Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1142

Chapter 1142

Chapter 1142

Chapter 1142

Felicity walked over and handed Vermont a bottle of water.” Do you want to sit and rest for a while?” she asked in a low voice.

Vermont smiled, nodded, and walked to the side with his cell phone. “Let Stella know that you don’t feel comfortable with the situation. Don’t tell her what to do though. Just tell her where it hurts. You have to be tactful in love. Don’t just rush into things, and don’t try to keep things from your partner. Let her in on everything and exaggerate the situation sometimes.

“If there is a third party in the relationship, it’s useless to target them. You have to target the person you’re with! Only dumbasses would target the other party. It’ll make you look like a clown, and the third party would get what they want!”

“Well, there is no third party in our relationship. Stella only likes me,” said Keegan.

“If you say so. Remember to talk to her. My ride’s here. I’ll talk to you later.” Seeing Felicity approach him, Vermont immediately hung up the phone.

Keegan held his phone in his hand and thought about what Vermont had said. When Stella came out of the shower, she saw Keegan changing the duvet cover. She was surprised to see him do that since he did not even wash his own clothes or change the bed sheets.

As she brushed her hair, she strode over and sat on the edge of the bed. “This cover hasn’t been used forthat long. Why are you changing it?”

“Didn’t you say that it felt uncomfortable on your skin yesterday?” Keegan asked as he continued to work on the cover.

“All I said was that it felt a little rough.” Stella helped him pull the corner of the duvet and continued, “I used to tell you to squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom and throw your dirty clothes in the hamper, but you always forgot. Why is it that you remember me mentioning the duvet? Why are you suddenly so attentive? Are you hiding something?”

“Well, there is something on my mind,” said Keegan.

“What is it?”

Keegan sighed. “It’s just… What happened today suddenly reminded me of what you said to me before. It’s making me feel ashamed.”

“What did I say?” Stella wondered.

“You said that I wasn’t there for you every time something happened, and I promised you there wouldn’t be a next time. But look at what happened today.” Even though Keegan said that to pull at Stella’s heartstrings, he was still annoyed at himself for being absent at some of her crucial moments.

Stella very much agreed with his notion. “You know how the male lead always shows up when the female lead gets into trouble? Yeah. It makes you seem weak in comparison. You

should hire ten bodyguards to protect me when I go out and customize bullet-proof windows for my car.”

Keegan was speechless when he heard that. “Are you making fun of me?” he asked.

Stella chuckled and said, “You should really stop thinking of me as a weak and innocent bunny who needs saving, Keegan. What I said before was partly out of anger. The only things I blame you for were the car accident and my mother’s funeral. The former disheartened me, and the latter killed me.”

Keegan did not know what to say. Not only did he not gain Stella’s sympathy, but he opened up her old wounds. In order to stop her from bringing everything up, Keegan decided to please her. He stopped working on the duvet and said, “The milk should be warmed up by now. I’ll go down and get it.”

It took Keegan quite some time to return to the room while Stella had already gotten the duvet cover done herself.

Grabbing the milk Keegan handed over, Stella took a sip before she said, “Remember to delete your browsing history the next time you search for how to gain sympathy.”

Her comments left him stunned.

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