Mr. Huo's Expensive Cute Wife

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

After taking a bath, he immediately knocked on Jingli's door. However, no one responded to him after knocking for a long time. Li Jingchen guessed that she should not have come out of the bathroom.

He took out his mobile phone to call Ji Wenzhe. Before the number was dialed, he changed his mind. In order to avoid disturbing Ji Wenzhe, he chose to send a message, "Secretary Ji, Jingli has been sent home. You can rest assured."

This evening, not only Li Jingchen was entangled by Jingli, but also Ji Wenzhe was entangled by Zhu Jingmei again. When he saw Li Jingchen's message, Zhu Jingmei just fell asleep.

He simply returned a message to Li Jingchen, "take care of her."


Li Jingchen sat in the living room and waited for half an hour, but he didn't hear anything in Jingli's bedroom. He knocked on the door, but it was still quiet.

The more you think about it, the more wrong it is. Usually, Jingli takes a bath about 40 minutes and blows his hair for more than 10 minutes. Now he has been in the bathroom for an hour and 10 minutes He unscrewed the door of Jingli's bedroom. Not only was there no one in the bedroom, but there was no movement in the bathroom.

He knocked on the closed bathroom door, "Jingli."

After several calls, there was no response inside. Li Jingchen was anxious and opened the bathroom door directly.

In the bathroom, a woman tilted her head on the edge of the bath, sleeping soundly, and her cheek was several times more red than before. Seeing this scene, Li Jingchen took a deep breath and tried to keep his eyes open, "Jingli, Jingli..."

He patted her on the cheek, and Jingli moved. He didn't expect that the whole person would slide into the bath full of water at the next moment.

Before her whole person was flooded, Li Jingchen quickly took her out of the bath, swept around and wrapped her with a prepared bath towel.

Seeing Li Jingchen in a daze, Jing Li held out his hand wrapped in his bath towel and murmured, "Li Jingchen..."

Close to the whispering call, or in this case, Li Jingchen is really going to be tortured to death by this woman!

Eyes on the wall behind her, open the shower to see also do not see her body to wash the shower gel to clean.

When Jing Li was held out, he was half awake, "Li Jingchen..."

The sound of her calling his name really killed him! "Shut up!" The man suddenly roared at her fiercely.

Jing Li was extremely aggrieved. He looked at him with a pair of big eyes full of grievances. "You hurt me. You must hate me."

Li Jingchen He threw her on the bed, pulled the mattress to cover her, and confirmed that she was wrapped tightly by himself. At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, his tone was also mild, "no, you have a rest first, I'll go to the bathroom..."

She reached out her right arm, grabbed the big palm of his hammer in the waist, and stared at him. "Don't go. You promised me to sleep together tonight."

Li Jingchen adjusted the mood, "don't go, you clean up yourself, I'll go to clean up the bathroom."

"Good." Jing Li releases him, and in Li Jingchen's surprise, Jing Li sits up from the bed.

Li Jingchen was originally adjusted to a similar mood. In an instant, because of the beautiful scene in front of him, he broke through again

Li Jingchen closed his eyes and pinched his eyebrows. He turned around and left a figure behind Jingli. His voice was the same as usual, "hurry up, I'll go to the bathroom."

Jingli didn't intend to let him go, "but I don't have pajamas and pants. Can you help me with it?"

Pajamas and panties The man's tone became ferocious again, "no! Go by yourself

"Well, I'll take it myself, but I feel dizzy. Otherwise, I won't wear it. It's time to go to bed anyway." Jingli really lay back.

Li Jingchen weighed it in his heart, "where to put it?"

Jingli almost laughed and said, "any one of the closet in the cloakroom is OK. Any pants are in the middle drawer. I'm good at talking."

She Nice talking? Li Jingchen has never seen such a difficult figure!

Li Jingchen really entered her cloakroom. Jingli originally wanted to follow in like this, but she No courage! Forget it, wait here!

Looking at the neat clothes in the wardrobe, Li Jingchen felt that she was teased by the women outside.

He held the door of the cupboard, held his breath, and picked up a nightgown. When he opened the drawer, the contents in it made it even more difficult for him to breathe. In the future, he would rather smash the bandit's head and run for another 20 kilometers, rather than face the drunken Jingli.

Fortunately, after Li Jingchen came out with the clothes, Jingli was still lying on the bed obediently. He didn't throw the clothes to her gently on the bed, and then went to the bathroom.

Jing Li looks at her pink pajamas and black trousers. Li Jingchen likes her clothes in this style

Li Jingchen simply cleaned up the bathroom, and inadvertently glanced at Jing Li's clothes in the dirty clothes basket again. Should he ignore them or throw them into the washing machine?Finally, Li Jingchen walked out of the bathroom with Jingli's clothes in his arms. When he went to the washing machine, he passed by Jingli's bedroom and was stopped by Jingli.

The girl lay lazily on the bed, squinting at the man and suppressing the smile, "some clothes can't be washed by the washing machine. They need to be washed by hand. Instructor Li, I've washed the clothes twice. Can you wash them for me once?"

Li Jingchen's whole face was stiff.

Hand washing clothes is nothing. When he was in the army, his clothes were all hand washed by himself, but listen to Jing Li's meaning that he wanted him to wash the clothes with the foundation for her by hand

Li Jingchen seems to be holding a group of hot potato, holding is not lost is not. josei

Seeing the man standing straight in the middle of the bedroom, Jing Li's face turned a little red. Without his response, Jingli rolled on the bed and said, "I'm dizzy now. I can't do anything. Instructor Li, you can help me with just two clothes."

Then, under Jingli's gaze, Li Jingchen silently threw the sweater and trousers that Jingli had worn into the washing machine, leaving only two small ones to take to the bathroom.

Listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, Jingli is contented with his pillow, hum! If you don't like me, I'll tease you!

I can't tease you at ordinary times. I'm drunk! It's you! Until you like me!

The sound of the water in the bathroom suddenly stopped. Jingli raised the decibel, and gently reminded him, "Li Jingchen, close clothes, wash twice more. If you don't wash them clean, you will get sick."

Li Jingchen

I really want to take a weapon and shoot out hundreds of holes in front of my clothes!

Li Jingchen is very serious about washing clothes again. The scene glass is sleepy. He hasn't come out yet.

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