Mr. Huo's Expensive Cute Wife

Chapter 913

Chapter 913

Tang Shiyi makes the same action as he does, and approaches Xiang Yiliang. The distance between them is very close. Tang Shiyi's expression is cruel, "can't you calm down? So you want to tell me that's why she's doing hypocrisy? "

The hatred in his eyes is clearly seen by Xiang Yiliang!

The confrontation between the two did not persist for two minutes. Xiang Yiliang's legs softened, and he suddenly fell back to his chair and asked an unimportant topic, "Tang Shiyi How did you open my safe? "

Tang Shiyi put his hands into his pocket. He looked at the man in front of him indifferently. He did not hide it. "In order to open your safe, I spent a month practicing opening all kinds of safes. In addition, I used a computer to invade your safe system and cracked your safe password."

I see! Xiang Yiliang closes his eyes.

Within three days, Tang Shiyi cleared his grievances. He took out the monitoring of Xiang Yiliang's meeting with the head nurse Meng ran, the autopsy report of the deceased patient, and the monitoring of Meng Ran's injection of sodium in the operating room, and so on. All kinds of evidence proved that he was framed by Xiang Yiliang.

It also broke out that the case of Chu Zhaoxue 11 years ago was manipulated by Xiang Yiliang. It was Xiang Yiliang who traded fake drugs and caused the death of patients. After the incident, he launched Chu Zhaoxue to cover the crime.

The medical record of the victim, the oral recording of Xiang Yiliang and his assistant, and the confession of the victim's family members who were coerced by Xiang Yiliang All the evidence is in front of the world. Xiang Yiliang confessed to a series of charges.

With the help of her father, Xiang Yixia, Xiang Yixia, the youngest daughter of Xiang Yiliang, made a perjury and destroyed a doctor of Shuangxin, a German doctor.

This matter has a great influence, and the whole Yue city is in a uproar.

Many media were so curious about him that they wanted to interview him, but he refused all the interviews and just answered the reporter on the phone: "the deceased is dead. I don't want to mention the past any more. May she rest in peace."

Recently, Tang Shiyi was so popular in Yuecheng that many people went to the hospital to see him.

But Tang Shiyi did not see any of them. In order to avoid the siege, he chose to take a temporary vacation.

The man in sunglasses got out of the car, opened the trunk, took out a bunch of red carnations and walked to the mountain.

He found a cemetery near the mountain and by the water. He had a grave keeper clean the cemetery regularly. Every time he came to the cemetery, his surroundings were clean.

On the tombstone is a picture of a woman. She is still very young. She seems to know that her son is coming to visit him. She is also very happy.

Tang Shiyi took off the sunglasses and put the red carnation in front of the tombstone. She said in a relaxed tone, "Mom, my son is unfilial. I haven't come to see you for a long time."

He took out a small box from his pocket, which contained neat milk candy. "The milk candy factory that you liked to eat was closed down. Your son bought it. Every time he came to see you, he would bring you your favorite milk candy!"

He took one out of it, put the rest in front of the tombstone, peeled off the milk candy in his hand and put it in front of the tombstone together with a piece of sugar paper. He squatted down and stroked the photo on the tombstone, "you are still as beautiful as before. Have a taste to see if the milk candy is not the taste before? After all, eleven years have passed. "

A gust of wind blows, Tang Shiyi wrapped up his coat. josei

As if he remembered something, he had a soft idea in his eyes, "Mom, I have to report something to you this time. I found you a daughter-in-law, which is beautiful! To tell you the truth, don't be angry, she is more beautiful than you! How about your son, he likes others! But she is so excellent that many people like her. You can bless your son in heaven and marry her home to be your daughter-in-law! "

"You used to hold my ear and say that you grew up to be a playboy. Mom, you are wrong about this. Since the day I met her, I have no interest in other women. I have become the most single-minded man in the world. Are you very happy to hear that? Don't worry! Your son will never be a scum man in his life

"When the research and development is successful, I will propose to her. When we get married, we want another son. We'd better look like me! However, my father-in-law is a troublesome person. If you are free there, you can drag a dream to my father-in-law, so that he can be better to me and be responsible for her daughter earlier! Remember! I'm sure he'll listen to what you said. How can you give my great mother a little face? "

The smile of the woman in the photo remains the same, her eyes have been on the garrulous Tang Shiyi, as if to answer him again, don't worry, son!

Tang Shiyi hugged the tombstone, pressed the cold tombstone on his cheek, and whispered, "Mom, Xiang Yiliang, I have sent him to prison, and I have cleared your accusation for you. Don't be so stupid over there, or you can find a smart son like me to take care of you. I don't mind. On the contrary, you should thank him for me! Mom, you can remember how much I have told you

Tang Shiyi stood up from the tombstone. He put on his sunglasses again and looked at the surrounding environment. "When you were alive, you liked to visit Yangshan County most. Now, you must be more happy to live here every day? Mom, be happy forever! My son is leaving first Let me tell you a secret. I haven't been looking for my daughter-in-law for several days. I have to hurry, or she will be robbed by other men! Goodbye, momThe man gently kisses the woman on the forehead and turns away from the cemetery.

Mom, next time I come back, I'll show you your daughter-in-law.

Back in Yuecheng, Tang Shiyi was driving to enter the community when suddenly a woman ran from the side of the road and blocked in front of his car.

Just now I was ready to enter the community. The speed was very slow. Tang Shiyi stepped on the brake one second before hitting the woman. "Squeak -" the brake sound was very harsh.

He glanced at the girl standing in front of the car and closed her eyes because of fear. He impatiently pressed the horn of the car. "Di -"

Xiang Yixia opened his eyes and ran to knock on Tang Shiyi's window.

Tang Shiyi's car is now blocked at the door, and there is a car behind to enter the community. He opened the window and gave a cold glance at Xiang Yixia, who was a little embarrassed. "Please excuse me, block the car behind you."

Since Xiang Yixia was detained, Xiang Yixia is no longer the president's daughter. His original bright skin color began to dim down. She was wearing the clothes she had worn before. Looking at Tang Shiyi, she couldn't wait to say, "I've been looking for you for two days. Tang Shiyi, I have something to say to you!"

"I have nothing to say to you. Please get out of the way!"

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