Mr. CEO, Please Stay

Chapter 555

Chapter 555

At this moment

She felt that she needed the warm arms and solid arms.

She said

Yuaotian should not What happened!

"Woo..." The tears of forbearance poured out like the flood. Yaoyao put out her little hands, hugged him tightly, and cried.

This cry, it sounds so grievance, so heartbreaking.

Holding her tightly, yuaotian seems to be so painful and regretful at this moment.

He's wrong!

It's a big mistake!

He thought that a person could protect Yaoyao's mother if he took on the fact that she was killed.

He thought that fengchenyi might really give her happiness and future.


Mingming two years ago, Feng Chenyi had betrayed her once, which made her heartbroken. How can he believe that the man with the romantic nature can give this little thing the future?!

How can I let go?! How can I really give her to fengchenyi?!

Slowly, slowly, he loosened his arms around Yao Yao, lowered his head and looked at her small face full of tears

Fingers, over and over again gently wipe the corner of her eyes can not stop tears.

Women's tears, is unable to move this merciless man, but at this moment, her tears is to make him so heartache!

Long fingers slowly moved to her lips, fingertips rubbing her lips.

Yao Yao slowly raised her eyes, facing the man's loving eyes.

For a moment, his lips slammed on hers. This kiss, is so sudden, or, early warning.

"Well..." Yao Yao put her hands on his chest and tried to push it away, but her limbs were so weak. The kiss of a man was too domineering and powerful. She could not stop it, or Don't want to stop it!

The hands on his chest slowly sagged, leaving the man to kiss himself constantly.

Eyes full of tears open, don't do this She... At this time, we can't afford any love from yuaotian.

Eyes gradually closed, two lines of tears along the cheeks, her hands suddenly hook his neck. The numb lips that were kissed moved gradually. Kiss over and over again.

It seems to be infected by her response. Yu Aotian opens his eyes, closes them immediately, and gradually uses his arms around her waist.

Until the air in the room becomes thin, until they are suffocating each other, the lingering and romantic kiss of the open century gradually ends.

Whoo Call...

Their eager and warm breath blows on each other's face, with an atmosphere of flirtation and ambiguity.

When the eyes of each other meet, they kiss together again. This kiss is even more intense and lingering than the kiss just now, as if it has been for a long time

I don't know how long it took for their lips to separate.

It took her a long time to gradually calm her eager breath.

The small body is lying on the sofa quietly, and the head is resting on the legs of yuaotian.

"You can give me one Home? " Eyes, looking at his deep eyes; small hands Gradually stroking his perfect handsome face, her eyes at the moment were so obsessed and occupied.

Yuaotian knows that it's just her drunkenness and drunkenness. When she wakes up, she will forget everything happened at this moment, but

"If you want. I will give it! " He still wanted to tell her how he was feeling at the moment! Because when she woke up, he I won't say that.

"Ah. To me Are you destroying it yourself? " Just like fengchenyi, just like he destroyed her original home by himself.

No need

She doesn't need any more homes!


No need.

Everything is just a dream lie

Slowly closed her eyes, she lay there quietly, tears rolling down her cheeks

And what he can do Just holding her like this, quietly watching her sleeping face falling asleep

The other side.

On the soft big bed, the woman lies naked on the bed, her eyes are closed, her hands are tightly tied to the man's neck, and her mouth emits an attractive voice: "Chenyi How are you... "

As if the man does not know fatigue, the sweat drops constantly fall, but the cold eyes of the man show dissatisfaction: "call me husband!"! Don't call me by name! " A low roar fell.

The woman opened her eyes and stroked the man's handsome face with two small hands: "husband! Husband! I love you so much, husband! " The soft jelly lips work hard to kiss the man

With a long low voice, the woman seemed to be in the cloud.

At the same time, men

For a long time, the men and women who kept breathing gradually recovered. Xie Zhiqing lies in front of him disgustingly: "husband, our affairs have been exposed by the media What are you going to do about it? "

"Leave it alone. I'll work it out." He said without expression.

Xie Zhiqing raised his head, put his cold eyes on him, and gently stroked the wrinkles between his eyebrows: "that What about Miss Luo? "

"What do you say?"

"How can I know what Miss Luo is thinking. But the normal woman will choose to divorce, then you? Will you agree to divorce her? "

Feng Chenyi stared at one place in silence. For a while, he nodded his head affirmatively: "yes..."

"Really?" As soon as Xie Zhiqing heard his answer, she sat up excitedly and turned over: "do you really want to divorce Miss Luo?"

"Ha ha, of course."

"Well, that's great. Then we can't be together in the bright future? Great Great... " Xie Zhiqing cheered happily. He hooked the neck of fengchenyi and kissed his handsome face constantly.

But compared with Xie Zhiqing's enthusiasm, fengchenyi's reaction is very insipid and woody, and there is no general luster in those cold eyes

The night will be outlawed by the dawn. A ray of sunlight shines in the big cottage, which is full of vitality. The candles that are lit have completed their mission and turned into a pile of wax.

On the small sofa, Yao Yao closed her eyes, put on a windbreaker, and lay quietly on Yu Aotian's legs, sleeping soundly.

Yu Aotian, who stayed up all night, held her little hand tightly and stayed with her all night. josei

This night, Yao Yao didn't know how many dreamwords she said

Some strongly deny that they are Lando's; some extremely ask why fengchenyi betrays her and destroys her family. But...

In her countless dreamwords, there are many long names It's yuaotian!

"Don't Don't be proud "

"Why are you so cruel and proud!"

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