Mr. Huo's Expensive Cute Wife

Chapter 788

Chapter 788

Tang Shiyi approached her and spoke in a low voice. She was suspicious of temptation. "Your Valet has seen me, and there is someone following you every day. Aren't you tired of it? Don't you want to be free for two days

“……” She's used to this life, OK?

Tang Shiyi did not let go of her hand. "He has already rushed over. Run! I'll take you there

Huo Wanding conditionally looked back at the direction Jin Ting had just left. He was running towards this side.

The next moment, she opened her legs, followed Tang Shiyi's steps and began to stride forward.

Huo Wanding's long hair today is scattered on her shoulders. When two people are running, her long black hair is flying in the air with the wind.

Tang Shiyi looks back and plans to see if Jin Ting has caught up with him. He accidentally aims at Huo Wanding's appearance at the moment.

She was very beautiful, he always knew that at this moment she bloomed her different beauty in front of him. At the moment, she was that kind of unrestrained and unrestrained beauty.

No matter what kind of beauty, can let Tang Shiyi fall deeply.

Tang Shiyi's tourist car is right in front of her. He jumps up first and then reaches out his powerful right hand in front of her.

Huo Wan Ding looked back at Jin Ting, who was less than 10 meters away from them, and said three words to him, "go back!"

Jin Ting's pace suddenly slowed down and watched Huo Wanding give his hand to Tang Shiyi, and they left in the sightseeing bus.

He didn't know whether to call Huo Lingshen or not. Just as he took out his mobile phone to call Nian Yaxuan, he received a short message from Huo Wanding, "don't tell them, I'll be back soon."

Jin Ting until today is to go to the wild elephant valley, not to call Huo Lingchen, not to disturb Huo evening Ding can also. But he can't let Huo Wan go to that kind of place with a man who can only control the scalpel because he has no strength to bind the chicken. This is his duty.

So he immediately chartered another car and went to the wild elephant valley.

On the sightseeing bus, Tang Shiyi intimately tied the safety measures beside her. Then, with one hand against his chin, he tilted his head and asked her, "my name is Tang Shiyi. What's your name?"

Huo Wanding takes back the sight of looking at the scenery, falls on his white face, and says faintly, "don't know my name, dare to take me like this. Does Mr. Tang feel that his behavior is very inappropriate?"

Tang Shiyi had no choice but to stand out. "I can't control my legs and mouth as soon as I see you. I just want to be close to you and talk to you. Why do you think this is? Did you do something to me

Tang Shiyi vowed that there was no lie in these words. He also knew that he was a little abrupt in doing so, but he could not control himself from approaching her!

"Blame me, as you say?" She heard a lot of men's love words, but these words came out of Tang Shiyi's mouth, which was another feeling. For example Let a person's heart beat faster, Huo evening Ding pressure heart palpitation, cold question.

Tang Shiyi immediately said with a smile, "of course not. How can it be? I just want to know your name. "

"Don't ask me such questions as have been asked of countless women." Tang Shiyi this kind of man, handsome with a trace of ruffian, is the object that many little girls like. But she's not a little girl, so she won't like it either.

Tang Shiyi feels frustrated on Huo Wanding. This woman is not pretending to be cold, but really cold!

"To tell you the truth?" Tang Shiyi pondered and replied, "when they see me, they all take the initiative to introduce their names to me. I don't need to ask. So, just curious about a woman and approaching to ask for her name... " His eyes and Huo evening ding on, the eyes actually with serious, "you are the first."

Huo Wan tingled and pulled the corner of his lip, and moved away from his eyes. "What you said has nothing to do with me."

Tang Shiyi nodded and raised her eyebrows, "OK! Have you applied mosquito repellent He looked down at her dress, her trousers and sneakers, and her simple Ruby anklet was out of sight because she was sitting.

"What do you do with that?"

"Put some mosquito repellent oil or soap on the upper to keep leeches and snakes away from you."

Leech and snake Huo evening Ding only felt scalp numbness, she did not take anything, only carried a very small backpack, which only contained wet tissue and other things.

Tang Shiyi smile's mystery, took out a thing from the pocket and handed it to her in front of her, "just, I didn't paint, paint together?" josei

Huo Wan fixed his eyes on it. It was a bottle of mosquito repellent oil, "that No, I'll get off the bus later I wanted to promise, but when I thought that I was not familiar with him to use the same thing, I refused.

The man thought for a while and bent down to get her feet, but suddenly the car made a sharp turn, and Tang Shiyi was thrown into Huo Wanding's arms.

Women's arms are very soft, but the situation is not right, he did not enjoy the opportunity to sweep to let him almost stop the heartbeat scene.

Huo Wanding was so bumped by him that his whole body tilted out.There is only one iron chain on both sides of the sightseeing car. Huo Wanding is about to fall down. Her upper half of her body has been tipped out of the sightseeing car. There are still stone hills beside it. If you fall down, you will hit the stone mountain.

Tang Shiyi got up quickly, then grabbed Huo Wan and pulled her in from the outside of the car.

Huo Wanding's head hit his chest because of his action. It was very painful.

She closed her eyes and rubbed her aching forehead. She didn't expect his chest to be so strong.

"How are you?" The man whispered into her ears softly and nervously.

Huo Wan nods, "it's OK."

The driver realized what was going on behind him and slowed down the speed consciously.

Tang Shiyi originally wanted to reprimand him. He felt that the speed of the car was gradually slowing down, so he didn't say anything more.

When Huo Wan calmed down, Tang Shiyi lifted her foot on her leg and said, "I'll wipe mosquito repellent oil for you."

"I'll do it myself..."

Tang Shiyi pressed her leg. "The road here is narrow and winding. You can sit well. I'll come."

Huo Wanding I watched the man unscramble the mosquito repellent oil and carefully spread the liquid on his shoes.

Looking at his side face, Huo Wan Ding couldn't help thinking, what did he look like when he was doing surgery? Are you more serious than now?

"Exhort." She was silent.

"What?" Tang Shiyi took a look at her and continued to apply mosquito repellent oil to her other foot.

"I call it exhortation." Yes, she lied to him.

I'm sorry, Tang Shiyi.

There are too many bad people coming home from childhood. People who are close to her have become bad people who hurt her in the end.

Kidnap, threaten, extort, kill She's been through it all.

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