Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

“Have I ever told you that Hylda was one of the students my mother sponsored? She was the only student in her group who didn’t go to university but attended a nursing school,” Stella revealed.

Keegan recalled that Hylda’s academic pursuits had been hindered after getting involved with Albert, leading her to choose nursing school as an alternative. It was not too bad, as it still granted her a diploma.

“She has some medical knowledge, and from what I remember, my mom wasn’t in bad health. However, she couldn’t conceive despite several attempts, even after a successful IVF that ended in a miscarriage,” Stella continued.

Keegan quickly understood what Stella was trying to say. “So, you believe that Hylda has something to do with your mother’s infertility?”

Stella looked at him and asked, “What do you think?”

Keegan thought about it and said, “Prescription drugs aren’t easily obtained, and improper use of abortion medications can be dangerous.”

This meant that the drugs Hylda administered to Xenia must have been obtained through reliable channels. ‘If we could find out where she got those meds, we might uncover whether she was involved in mom’s miscarriage years ago,’ thought Stella.

“Don’t worry. I’ll have someone look into it. She’ll be held accountable for her actions if she had something to do with it,” Keegan assured her.

Just then, Felicity rushed upstairs and yelled, “Homewrecker Hylda lost the baby!”

Vermont followed behind her and said, “Keep your voice down, will you?”

Felicity hurriedly covered her mouth and whispered, “Hylda had a miscarriage. The nurses said it was a boy. Albert is downstairs crying like his own parents just died.”

Stella and Keegan exchanged glances, and the latter suggested, “Should we go take a look?”

Stella hesitated. “I don’t think I should go. She might suspect something.”

“You not being there would be even more suspicious. Come on. It’ll be fine.”

Convinced by his reasoning, Stella decided to go and check on Hylda.

Hylda had just finished surgery, and she looked pale. Due to the blood loss on her way to the hospital, she was currently receiving a blood transfusion.

Albert was at the side, looking dejected. ‘How could this have happened..? ” he said.

Hylda gently held his hand. Her eyes were red, as she said, “I’m sorry. I failed to protect our child, Albert.”

Albert was filled with anguish over the loss of his son and could not help but scold Hylda, “Why did you go to the gazebo that was so high up, knowing your condition? Don’t you know your limit?”

Hylda’s face flushed red upon hearing that. She could not believe that Albert cared about the loss of his son more than her.

Ian frowned and said, “Do you think my sister feels good about losing the baby, Albert? She just underwent a miscarriage and is in a weak state. So, shut up. Her health should be our priority.”

Albert did not have much affection for his brother-in-law. He did not appreciate how Ian had relied on Hylda for financial support during his entrepreneurial endeavors. Albert was also unhappy that he was not able to gain some benefits from Ian now that he was part of the Moore family. When Ian married into the Moore family, the only thing Albert got was a gift from Irene.

“Don’t tell me what to do. I’m well aware of the situation,” Albert retorted.

“Uncle Ian is just concerned about mom. The child would be fine if it weren’t for that wench. Don’t vent your anger on the wrong person, dad.” Sophia immediately defended her uncle.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Olivia stood there with a fruit basket and asked, “Is Mrs. Jewell okay? Is the baby safe?”

The atmosphere in the room grew even more intense.

Albert did not respond to her question. Instead, he stood up and said, “Mrs. Chapman, what brings you here?”

“I was worried about Mrs. Jewell after the incident on my property. I also brought a copy of the surveillance footage since I thought you might want to take a look, Mr. Jewell,” Olivia explained in a warm voice.

Upon hearing that, Hylda froze.

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