaomi unbelievably looked at Lin Xin’er and wondered to herself why Lin Xin’er knew the things between her and Xue Haolin. As Lin Xiaomi stared at the determined face of Lin Xin’er, an absurd thought crossed her mind.

Was she having a dream? Was it Lin Xin’er who accompanied Xue Haolin the other year?

But, she knew that she wasn’t having a dream and that Lin Xin’er was the liar.

It turned out Lin Xin’er had long known what happened between Lin Xiaomi and Xue Haolin. The funny thing was, Lin Xiaomi sneakily met Xue Haolin for fear that Lin Xin’er would find out.

Since Lin Xin’er could speak so many things out, it was no wonder why Xue Haolin didn’t listen to Lin Xiaomi.

Lin Xiaomi said with her lips puckered upon malevolently looking at Lin Xin’er, “Do you love snatching things from others? Why do you have to rob me all the time?”

Lin Xin’er loved seeing Lin Xiaomi who was angry. The angrier Lin Xiaomi was, the happier Lin Xin’er was. “What did I rob you? I heard from Haolin you came to meet Haolin yesterday and claimed you were his playmate. Do you know how he described you?”

Lin Xin’er said with a chuckle, “He said you lacked self-knowledge and craved for something you didn’t deserve. He also said you were evil and asked me to stay away from you.”

With her fingernails deeply stuck into her palms, Lin Xiaomi had to keep telling herself to calm down to prevent herself from slapping Lin Xin’er.

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