Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Ever since learning about Stella's real identity, Wenham couldn't help but feel annoyed whenever he heard Keegan's name.

Not only had he rejected Keegan's previous gifts, but he had also gone as far as returning the wine that Keegan had sent him.

Wenham was determined to sever all ties with Keegan.He had even mentally prepared himself to confront Keegan if he continued to bother Stella, and he never expected them to have spent the night together.

As a father, it was impossible for him not to be furious.

Sensing the growing awkwardness, Stella cleared her throat and intervened, "You guys continue your conversation.I'll go make some tea."

Afterwards, she hastily made her exit, pulling Felicity along with her, leaving Keegan to face Wenham alone.

Wenham threw a glance at Keegan.

When he was about to take a seat, he heard Keegan saying, "Uncle Wenham, make yourself at home.Take a seat."

Instantly, Wenham changed his mind and stood upright.

"I prefer standing.It's better for my muscles."

Keegan paused briefly, then grabbed the slant board next to the sofa and positioned it in front of Wenham.

"Uncle Wenham, try this.It can help strengthen your knees."

Wenham was speechless.

'Why is this young man so shameless? Wasn't it obvious that I just didn't want to do as he said?’ Kegan added, "Stella uses this for stretching very often, and it's actually very good for the knees."

He stood on it to show Wenham as he spoke.

"Would you like to try?"

Wenham wanted to ignore him, but he got interested as soon as he heard that Stella would use it very often.

A slant board was designed for a person to stand on it where the person's heel would be on the ground and his toes would be lifted upward.

Standing on it would stretch the person's calves, and it would start to hurt very soon for people who were not used to exercising.

The expression on Wenham's face immediately changed as soon as he stepped on it.

'Is this brat trying to mess with me? Keegan even motivated him at the side.

"Do five to six sets of three minutes each every day, and I guarantee that you're going to be fitter than ever."

Wenham had long forgotten about settling the score with Keegan as he asked after just a few seconds, "How many seconds left? Is it done yet? Why is it taking so long?"

Keegan told him that he still had a long way to go and asked, "Uncle Wenham, why didn't you tell me that you like Luna? I can customize a unit for you, so that you don't have to come all the way just for it."

Wenham's face was turning red from the stretching, and he had completely forgotten about Luna as he blurted out, "I didn't come here for Luna."

Keegan paused and kept asking, "Didn't you just say that you're here to see Luna?"

Wenham realized that he said something wrong and immediately recorrected himself, "Yeah, I'm here to see Luna."

Keegan smiled without saying anything.

However, his gaze turned a little gloomy.

‘How shameless can Trevor be? Unable to win Stella's affection, he's now seeking his father's help?’ Keegan couldn't find any other explanation for Wenham's abrupt change in attitude toward him.

He was convinced that Wenham viewed Stella as a potential daughter-in-law, which clarified the cold treatment he received as her ex- husband.

It was at that moment that Keegan realized why Wenham had shown no interest in the potential marriage partners he had suggested for Trevor.

The realization struck him deeply, and he silently pondered, ‘It appears that both father and son are plotting to take Stella away from me!’ "Has it been three minutes yet?"

Wenham couldn't bear the tension any longer and asked impatiently.

Keegan glanced at the timer, which displayed three minutes and fifty-eight seconds, and responded in a flat tone, "It's only been a minute and a half.Just hang in there."

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