Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046

Daniel replied in an unhappy tone, "Did you call to argue with me?"

Stella chuckled before she said softly, "I was worried that you would be upset by the capitalist's game. So, I called to check on you."

Daniel scoffed and said, "Do what you're supposed to do, and don't think about these unnecessary things. We did our best, and we should just leave the rest to fate. It doesn't matter what the outcome will be as long as we did our part.”

"Well... we can actually do more." Stella paused and continued, "If they can reschedule their premiere, we can dig up their scandals. They like to use plagiarism as their marketing strategy, right?

"Let's stir up the topic even more and cause an even bigger commotion. We can contact the original authors and get them to file a lawsuit against them too. Let's expose all the previous shows that they plagiarized to make money.

"We'll emphasize protecting the original authors’ interests and condemning those shows that claimed the drama or actors have nothing to do with the original work, yet they benefited from it. They stole the work of someone else and repackaged it as a brand-new drama to fool uninformed audiences. How despicable is that!

"If they want the attention so badly, let's use that against them to ruin their reputation. It would be best if we could get rid of this corrupt practice in the industry. If we can't do well, no one will either.”

Daniel was taken aback and said after a while. "W-Who taught you that?”

"My heart of justice.”

The edge of Daniel's mouth twitched. "I can notice that there are some personal grudges involved here. Is it because Bella stole your dog?”

Stella kept quiet.

‘It's been so long. How could he still remember it?’

Stella coughed. "I found the dog.”

"Oh." Daniel lifted his brows. "Does it still recognize you as its owner?"

Stella replied, "He became even more clingier than before.”

Daniel clicked his tongue without saying anything.

Then, he said, "Keep that thought to yourself, and don't spread it around to others. Your idea is not only going to offend one or two people but more than half of the industry and their fans. You think you're doing something righteous, yet you're just a villain destroying their idols’ stardom to the fans. All of them will come after you."

Stella replied, "I wasn't planning to do that. I want you to do it, and I'll repost it using a fake account of mine. After all, I'm going to earn a lot less money if those fans were to really come after me.”

Daniel was speechless.

"Shut up and get lost."

He hung up right after he said that.He thought that Stella was calling to console him, but she actually wanted to mock him!

‘She looks like a decent person. I just can't imagine that she would propose something like that!’

Keegan was in his office. He handed the revised document to Aldor and said in a flat tone, "Check it again. If there are no problems with it, duplicate a few copies and distribute them. Follow the instructions written here.”

He stretched his arm out for a while, yet no one came to take the document from him. He frowned and looked up.

Then, he saw his assistant scrolling through Facebook with his head down.

Keegan pursed his lips and threw the document on his desk. He lightly tapped his fingers on the desk and said, "Do you need a day off just to play with your phone?”

Aldor recollected himself and immediately showed his phone to Keegan. "Mr. Kane, the premiere of World Peace has been rescheduled, and it will be airing at the same time as The Palace tonight. The viewership of Madam's new drama will probably be affected.”

"Oh," Keegan said. Then, he asked, “Is that why you're slacking off at work?”

Aldor was speechless.

“Aren't you worried at all?"

Keegan put the cap back on his pen and nonchalantly said, ” Get it printed now."

Aldor stopped speaking as he thought to himself, ‘This is such a perfect chance for him to prove himself, yet he doesn't care at all. ls this because he already won her back?’

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