Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044

Hylda made herself very clear.

She would not have a problem with raising Xenia’s baby, but Albert had to make their marriage look pretty to everyone else.

She was a homewrecker who managed to replace Rainee, yet the same thing was going to happen to her. She knew that she would become everybody else’s laughingstock if they ever found out about this.

The reason she wanted to have a wedding ceremony was simply to conceal the fact that Albert had another illegitimate child with another woman. She just did not want to become a joke in the upper- class social circle of Rivera.

Albert was immediately convinced upon hearing what Hylda said.

He knew that Hylda would put her dignity before anything else in the world.

Although Hylda would act feeble and gentle in front of him, he knew very well what kind of person she was; a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Albert figured that he should be more cautious if she told him she wanted to have the wedding ceremony solely because she loved him.

However, everything made sense to Albert after he listened to Hylda’s reasons.

Albert thought for a moment and softly said, “That’s a very good idea, but… you’re pregnant now. Planning a wedding ceremony can be very tiring. I’m worried that you’ll be exhausted now that you’re pregnant.”

Hylda sighed. “I’m only doing this for the sake of that child. We can just keep the ceremony simple. I wouldn’t mind.”

Albert immediately regretted what he did to Hylda upon hearing those words.

He fell silent for a while before he said, “Don’t say that. I know this is very hard for you. You’ve gone through so much with me all these years. You always told me that wearing a wedding dress is the dream of every woman, yet you’ve never worn one. I couldn’t give you that when I was younger, but it wouldn’t be right for me to not give it to you now since I have the means. If we’re going to have a wedding ceremony, we’ll make it a grand one. You don’t have to worry about the preparations. Just focus on taking care of yourself and the baby at home. I’ll handle everything.”

Hylda looked emotionless when she said in a gentle voice, “Thank you, Albert.”

The look on Albert’s face turned less tense. “I’m coming back soon. What do you feel like eating? I’ll bring some food back for you.”

Hylda could not help but think about Albert wearing an apron and cooking for another woman when she heard what he said. It made her feel


“It’s fine. I don’t really have an appetite these days. There’s nothing I want to eat.”

“I’ll get some fruits for you, then. Even if you don’t feel like eating, we can’t let our son go hungry.”

Hylda sneered. ‘As expected, the baby is all he cares about.’

After she hung up the phone, Sophia, who was sitting at the side, could not hold herself back anymore. “Mom, have you lost your mind because of that little slut? Are you really going to raise her baby as your own? What is wrong with you?”

Hylda put her phone aside. Then, she looked up and flatly said, “Do you have a better idea to get rid of her, then?”

“Let’s just get someone to watch her. I’m sure that we’ll eventually catch those bodyguards slacking. And when that happens, we’ll seize the opportunity and kidnap her to the hospital.”

Hylda looked at Sophia as if she was an idiot. “Do you think that you own the hospital, and the doctors would terminate a pregnancy for someone you kidnapped there? Use your brain! Would you have come to me if you could get close to her?”

Sophia froze and her heart skipped a beat. “Mom, what do you mean?”

Hylda’s expression was cold. She knew her own daughter well enough to see through Sophia’s true intentions.

Sophia obviously got very upset ever since she found out about Hylda’s pregnancy. It was just impossible for her to be happy about dividing her family’s inheritance with another person.

She restrained herself a little from showing her dissatisfaction in front of Hylda, but her resentment completely took over her as soon as she found out that Xenia had a baby boy.

Hylda was not bothered to expose her because they had a common enemy. She had no problem with her daughter being ambitious.

Then, Hylda said with a deep voice, “How will we ever have the chance to get close to that slut if I didn’t suggest having a wedding ceremony?”

She leaned close to Sophia and whispered.

Sophia was stunned and suddenly realized what Hylda was trying to do.’ Mom, are you…

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