Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321

Vermont often had a way with words. He was also good with his actions, making it hard to complain. Even Felicity had to admit that her grudge seemed somewhat unreasonable.

‘It seems like I can’t be mad at him now. He’s not to blame when I’m the one who has feelings for him,’ she thought.

As Felicity stepped into the water, Vermont took her hand.” Here. Hold onto me. Don’t slip.”

Felicity’s head was in a mess at that point. In the end, she found herself sitting where Vermont had saved for her.

Following that, Vermont settled beside her and extended his arm protectively around her. “Feels nice, right?” He tilted his head and said.

Felicity was about to answer when Vermont’s well-defined chest appeared before her eyes. She could vaguely see his firm abs under the water.

This sent her into a whirlwind of emotions.

‘Why doesn’t he have a beer belly? Considering his indulgent lifestyle, shouldn’t he be carrying some extra weight? How is it possible that he looks like a fitness model? I’ve been cooking him good food these few days. Why is he still so fit when I gained 7lbs despite eating less than before?’ Felicity wondered.

Little did she know that Vermont had put in extra hours at the gym to win her over. Every day after dinner, he would dedicate two hours to working out to burn the extra calories. He wanted to look his best while trying to capture her heart, and his efforts seemed to pay off.

Felicity’s gaze lingered on Vermont’s physique, her eyes widening in appreciation.

Seeing this, Vermont leaned in and whispered, “Do you want to touch it?”

“Of course… not!” Felicity snapped back to reality, her face red as she glared at him. “You pervert!”

Felicity’s response made Vermont laugh, causing his chest to vibrate and create ripples in the water. “All the other girls are wearing bikinis. Why are you all covered up? It’s pretty hot in here.”

“Do you think I want to be in this? I don’t have a tiny waist or thin legs. I’d be ridiculed if I wore a bikini!” Felicity replied, annoyed.

Vermont was momentarily taken aback upon hearing that. He smiled and said, “You should know that curvy bodies are just as beautiful as slender ones. Plus, the dream bods you see in the media are often unrealistic. Do you think those celebrities actually want to be that skinny? They do it for the camera. Do you know that some only consume carbs once every few days?”

“Why not every day?”

“Because they want to maintain their figure and don’t have time to hit the gym. Their schedules are packed. So, they resort to controlling their diet. Bella Young once went seventeen days without carbs just to appear better on camera. Though she looks good on screen, we both know how she looks in real life,” Vermont explained.

‘Oh, please. She doesn’t even look that great on screen. Her fans are the ones who find her pretty,’ thought Felicity.

Seeing her zone out, Vermont playfully poked her belly, saying, “Women naturally accumulate fat in their lower abdomen more than men because they’re designed to bear children. It’s a protective mechanism forthem and the baby.”

“Stop spewing baseless nonsense!” said Felicity as she swatted his hand away.

Vermont chuckled and leaned closer, whispering in her ear,” I find it cute.”

Felicity was not even remotely overweight; she only had a belly that was noticeable when she sat down. She had muscles in her arms and legs and was curvy from the front and back. However, she usually wore casual clothes that didn’t emphasize her figure, like the one-piece swimsuit she was wearing. Yet even in this modest attire, she still garnered plenty of attention on her way to the hot spring.

Her figure was truly captivating.

Felicity glanced at Vermont coldly and said, “It sounds so weird coming from you. Didn’t all your ex- girlfriends have big boobs, tiny waists, and slender legs?”

Vermont was momentarily speechless when he heard that. He cleared his throat and said, “Those were my younger days. Men tend to be shallow and often only go for looks when they’re young. But I’ve matured now.”

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