Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1330

Chapter 1330

Chapter 1330

“I bet you’d find it delicious even if he handed you a glass of poison,” Vermont responded dryly, but Felicity ignored him.

“Here, Stella. Give it a try.”

Stella took a sip and wrinkled her nose, “It’s a little too sweet for me. You have it.”

“The sweetness is what helps mask the taste of the alcohol,” Felicity explained as she downed the glass in one gulp.

The party also featured magic performances and appearances by internet celebrities. Stella was not too interested in the two, so she secretly slipped away with Keegan to a private room for a soak in the hot spring.

Perhaps it was fate, but the room they entered was the same one they were in two years ago.

Stella brought up the past as she nestled in Keegan’s arms, “Do you remember that time when we were here?”

Keegan nodded.

“Do you know you slept in here for an entire day?” complained Stella.

Keegan chuckled and said, “I was really exhausted that day.”

Stella snorted, “I brought so many clothes that day, wanting to show them to you. But you slept like a log.”

Keegan paused. ’Did you bring them this time?” he asked.

“What? Of course not. We’re here for Jaylene’s birthday party. Why the hell would I bring any sexy clothes?”

Keegan seemed slightly disappointed. “Hmm… How about I ask Aldor to bring them over?”

Stella’s eyelid twitched. ’You’re really something else, huh?” she said.

Keegan was just teasing her; he had no habit of doing anything sexual in public spaces. He cherished the time he spent with Stella, even if they were not doing anything.

The pool of water they were in was hot. The two of them were sweating profusely after a short while. Stella started feeling a bit lightheaded and breathless, possibly due to the heat.

She pushed Keegan’s hand away and said, “I need some fresh air. It’s getting a little uncomfortable in here.”

Keegan nodded and prepared to get out of the water as well.

“You can keep soaking. It’s not often that you get the chance to relax. The warm water is good for your body,” said Stella.

Keegan gave her a faint smile and said, “My body is not that weak. I need to go get my charger upstairs. I can order some food for you while I’m at it.

I can hear your stomach growling.”

“Alright, I’ll wait for you then.’

After Keegan went upstairs, Stella opened the balcony door and breathed the cold air. The fresh air was invigorating, and it relieved much of her discomfort.

Inside the room, the lights were off, creating a serene atmosphere. Stella sat on a nearby chair, squinting her eyes as she gazed at the distant lights.

A short while later, she heard the door creak. Stella was taken aback.’ Could Keegan have returned so quickly?’ She did not move. She had been in the hot spring for quite some time, and her body felt a bit limp. She did not feel like getting up. Soon, she sensed someone standing behind her.

With her eyes closed, Stella waited three seconds before suddenly opening them and looking back. The person seemed surprised that Stella was awake and hesitated for a second before attempting to flee.

Stella had not even comprehended what was happening when she reached out and grabbed the person’s clothing. The person panicked and tried to pry Stella’s hand away while making a dash for the door. Stella immediately shouted at the top of her lungs, “Help!”

Upon hearing her cry, the person turned around and tried to cover Stella’s mouth.

In the midst of their struggle, Stella’s foot accidentally knocked over a vase in the corner, causing it to shatter.

Within seconds, the door was forcefully pushed open. The person who had been covering Stella’s mouth was suddenly lifted with great force and flung into the hot spring.

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